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My Barber told me to use baby shampoo to slow down balding


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Male balding is most cases is a genetic issue. You get a X chromosome from your mother and that carries the gene that causes balding in most case.

If your mother is balding and you are a male, you almost certainly will lose your hair (unless you do something about it). If your maternal grandparent(s) had balding issues, the odds are better than if they didn't.

If you are female, you have two X's (one for your mom and dad). To go bald, you need both X's to have the balding trait, which is less likely hence less balding in females.

In most cases, it has nothing to do with shampoo.

Are you saying the parts that most cases does not cover are due to shampoo? Or is there another culprit you can share with us if you haven't dipped back into obscurity? :)

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I've got more hair on my head than anybody I know. Always have. It's thick, it's curly, it's everywhere. I'm 51.

I don't know why I have so much thick hair. But here's a few things I do and don't do:

I use whatever shampoo is in the shower. Nothing specific.

I don't wash my hair every day.

I don't blow dry my hair - I towel dry it (vigorous rubbing).

That's about it.

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We'd go bald all over instead of just the tops and crowns of our heads.

I think we can call this one busted, just from this fact alone. Plus, we wash shampoo off with hot water. That hot water and shampoo run all down your body, right? How many people have you heard of whose bodies got less hairy as they got older? How many people complain about their ass going bald?

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