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Obama to Tenn Republicans: Lay off the Wife

USS Redskins

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probably because she's not out actively campaigning for her husband. :)

(or at least if she is, she's doing very little. Certainly much less than MO)

Seriously, if she is going to give speeches and throw her hat in the ring, she can't cry foul if people punch back. That is extremely bad form.


I'm on the fence on this one. My point was we shouldn't compare her to Mrs. McCain - who is never in the news, good or bad. Granted, she's kept a low profile and hasn't really been attacked... in kind.

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There was an automobile accident when Laura Bush was young. She was driving, and a girlfriend of hers died. It was a pretty big story 8-9 years ago. It was revisited during the last Presidential election too.

Yeah, now that it's been mentioned I looked it up. Honestly I don't remember hearing about it during the election. And I was following it pretty closely.

Michelle Obama is getting a lot more press than any first lady (candidate) since Hillary. I don't know if it's fair or not, but she does seem to be in the news a lot.

The family member that seems to have a free pass these days is Chelsea Clinton. She's all over the place campaigning for mom and no one ever says a word about her other than isn't it great she's such a trooper. Maybe I'm mistaken. Does anyone remember any quotes/criticisms of her at all from this campaign?

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ALL candidates’ wives are completely fair game. That is except for the tax records of those wives. Especially if those wives have millions of dollars that are helping their husband run for President. THAT is private…….

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How about Hillarys?

Erk...he should keep his trap shut.

I am on the fence about it. I can see why spouses should be fair game if they open their mouths and say something stupid, which seems to be the case for our democratic candidates. If they don't do anything except show up in pictures, they should be off limits.

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I'm more of USS REdskins camp on this: I like a guy who stands up for his wife "fair game" or not, but #1 there is little "fair game" even in partisan posters on a message board :D , let alone 99% of politcians or journalists covering politics :laugh: , and #2 if you're a family member of a major candidate you should figure on possibly being a target, period, unless you're a kid.

There does seem to be a logical "sliding scale" as to how much flak you may draw related to just how involved you are as a spouse, and your personal manner.

Aside of colorful skeletons in the closet, maybe there is still some social role-bias at play in the policy-meek and socially mild-mannered woman (like Martha Bush, Cindy McCain, Hottie Kusinich) usually drawing less heat when campaining than the policy-active and more socially outgoing woman (like Michele, Billary).

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The ONLY person who seems to get this “free pass” is Chelsea Clinton. For years they have protected her from the media, as any parent should of a HS or college student.

But she is not a young little girl anymore. She is a highly paid NYC professional who is actively campaigning for her mother everyday. However, she refuses to talk to the media, the Clintons refuse to even discuss her, and the media refuses to ask questions. Why? This is not the 12 year old girl living in the white house. She is a part of the campaign and is a professional, how can we not be allowed to ask any questions.

I would love to hear more questions about how she feels when her Mom openly talks about how awful NYC investors are, including hedge fund managers, and how they are greedy people destroying the rural working class when in fact she works for a hedge fund in NYC.

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+1 = 4:) :cool:

Make that 5.

Cindy McCain's name came up, when she piped up and said "I'm proud of my country!" in response to Mrs. Obama's '1st time in my adult life' quote. The other mention I've heard of her, is that her tax returns won't be released because she doesn't feel that it's anybody's business.

I've only heard mention of Chelsea when she was asked about Monica-gate, and got all defensive. I've never understood that double standard, either. If you're gonna make generalizations on someone's views based on their former reverend, then why not their choice of adulterous spouse who gets busy in the Oval Office? :whoknows:

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I never heard this, so it couldn't have been too huge.

BTW- I think spouses of candidates are fair game if they're campaigning. I mean, if you're going to vilify a guy over his preacher, I would think the spouse would make much more sense.

You were like 19-20 years old when the story broke... I sure as heck wouldn't have been interested in Politics back then. I wouldn't expect you to be either.

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Who is on the fence between Obama and McCain where something about Obama's wife will be the thing to push them one direction or another?

You don't see people blast Sarge for stuff he said just a few years ago. Like having his inside info on WMD, and when they would be found.

On wait...... folks still do that.

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Who is on the fence between Obama and McCain where something about Obama's wife will be the thing to push them one direction or another?

You don't see people blast Sarge for stuff he said just a few years ago. Like having his inside info on WMD, and when they would be found.

On wait...... folks still do that.

I posted all my predictions of Wikapedia too :laugh:

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I think she's fair game when she's giving campaign speeches and being critical of America. I think it's important to know how the potential first lady thinks and views our country. I think it's important to understand Barack's closest associations...whether it be his wife or spiritual mentor. I think a candidate's judgements are important so the American people can learn about that person. Sometimes you can't always tell by just hearing what they want you to hear. This goes for any candidate.

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You were like 19-20 years old when the story broke... I sure as heck wouldn't have been interested in Politics back then. I wouldn't expect you to be either.

Funny you should say that. That's one of this countries problems. Not getting youth involved in politics at a young age is probably a big reason for voter apathy. 20 years old should be the LATEST a person should want to start getting interested in politics.

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BTW, as to Obama responding:

Guy, you're running for President. People are going to investigate your wife, your daughter, your preacher, and whether you ever got caught making out under the bleachers in High School. They're going to criticize your votes, your speeches, your accent, your smoking, your car, your middle name, and your ears. Find a way to deal with it.

(I recommend humor. IMO, a lot of politicians seriously under-utilize humor as a political weapon.)

That said, I suspect that "Obama The Muslim" knows darned well that he can't silence gossip and smears. IMO, his "objection" is simply a way of saying that he objects to the smear being done directly by the GOP.

My prediction: McCain will shortly issue his own statement, condemning this action which was not authorized by his campaign in any way. The smears will still continue, but the money will be funneled through some sock-puppet entities, for deniability purposes.

And the game will continue.

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BTW, as to Obama responding:

Guy, you're running for President. People are going to investigate your wife, your daughter, your preacher, and whether you ever got caught making out under the bleachers in High School. They're going to criticize your votes, your speeches, your accent, your smoking, your car, your middle name, and your ears. Find a way to deal with it.

(I recommend humor. IMO, a lot of politicians seriously under-utilize humor as a political weapon.)

That said, I suspect that "Obama The Muslim" knows darned well that he can't silence gossip and smears. IMO, his "objection" is simply a way of saying that he objects to the smear being done directly by the GOP.

My prediction: McCain will shortly issue his own statement, condemning this action which was not authorized by his campaign in any way. The smears will still continue, but the money will be funneled through some sock-puppet entities, for deniability purposes.

And the game will continue.

Plus, McCain and Michelle Obama have a love-child of their own.

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If this is what Republicans want to talk about, good for them. The longer it takes them to figure out why they are getting their asses handed to them in every election the better.

whoa. I agree with your first sentence. This entire thing is a bit absurd, and most likely only appeals to those who have already made up their mind. A waste of time and resources.

Your second sentence is a bit fascinating considering that the worst president in US history was elected twice because at worst, he was still better than what the Dems offered up.

If McCain wins the election in the fall, I think the Democrats should disband and re-organize under another name with a different platform. Seriously. They will have achieved a level of fail never before seen in the political history of this country.


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