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Some Questions for Haters and Non-Haters Alike.


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Here's how this is going to work, I'll present 3 questions and you can provide 3 answers with short explanations. You don't even have to post an explanation, I just want to see how everyone answers. I'm especially eager to see how AJ, Mass, etc. answer. This is a chance to show that you guys are more than trolls. No need to argue or be negative, just answer the questions and give a little info about why you chose what you chose. No one should be judged for what they right in this thread. It's just simple Q and A to see who some favorites are on the team.


1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

I'll go first.

1) Jason Campbell- I like Campbell because he is a barometer for the entire team, if he plays well than we are going to have a good season. But if he doesn't progress or regresses than this could be a long season.

2) Drafting 2 WRs in the second round- For the price of a late first round pick we were able to pick up (arguably) the top 2 receivers in the draft. This kind of thing gets me excited about this year and the future.

3) Zorn- This seems kind of obvious and I wish I had a better 3rd question but we did get a lot of new coaches and players in. The guy just has the energy and seems to reach the players on a different level than Gibbs II did.

Lets have some fun with this, remember just answers no bashing other peoples choices.

After all this senseless arguing I think that a thread like this will help chill everyone down. And like I said I hope AJ and Mass show up, write their three answers and then just sit back and chill. No need for negativity and arguing. :cheers:

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1) If it has to be active, CP, but it will always be #21.

2) Picking up Devin Thomas, Fred Davis, and Malcolm Kelly all in the 2nd round. Still not sure how the hell we were able to do that!

3) Definately Zorn. The more stories I read on him and the more interviews I watch, I like the guy more and more. I think anyone who was upset with the hiring have probably been quieted by now.

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1. Chris Cooley - no explanation should be needed.

2. Erasmus James for a conditional 7th - because it pissed off MSF so much.

3. Devin Thomas - because we desperately needed that big WR and he was the best in the draft.

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1. Portis- I would do the Roland trade over again. He doesn't get hurt in 06, we would have made the playoffs last 3 years instead of 2 out of 3. The costumes clinch it.

2. Resigning Collins. Has double JC's career wins against the NFCE and against teams that finished above .500. He accomplished it in 3 weeks as starter.

3. Hoping Chris Horton makes the team. He went to my school.

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1. Clinton - not just for his running ability but also the way he goes all out to block on pass plays. (I should probably say JC since I'm an Auburn fan but he hasn't shown me enough consistency yet to be the franchise quarterback.)

2. Definitely the two WR picks. Taller with the skills to go round 2 in the draft. They have to have a positive impact on the offense regardless of who the quarterback is.

3. Got to be Zorn. I'm hoping he can take Jason's game to the next level.

From a mod post I saw yesterday, you might not get a response from MSF in The Stadium but I can't find the post now.

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1)CP, has since he got here. But I'm also a fan of Moss, actually even before he became a skin. Of course ST, but you did say 'active'.

2) It's hard for me to pick out just one thing, other than the draft as a whole. If I had to name a specific player, I'd say Thomas.

3) Of Course Zorn, no brainer. There's a new vibe, lets hope it is implemented on the field.

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1) If it has to be active, CP, but it will always be #21.

2) Picking up Devin Thomas, Fred Davis, and Malcolm Kelly all in the 2nd round. Still not sure how the hell we were able to do that!

3) Definately Zorn. The more stories I read on him and the more interviews I watch, I like the guy more and more. I think anyone who was upset with the hiring have probably been quieted by now.

i'm with this :cheers:
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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster? Alex Buzbee currently with Cooley a close second. Buz is going to turn some heads soon IMO.

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season? Erasmus James for a conditional 7th round pick. A low risk move that could turn out real nice for us in the future.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)? Morocco Brown coming in to head the personnel department - I've read some glowing things about him.

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1) This is a tough one. On defense I've been a big Marcus Washington fan since the day he got here. On offense its Cooley.

