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The Church of Oprah Exposed


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Well, at least you explained your previous post.

God encourages us to support and protect Israel.

Protecting Israel:

It is all throughout the Bible. I learned about it when I read the Bible nightly years ago. The people of Israel are favored by God. I always will support them because I want to receive more of His favor. If you read the Bible, REALLY read it front to back, it would be so obvious to you and you would cringe at the statement you just made. (and I DON'T mean if you went to church once in a blue moon).

1Now (A)the LORD said to Abram,

"Go forth from your country,

And from your relatives

And from your father's house,

To the land which I will show you;

2And (B)I will make you a great nation,

And ©I will bless you,

And make your name great;

And so (D)you shall be a blessing;

3And (E)I will bless those who bless you,

And the one who curses you I will curse

(F)And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

edited to put the full post in there. . .

I find reading the entire passage as a stretch saying that God tells people to protect Israel no matter what. In face, he doesn't even mention Israel at all, and if it were true, don't you think the nation of Israel would be more than 60 years old?

What IMO the passage says is that God is telling him to find somewhere to settle and he will protect him. It says nothing that people should protect israel at all costs, or that this is what we need to do. In fact it mentions nothing about it at all. He simply states to go and settle his people.

I also think the entire Bible is an anecdotal book which describes the birth of civilization. Things that are taken literally always make me chuckle, and when looked at against things like archeology, it is holier than swiss cheese.

Only the second link worked, and it is not much different from the Genesis passage. Nothing in it says to defend Israel, it says they will be blessed by god if they live there. . .well, looking at the history or Israel, and what has happened since the book was written, I think I can definitively say that he was wrong couldn't you? Has there been a more contested piece of land than modern day Israel over the years? Has there been more bloodshed, war and death anywhere else then in Israel? I mean if that is blessed, I would hate to see the place that was cursed :laugh:

About President Bush:

The truth is I do not know how President Bush runs his foreign policy, his true motives, or what. IF he is coming from a Christian standpoint, that is what I was thinking. But in this day in age I question the motives of every leader-meaning, was it for oil? Are people behind him pushing the war for different reasons? I don't know enough to comment about it. That is why I don't say too much about it, because I truly have no idea. For goodness sakes I voted for Alan Keyes originally. Back off!

You were taken to task because of what you promoted as a definitive statement regarding Bush, Israel, why we are in Iraq, defending Israel and it is because of the Bible. You used pretty strong words to state your beliefs, and it was so matter of fact it was frightening to think people actually think that way.

When you say something like. . .

The Bible says to protect Israel no matter what. The President who is a Christian knows this.

You are telling everyone that this is what you believe, that the president is following what the Bible says, and the Bible is the reason for our foreign policy. If we, as a government ruled our approach to foreign policy, as you stated because of the Bible, we would have long been an afterthought on the scrapheap of great nations. It is because we decidedly do NOT run our government with the bible as a governing and authoritative textbook for making decisions. You should read some of Jefferson's letters on the Separation of Church and State.

Mr. President

To messers Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem & approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful & zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, and in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more & more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state. [Congress thus inhibited from acts respecting religion, and the Executive authorised only to execute their acts, I have refrained from presenting even occasional performances of devotion presented indeed legally where an Executive is the legal head of a national church, but subject here, as religious exercises only to the voluntary regulations and discipline of each respective sect.] Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

(signed) Thomas Jefferson


That was what our founding fathers thought over 200 years ago, and I think to go back on what they believed would be tantamount to a disaster for our country.

It is amazing how this thread became all about MY views on the war. That was in NO way the intention I had when I created it. I guess you had a "higher" opinion of me because I basically didn't speak my opinions on politics or on heavy things unless it had to do with the Redskins-just mushy gushy stuff. But that's okay, Chom. I do have a mind, a heart, and a soul, and I am not afraid to speak it-but I am also not too big to admit when I don't know enough about something to say that it is concrete-it is only my take on it. When my brother, only 2 years older than me, died a little over 4 months ago, I realized again how short life is and before I die I'm going to speak a few things about how I feel-one of them is about God. (don't worry I'm still not a big thread-starter)

Your views on religion and politics was brought into question because of the statements you made which took everyone back. I have had cordial discussions with you the past, and I liked you as a poster, but I had literally no idea that your beliefs were completely outside what I consider the realm of rational thought. The statement about both Israel and president Bush was horrible, and the thread movie is nothing more than a propaganda piece meant to get you to hate Oprah for some reason. . .why because she endorsed Obama? :whoknows:

I am glad that you speak your mind, and that you are not afraid to put your opinion down, but don't expect any preferential treatment when people read some of the outlandish stuff you post. I called you out because I found your statement misguided, and downright scary. I weep for people who think that the Bible should be a text that our policy is founded on, but it is how we get people like Bush elected.

Regardless of how many of you want to sing "what a wonderful world" this is, now vs then, I believe that this is just another sign. You can choose to open your eyes or close them. Put this in another forum, veer off topic, and tell me you think less of me. But no matter which way the war goes, or who is in power at this time or in the future, everything is happening just according to plan.

