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Some Questions for Haters and Non-Haters Alike.


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Here's how this is going to work, I'll present 3 questions and you can provide 3 answers with short explanations. You don't even have to post an explanation, I just want to see how everyone answers. I'm especially eager to see how AJ, Mass, etc. answer. This is a chance to show that you guys are more than trolls. No need to argue or be negative, just answer the questions and give a little info about why you chose what you chose. No one should be judged for what they right in this thread. It's just simple Q and A to see who some favorites are on the team.


1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

I'll go first.

1) Jason Campbell- I like Campbell because he is a barometer for the entire team, if he plays well than we are going to have a good season. But if he doesn't progress or regresses than this could be a long season.

2) Drafting 2 WRs in the second round- For the price of a late first round pick we were able to pick up (arguably) the top 2 receivers in the draft. This kind of thing gets me excited about this year and the future.

3) Zorn- This seems kind of obvious and I wish I had a better 3rd question but we did get a lot of new coaches and players in. The guy just has the energy and seems to reach the players on a different level than Gibbs II did.

Lets have some fun with this, remember just answers no bashing other peoples choices.

After all this senseless arguing I think that a thread like this will help chill everyone down. And like I said I hope AJ and Mass show up, write their three answers and then just sit back and chill. No need for negativity and arguing. :cheers:

1. Its a tough call. I would have to say Cooley, with Portis in a close second. Cooley is laid back, yet works hard. Says whats on his mind. And damn, does he produce. Modern day Riggo

2. I think my favorite offseason move was not making a huge FA splash. It was a mix of Vinny/Dan being patient and them not getting the big WR they wanted.

3. This is tough as well. While my first instinct was to go with Zorn, I would have to say Devin Thomas. Many labeled him as a one year wonder, but I just get the feeling he is going to develop into a premiere receiver. He has the size and speed, I just hope he has the work ethic and determination.

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ok I will play!!

1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

I would probably go with Landry...I love guys who play without regards to there bodies health...its awesome to watch. (would be #21...was the best I have seen at this)

2)What was your favorite offseason move this season?

I think getting Erasmus James...we got a possible stud D-line men which we needed for nearly nothing...the best part is also how we got him...if he would of went to Free Agency, there would have been probably about 10 teams who would have bid on him...great job FO

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

I think I would go with Devin Thomas...I really dont know much about him but he seems to have a little swager about him...

Nice! I feel the same way about Thomas. Here's to hoping we are right! :cheers:

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1) Favorite Player...probably have to say Cooley.

2) Favorite Offseason move....i'd have to say the fact we didnt sign some rundown/overpriced FA. Although we did TRY to give away 2 picks for Chad Johnson.

3) Favorite New Person/Member of the team...for some reason Im starting to like Devin Thomas a lot. I am glad we drafted a WR rather than give up 17 picks and a bundle of money for one though.

Get out of my head! :laugh:

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Since none of the "haters" seem to be playing along, allow me to answer for them...

1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

Well it was Brandon Lloyd until the idiot front office let him go. Over-the-hill Gibbs screwed BL royally and never gave him a chance. The dude had SKILZ. he was just misunderstood. I used to kill in Madden with BL.

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

Vinny trying to get Chad Johnson. It shows he's an idiot and that Danny Boy is still pulling the strings.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

Bill Cowher. He's not here yet, but Snyder screwed Fassell to hire an inexperienced, inept has been quarterback as head coach. He's setting Zorn up for failure so that he can hire Cowher.


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Since none of the "haters" seem to be playing along, allow me to answer for them...

1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

Well it was Brandon Lloyd until the idiot front office let him go. Over-the-hill Gibbs screwed BL royally and never gave him a chance. The dude had SKILZ. he was just misunderstood. I used to kill in Madden with BL.

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

Vinny trying to get Chad Johnson. It shows he's an idiot and that Danny Boy is still pulling the strings.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

Bill Cowher. He's not here yet, but Snyder screwed Fassell to hire an inexperienced, inept has been quarterback as head coach. He's setting Zorn up for failure so that he can hire Cowher.


Nice! :notworthy

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1) Antwaan Randle-El. Love the guys enthusiasm for the game.

2) Sherman Smith and Stump Mitchell. The fact that Zorn could bring in coaches who know him and his system will be invaluable to him in his first head coaching job.

3) Coach Zorn. I like the freshness and the unconventional ideas he brings to the table.

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1. This may be impossible to answer definitively, because there are about 5 players that tie as my "favorite". But I'll go with Portis, because I love his intensity, effort and leadership. Love watching him run, love watching him block, love watching him pass.

