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Susan Sarandon to Leave US if Obama loses


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Susan Sarandon has vowed to quit America with her longterm partner Tim Robbins if Republican John McCain wins November's presidential election.

The actress is rooting for Democrat contender Barack Obama, and is packing her bags in case he or party rival Hillary Clinton don't replace George W. Bush in the White House.

She says, "It's a critical time, but I have faith in the American people."


Great news, and more reason to vote for McCain! These Hollywood people are so stupid. Still waiting for Alec Baldwin to follow through on his promise...

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If only all the leftist had made good on their promises to leave when Bush was elected. The country would be a lot better off

All I can say is, Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya :ciao:

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She said Italy or Canada. What ever happened to the crazies who said they would leave if Bush got reelected for a 2nd term? If they left, I do not miss them. Most of Hollywood is far left and I would not miss them. Despite what they think, the rest of the world would continue to exist if they left the US.

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Bye and good riddance. Yeah I don't like hour our current President is doing but leaving your country is a bit excessive imo. It's not like the guy is running for a third term. Geeze overreact much?

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It's really easy to say "**** it" and give up on what you believe in when it seems like you don't have any hope of having your ideas, dreams, or goals accomplished. It displays absolute cowardice to simply say "I'm done with America" and not do everything you can to change things. It shows where someone's priorities are- with helping the people of the U.S. or helping themselves.

With that said, the kind of ideas, dreams, and goals that Susan Sarandon has in mind consist of socialist crap. I can't say I would shed a single tear if she got out of the country and stayed out. The nation and our political system is very badly screwed up, but if you will so easily give up on your own countrymen you don't deserve to call yourself an American to begin with.

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Didn't she say the same thing in 2004? Stop getting my hopes up for no damn good reason.

I've been planning on writing in Lou Dobbs for some time now. She just might sway me toward holding my nose and voting for McCain.

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Have fun.

I can't stand actors/actresses who criticize the U.S. and then when they do a movie the expect the American people to support their movie.

I'll second that.

Being an actor and getting paid to pretend you're someone you're not, doesn't by itself, entitle you to be a Political Voice on a Pedestal

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