2) Can a lack of an offseason move be my favorite? Hope so, because thats what I'm going with. Instead of throwing money at overpriced WRs like Jerry Porter and Javon Walker or mortgaging our future for a guy like Ocho Cinco, we got GREAT value in Malcom Kelly and Devin Thomas in the 2nd round of the draft.

3) Gotta be Zorn. He has boom or bust written all over him. Either way, it will be an interesting ride with him at the helm.

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

Gotta go with Portis, love the personality and the work ethic, he's a great player and a team leader.

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

Getting Thomas and Kelly in the draft, and not making any stupid FA moves.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

Either Zorn or Morocco Brown, but I'm rooting for Zorn the most right now, I like what I see so far.

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?


2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

Vinny's promotion. Because now you know it's ALL on him. No more second guessing if Dan or Gibbs or anyone else was behind a move or anything else.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most?

Zorn. Watch a few interviews, you'll know why.

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster? Chris Cooley

2)What was your favorite offseason move this season? Getting the extra draft picks and getting Thomas and Ray Guy..errr I mean Durant Brooks. Brooks will change games with the field position.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)? Jim Zorn

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2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

Vinny's promotion. Because now you know it's ALL on him. No more second guessing if Dan or Gibbs or anyone else was behind a move or anything else.

So you're waiting for him to screw up so we can really pin it on him?

Sheesh and I thought I was cynical.


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1. My favorite player is Kid Bro Sweeeeeeeeeets. #21. CP in da Hizzay.

2. I think Justin Tyron is going to be nice nickle-back. He is will quick. Real strong . He benched 225lbs. 21 times at the combine weighing 190 lbs. at 5'9"

3. I think Stump Mitchell has lit a fire under Clinton Portis. Clinton seems more determine than ever. I saw Portis at Tysons Corner mall and he looked "Swole". :lift:

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1) If it has to be active, CP, but it will always be #21.

2) Picking up Devin Thomas, Fred Davis, and Malcolm Kelly all in the 2nd round. Still not sure how the hell we were able to do that!

3) Definately Zorn. The more stories I read on him and the more interviews I watch, I like the guy more and more. I think anyone who was upset with the hiring have probably been quieted by now.

Ditto, except for #1. Forever 21, but now it's Big LL.

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1) Favorite Player...probably have to say Cooley.

2) Favorite Offseason move....i'd have to say the fact we didnt sign some rundown/overpriced FA. Although we did TRY to give away 2 picks for Chad Johnson.

3) Favorite New Person/Member of the team...for some reason Im starting to like Devin Thomas a lot. I am glad we drafted a WR rather than give up 17 picks and a bundle of money for one though.

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ok I will play!!

1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

I would probably go with Landry...I love guys who play without regards to there bodies health...its awesome to watch. (would be #21...was the best I have seen at this)

2)What was your favorite offseason move this season?

I think getting Erasmus James...we got a possible stud D-line men which we needed for nearly nothing...the best part is also how we got him...if he would of went to Free Agency, there would have been probably about 10 teams who would have bid on him...great job FO

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

I think I would go with Devin Thomas...I really dont know much about him but he seems to have a little swager about him...

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1) Mike Sellers. He's a beast. I hope he retires a Redskin. Have to go with Smoot on D.

2) Not signing Chad Johnson. Did NOT want that guy on the team.

3) Zorn. He's young and with time could prove to be one of the best moves the front office ever made. Plus, he just seems like such a likeable person.

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster? Chris Cooley, followed closely by LaRon.

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

I have 2. One, letting Brandon Lloyd go, and two bringing in Durant Brooks to push or take over for, Derrick Frost.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

I am excited to have Jim Zorn aboard. It will be interesting to see what he can do.

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

LaRon Landry. I've always had a special place for defensive backs, and I think that he'll be something special.

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

Our non-moves in free agency.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

Zorn. He just gives me a good feeling, something new, something fresh. Even if he doesn't work out, I feel like we didn't go out there and sign a name/chin just to sign a name/chin.

And, for the record, I doubt that Mass will show up. Kinda hard to do that when you're banned.

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