2. The entire front office makeover that took place. Vinny as "GM", Campbell promoted, Morocco Brown brought in...I think these moves and restructuring of the FO will pay huge dividends, and soon. Everything that has taken place, from hiring Zorn to drafting Thomas and Kelly to picking up James for a conditional 7th, can be traced to the reorganization of the FO.

3. It's Zorn for now. I find myself being glad he's the Skins' head coach whenever I see one of his interviews. It's beyond obvious what Snyder and Vinny saw in him and why they kept going back to him as the best option in their eyes. All the talk about him being nothing but a "last resort" due to all the other candidates dropping out seem even MORE ludicrious now after watching Zorn in action.

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its a tie offense is COOOley and Defense is LL 'Dirty 30' if i had to pick i would choose LaROn because there is nothing like watch a RB or WR go over the middle and just get laid out by a redskin


best offseason move IMO was Greg Blache To defensive Coordinator. He is laid back and smart. He understands the players and the defense and if we are not going to have GW as HC then its a good move to keep the defense pretty much the same and an all around good guy to have running a part of your team.

BTW his unit last year was critized all year long but he got 23.5 sacks from the DE position (counting marcus W on 3rd down) and has successfully coached up some nobodies (Golston, Montgomery, C.Wilson) into sombodies.


best addition to the team would have to be John Palermo DLine coach. Every college he coached at had a beast dline. Like many of you i watch a lot of ACC football and when he coached at Miami they had a monster DLine.

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

London Fletcher. He's the glue of the defense, a tackling machine, and a leader.

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

Trading down in the draft and drafting wisely. In recent years we've consistently given up too much in the way of draft picks in trades. It was nice to see us finally stockpile picks, and make good use of them.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

Zorn and Malcolm Kelly. Zorn because he brings a refreshing energy and excitement to the team. Kelly b/c he was great in college but fell in the draft, and now has a chip on his shoulder to prove the naysayers wrong.

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1. This may be impossible to answer definitively, because there are about 5 players that tie as my "favorite". But I'll go with Portis, because I love his intensity, effort and leadership. Love watching him run, love watching him block, love watching him pass.

2. The entire front office makeover that took place. Vinny as "GM", Campbell promoted, Morocco Brown brought in...I think these moves and restructuring of the FO will pay huge dividends, and soon. Everything that has taken place, from hiring Zorn to drafting Thomas and Kelly to picking up James for a conditional 7th, can be traced to the reorganization of the FO.

3. It's Zorn for now. I find myself being glad he's the Skins' head coach whenever I see one of his interviews. It's beyond obvious what Snyder and Vinny saw in him and why they kept going back to him as the best option in their eyes. All the talk about him being nothing but a "last resort" due to all the other candidates dropping out seem even MORE ludicrious now after watching Zorn in action.

You haven't even seen him call a single play, or seen even one preseason game, let alone a real game. No one has.

If by action, you mean his interviews.....then you are easily impressed.

An improvement over Gibbs? I would certainly think so. We stood no chance of making the SB had Gibbs returned this year. But wayyyyyy too early to be impressed after watching Zorn in action.

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You haven't even seen him call a single play, or seen even one preseason game, let alone a real game. No one has.

If by action, you mean his interviews.....then you are easily impressed.

An improvement over Gibbs? I would certainly think so. We stood no chance of making the SB had Gibbs returned this year. But wayyyyyy too early to be impressed after watching Zorn in action.

I've seen how he handles himself in interviews, yes...and I'm impressed. I've heard how he evaluates issues concerning the team, how he analyzes problems and how he perceives the circumstances he faces...and I'm impressed. I've seen how he takes charge during practice, both of the players and his assistants...and I'm impressed.

And how can YOU say you would "certainly think" he was an improvement over Gibbs when YOU haven't seen him call a single play or even one preseason game, let alone a real game?

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I've seen how he handles himself in interviews, yes...and I'm impressed. I've heard how he evaluates issues concerning the team, how he analyzes problems and how he perceives the circumstances he faces...and I'm impressed. I've seen how he takes charge during practice, both of the players and his assistants...and I'm impressed.

And how can YOU say you would "certainly think" he was an improvement over Gibbs when YOU haven't seen him call a single play or even one preseason game, let alone a real game?

People thought Spurrier interviewed well.

It is normal, and good to be excited about a new coach. We are all fans...we should be.

Having said that, his interviews don't mean a thing if he can't translate it to wins for the team. That is why the verdict is out. It is the same with getting "extremely impressed" with any draft choice prior to even the first preseason game....impossible to know if he can hang until the whistle blows.

So....it is impossible to know if he is great...or he will be a bust. Will we get constant delay of game penalties because we can't get plays in? I have no idea. Neither do you.

