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Some Questions for Haters and Non-Haters Alike.


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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

Cooooooooooooley. 'nuff said.

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

Hard to say right now. Erasamus James could be the answer, but I need a couple months to know for sure. ;)

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

Does a "new CP" count? I'm lovin the fact that the coaches basically asked him to step up and be a leader - and it looks like he's doing just that. If he (and the rest of the O-line) stay healthy, I think it's reasonable to think he could go for 1,800+ yds. this year in the new "Zoffense."


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1. I really have grown to like London Fletcher. He plays w/such heart and brings it every game. He's consistent and dependable. He shows leadership on & off the field. I like his tenacity. #2 would be Landry(it pains me to say this b/c he "no shows" to fan events so much). But he's got the tools to become such a great player and I believe in the years to come he will surpass ST's accomplishments. His potential is enormous and hopefully he won't blow it or get hurt anytime soon.

2. I like that we didn't go crazy w/anything this offseason. I think getting James for that type of bargain basement price was great and forward thinking. I hope he can stay relatively healthy and contribute on some level.

3. I'd have to go w/Zorn b/c I haven't had an opportunity to see the other new members yet interacting w/the fans, media, or anything else. I'm excited to see what the lowdown is going to be this year. He's a big ? at this point...and that could be a good thing going into the season. I'm trying to keep my excitement on an even keel so I won't fall too far if the need be..but I can't wait until the season starts!

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1) Laron Landry - I just think he has "future of the franchise" written all over him. (Although his numerous failures to appear at signings etc. REALLY bothers me since it exemplifies his lack of maturity and appreciation for the fans but I am hopeful he will grow out of this).

2) Like some of the other posters, I like the THINGS we DIDN'T do. (ie ocho cinco, trading draft picks for old vets etc).

3) Gotta be Zorn - No clue what he'll be like but he's got the right attitude and attitude is half the battle IMO.

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1) I don't have a favorite player on the team, believe it or not. They're all pretty equal. It was Darrell Green for 20 years and it's been hard to replace him since he left.

2) Probably the draft. The draft was probably the best in years.

3) Probably Devin Thomas because he is from my wife's old area.

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1) Favorite Redskin player currently on the roster? Todd Collins, for salvaging the 2007 season from the mess it was headed towards. He got one shot and made the most of it. Honorable mention: Reed Doughty -- the guy is a non-flashy, steady tackling player, who has stepped in ably at SS. Since he's an old-school type of player, I suspect we won't ever have to worry about him hurting our chances with some inopportune, bone-headed taunting penalty.

2) Favorite offseason move this season? Not signing "Flapping-Chad" Johnson. Honorable mentions -- drafting Durant Brooks; taking a flyer on Erasmus James; picking up Scott Schweigert.

3) New member of the Redskins family I like most: From press-clippings -- Durant Brooks. From what I've observed on TV or heard on radio -- Malcom Kelly (I like the guy's skills, humor, and approach; I suspect he'll surprise folks early on.)

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