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My Barber told me to use baby shampoo to slow down balding


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I was at the Barber a couple days ago and he commented that my hair is starting to thin. I said, yea I don't have the best genetics, both my grandparents went bald pretty early.

He disagreed and said its not genetics, its about the shampoo you use. He said that people buy shampoo that is loaded with chemicals and use hot water, which causes the pores to open up, and then the chemicals get in your pores. When new hair is growing , it is all messed up because of the chemicals from the shampoo in your pores.

He said to use baby shampoo and when shampooing turn the water to cold.

It makes sense, but I had always heard that it is your genetics on the maternal side that decide when you will go bald. Anyone know? Or am I retarded for buying johnson and johnson's baby shampoo?

Edit: I changed the title to slow down balding because thats what he said, not prevent.

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Try genetics and dihydrotestosterone. If chemicals in shampoo were responsible, male pattern baldness wouldn't have a pattern. We'd go bald all over instead of just the tops and crowns of our heads.

No offense to any Barbers out there but I don't think Barber school qualifies one to discuss the science of stuff like this.

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Not sure if its true or not...but its worth a shot!!! If I was a guy I would rather be known as using baby shampoo then being bald...no offense!

hey! i'm bald and i happen to like the way i look. at least that's what i tell myself. :(

but seriously, my hair started thinning at like age 18, and i did shampoo my hair with hot water. but my relatives are also bald so i don't know which one to blame.

guess it's too late now. while i'm not incapable of growing hair, it's noticeably thinner on the top of my head than on the sides when i let it grow out. so i just shave it all cause i hate the balding look.

luckily for me, the women love bald black men. :ladiesman

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Male balding is most cases is a genetic issue. You get a X chromosome from your mother and that carries the gene that causes balding in most case.

If your mother is balding and you are a male, you almost certainly will lose your hair (unless you do something about it). If your maternal grandparent(s) had balding issues, the odds are better than if they didn't.

If you are female, you have two X's (one for your mom and dad). To go bald, you need both X's to have the balding trait, which is less likely hence less balding in females.

In most cases, it has nothing to do with shampoo.

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You guys act like being bald is a curse or something. I was about the same age as the OP when I knew I would be bald. By the age of 26 I started shaving it and have been ever since.

No more barber to blow smoke up my *^&, no more gel products, no more worrying about what shampoo to buy, no worries. I wake take a shower, shave it, it's done.

Extremely liberating and easy maintenance.

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I have a full head of hair still. I don't expect to go bald anytime soon. My barber just told me this and I had wondered if anyone else heard about this or knew anything.

20 posts. 3 serious responses. A new ES record.

Thanks. Got to run now, Bert and Ernie are wating in the tub for me.

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I have a full head of hair still. I don't expect to go bald anytime soon. My barber just told me this and I had wondered if anyone else heard about this or knew anything.

20 posts. 3 serious responses. A new ES record.

Thanks. Got to run now, Bert and Ernie are wating in the tub for me.

Well lets think of it this way if a barber knows the secret then don't you think Johnson & Johnson would know and be advertising this :)

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