As far as me thinking that he is an improvement over Gibbs 2....that is based on a belief that Gibbs 2 took us as far as he was ever going to take us. He wasn't going to miraculously "wake up" this season, improve upon the worst two-minute offense in the league.....learn clock management....take the time to learn the NFL rulebook....or apply himself as he had not in the past.

I would take any coach that actually made the Skins his first priority in his life. A coach that isn't distracted by Nascar, or personal health concerns with himself, or family members. A guy that is hungry to win. And a guy that the players can see wants to win.

A coach that isn't in such a daze that he is a risk to call a double timeout.....a coach that actually inspires his team with his words, a coach that actually talks to his defensive coordinator during the season (10 man tribute). A coach that prepares us for Seattle's loud crowd noise in a must-win playoff game. A coach that is actually trying.

Yeah, I'll take that any day of the week over Gibbs 2. Win or lose....at least we have his best shot.

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1. Tough one, love all the boys, it is a tie right now between Landry and Portis. Love Portis. Whimsical, doesn't take himself too seriously but is dedicated and lays it all out on the field. Blocks, runs, hits. Does anything asked. Landry is a badass, great safety attitude. Will take up Sean Taylors torch.

2. Hmmmm. Best offseason move, aside from the draft, which you can't really tell to much for a few years on good or bad. I love getting erasmus james for a conditional 7th. He could be a steal.

3. Probably Sherman Smith or Morraco Brown. Smith has proven to be able to orchestrate an offense with little to no talent, and Brown is a great evaluator(wish we had him before the draft).

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You haven't even seen him call a single play, or seen even one preseason game, let alone a real game. No one has.

If by action, you mean his interviews.....then you are easily impressed.

An improvement over Gibbs? I would certainly think so. We stood no chance of making the SB had Gibbs returned this year. But wayyyyyy too early to be impressed after watching Zorn in action.

Alright McD5 here's what you do, you read the thread and then you respond. This particular thread was about answering three questions and moving on. What we have here is a failure to communicate. You got on here and immediately started making negative comments about what someone wrote.

No need to argue or be negative, just answer the questions and give a little info about why you chose what you chose. No one should be judged for what they right in this thread. It's just simple Q and A to see who some favorites are on the team.

So what you do is you answer the three questions and shut up or just shut up. This is not going to turn into a thread of people having to defend their personal favorites, that's not what this is about. This is a relaxing thread to get away from all the arguing that's been going on.

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1) Definately Clinton Portis. He is the best blocking RB in the game and gives everything he has on every play...sometimes to his detriment. He is still explosive as we saw at the end of last year. When teams can't just key on him, he may still be top five but we have to get to that point where they can't key on him.

2) My favorite offseason move was more like an a move to a new philosophy. Instead of ransoming the future for overrated players we got younger. We took BPA in the draft instead of reaching and listening to hype. We didn't go after big names for the sake of having big names, that includes the coach.

3) Colt Brennan. You get the most prolific passer in college football history in the sixth round. Maybe he was a system QB but that system was an NFL system used by a former NFL coach. He doesn't have ideal size or arm strength but is extremely accurate and has a very quick release. He will fit well in the WCO if needed and may some day be our starter depending on the progression of JC.

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Here's how this is going to work, I'll present 3 questions and you can provide 3 answers with short explanations. You don't even have to post an explanation, I just want to see how everyone answers. I'm especially eager to see how AJ, Mass, etc. answer. This is a chance to show that you guys are more than trolls. No need to argue or be negative, just answer the questions and give a little info about why you chose what you chose. No one should be judged for what they right in this thread. It's just simple Q and A to see who some favorites are on the team.


1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

I'll go first.

1) Jason Campbell- I like Campbell because he is a barometer for the entire team, if he plays well than we are going to have a good season. But if he doesn't progress or regresses than this could be a long season.

2) Drafting 2 WRs in the second round- For the price of a late first round pick we were able to pick up (arguably) the top 2 receivers in the draft. This kind of thing gets me excited about this year and the future.

3) Zorn- This seems kind of obvious and I wish I had a better 3rd question but we did get a lot of new coaches and players in. The guy just has the energy and seems to reach the players on a different level than Gibbs II did.

Lets have some fun with this, remember just answers no bashing other peoples choices.

After all this senseless arguing I think that a thread like this will help chill everyone down. And like I said I hope AJ and Mass show up, write their three answers and then just sit back and chill. No need for negativity and arguing. :cheers:

1) London Fletcher-LB. He's a leader on the Defense. Plays with passion every down and he's always on his "A" game. He's not one of those typical players of today who play like "All Pros" one week and then like a benched "Pop Warner" football player the next week. He's consistent in his approach to the game each and every week.

2) Drafting two WR's in the 2nd round? Dumb. We need help on both the O and D lines and that should have been their top priority. Another dumb but thank god not a costly move, was getting that DE from the Vikes. He's been injured the last two seasons with a bum knee. He was about to go on waivers the next day but somebody on the coaching staff figured he was worth a future draft pick if he makes the team. If he can get 10 plus sacks next season then it was a good move. Anything less productive and we just gave away another future draft pick for yet another mediocre player.

3) Zorn- I didn't like the "Cloak and Dagger" (the "Dagger" in Coach Gregg Williams back) approach created by our "Dynamic Duo", Snyder and Cerrato but in the end, it was a good choice. I hope he's successful here and can get us to some playoffs and maybe a Super Bowl or two before he retires or opts to go to another team that may give him more control but that will be a whole new subject to ponder if he's successful here in the immediate future.

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

1) Randy Thomas - whenever I hear Randy talking, hes always saying something that I find hillarious (See Sig about Samuels being a buffalo). Plus, I was watching Comcast and that blonde chick was at his house when he was grilling some burgers. He put me onto something I always do now, grilled cookies. F'n delicious.

2)Trading the first round pick for more picks. Would have liked it even more if we had picked something else besides a TE (Im sure Fred Davis was high on the draft board but coulda used it on another player?)

3) Hard to say whos my favorite new guy, havent seen anyone in action yet! But Zorn is winning me over.

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1) Chris Samuels - my favorite Skin always has to be OL. :)

2) See Califan007's explanation below

3) Zorn until proven guilty! I'm hoping this works out. Ask ES again in nine months...

2. The entire front office makeover that took place. Vinny as "GM", Campbell promoted, Morocco Brown brought in...I think these moves and restructuring of the FO will pay huge dividends, and soon. Everything that has taken place, from hiring Zorn to drafting Thomas and Kelly to picking up James for a conditional 7th, can be traced to the reorganization of the FO.

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?


As a person, I've always just liked Jansen, intelligent, articulate, leader by actions instead of words. Cooley is obviously as cool as they come. The only player in recent memory that I would have bought their Jersey, and just raved about was Taylor. On the field, I say Samuels. He just quietly gets it done week in & week out. It is easy to pick a glamour player, but I think he is the only elite player we have, week in & week out, year in & year out, who consistently stays healthy & plays at a Pro Bowl level.

My favorite offseason move is the fact that there isn't an offseason move (or several) that is so obviously num-nutted it leaves me shaking my head. Not making that move is in itself a decision, so that's what I'm going with. No dumb trades, no aging FAs signed to huge deals, solid value in draft, great gems in UDFA and released/traded players.

He isn't a new member, but this is the first year Cerrato has GM power, and the results have been impressive so far.

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster? A toss up between CP and Smoot. Very intense players.

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season? Promoting Vinny

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)? Fred Davis. A perfect complement to Cooley.

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1) Clinton Portis--People take a top five back for granted around here. Look for CP to blow it up next year. Plus the man can pick up the blitz which will free us to utilize BFD and Cooley in 2 TE sets. Regardless if he actually scores the TD, Cp will be the primary reason for the majority of our redzone scoring next year.

2) Draft day--Trading down, repeatedly. This added quality players at a minimum impact on the salary cap. Two WR's with 1st round grades, at 2nd round salaries is our steal of the century.

3) Vinny Cerrato--He isnt new but his role is. This is the man who (love him or hate him) discovered TO. If he can find us that caliber of player without the baggage I will pray to him. And Malcolm Kelly cause his flow is nice and I love hip-hop

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1) Who is your favorite Redskin player currently on the roster?

I can't name just one. I can narrow it down to Portis, Sellers, Moss, Cooley, Samuels, Thomas, Jansen, Washington, Fletcher, and Springs ... but that's not really "narrow."

2) What was your favorite offseason move this season?

Our draft strategy. I think it's a little odd for people to applaud the specific players we chose before we have any inking of how they'll turn out, but I think the FO pretty clearly decided that it was going to get the best value it could -- and proceeded to do so. Hopefully the picks will turn out, but if they don't, that's a matter of poor player evaluation; I think the draft strategy itself was excellent.

Like TK, I think Vinny's promotion is the most interesting move of the offseason, since it will basically give us a pretty clear idea of whether the guy knows what he's doing ... but since I have no idea how that will pan out, I can't bring myself to call it my favorite.

3) What new member of the Redskins family do you like most (this can include Coaches, Players, Trainers, etc.)?

Well, I haven't met any of them, so I don't particularly like or dislike any of them personally ... but I am pretty excited by the glowing reviews of Morocco Brown.

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