Another scary quote Georgia. . .the rapture is not real, and there is no second coming of Christ. . .I hate to put a damper on things but what has it been? 2000 years? I think the chances are slim to none that the second coming is going to happen, or that there is a second coming. . .in fact I would bet anyone $1million dollars this. The rapture crowd is scary because the more torment and chaos that goes on in the world, the more excited they become because it means that Christ is that much closer to coming. It is why when you say Bush is a Christian and he knows to defend Israel no matter what, I is a scary statement to us that think the bible is a fable. It is scary because things will never get better if you want them to get worse. To equate Bush to this type of thinking, while probably not off the mark, is a very scary thought indeed, especially considering the forign policy blunders of this administration.

The fact that Bush is a Sadim (Midas in reverse, everything he touches turns to :pooh: ) is very scary when the whole rapture context is brought into the conversation.

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The majority is often wrong. Look at our last four presidential elections. :laugh:

Clinton...... Bush

True if we elected a true conservative for small government and moral values who listened to us and followed it up in Congress as well as State governments, the ills and plagues of liberalism and socialism would be greatly reduced in America.

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I wouldn't say less evil in society, though. I know I have never heard of any student beating up a teacher. I lived in the time at high school after the time you talk about where things were "covered up". If that happened, everyone would know it. If anyone on here has ever heard of that when they went to high school (age 30 and above), I would love to know. Also, if there were any kids going to high school shooting teachers and students. Or postal workers going to their jobs shooting randomly at people. Those are the things I am targeting here.

Sure you did Georgia, not the HS shootings, that is a recent media driven phenomenon, but think of things like serial killers. Think about the racism that was rampant in society, think about drunk driving deaths, there are a lot of things to look at.

Yousef is right, you can focus on any aspect of society, say it is worse now, and use that as an explanation for the rapture, but when it is looked at in the general context of society the argument falls flat. Society progresses socially, and social injustices are eliminated from society all the time. I often find the argument hollow when people say they want it to be like the 50's as if Leave it to Beaver was a typical family. What you never hear of is the segregation issues, the racism, the hatred that was in society at the time. You can go back from the foundation of this country, and socially we have progressed and will continue to do so.

The rapture crowd has been there every step of the way saying how society progressing is bad, and how it is showing the coming of the end. It was the same in the 1800's and the 1900's, the crowd was around then and they are around now. There are much much fewer people (in % terms) now though and that is a good thing. Any time people reject faith for reason, it is progression. Anytime people look to reality and accept the injustices in the world and try to fix them it is progression. We will look back on gay people in the same light 30 years from now, and our grandchildren will wonder why society was so horrible to gay people. Society will progress as it has since the advent of civilization, and it is a good thing. You have setbacks now and then, but overall, the treatment of people increases with every generation and that is a very good thing. Not a sign of the rapture, but instead of a society coming to grips with the past while focusing on the future.

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I wouldn't say less evil in society, though. I know I have never heard of any student beating up a teacher.

There were no national news networks when we were in high school. There was no internet. There was no youtube. No camera phones.

Information travels SO much faster these days. And we hear so much more of it. Just because you didn't hear about some psycho kid beating on his teacher back in The Day doesn't mean it didn't happen. It just means you didn't hear about it.

I lived in the time at high school after the time you talk about where things were "covered up". If that happened, everyone would know it. If anyone on here has ever heard of that when they went to high school (age 30 and above), I would love to know. Also, if there were any kids going to high school shooting teachers and students. Or postal workers going to their jobs shooting randomly at people. Those are the things I am targeting here.

Uh, postal worker shootings were definately an 80s thing. The term 'going postal' was coined by the time I was out of college (1992.) I think the first one happened in 86 ... I may have to look that up.

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Quit talking about John Hagee like that. :silly:

LMAO, well I should have added monetarily motivated as well :silly:

John C. Hagee (born April 12, 1940) is the founder and senior pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, a non-denominational evangelical church with more than 19,000 active members. [1] John Hagee has received millions of dollars in total compensation for his position as CEO at his non-profit corporation, Global Evangelism Television (GETV). He is one of the highest-paid televangelists
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We know heathens and athiests wants everyone to embrace the 1st Church of Liberalism and Socialism. Denomination Really Big Government.

Don't cling to God and Church cling to government programs (that are full of empty promises)

Tidings to churches is bad Tidings aka higher taxes, mandates (hidden forced taxes) should go to the Government, for the children and those less fortunate to get off their butts to achieve when they had opportunities.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :(

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Sure you did Georgia, not the HS shootings, that is a recent media driven phenomenon, but think of things like serial killers. Think about the racism that was rampant in society, think about drunk driving deaths, there are a lot of things to look at.

Yousef is right, you can focus on any aspect of society, say it is worse now, and use that as an explanation for the rapture, but when it is looked at in the general context of society the argument falls flat. Society progresses socially, and social injustices are eliminated from society all the time. I often find the argument hollow when people say they want it to be like the 50's as if Leave it to Beaver was a typical family. What you never hear of is the segregation issues, the racism, the hatred that was in society at the time. You can go back from the foundation of this country, and socially we have progressed and will continue to do so.

The rapture crowd has been there every step of the way saying how society progressing is bad, and how it is showing the coming of the end. It was the same in the 1800's and the 1900's, the crowd was around then and they are around now. There are much much fewer people (in % terms) now though and that is a good thing. Any time people reject faith for reason, it is progression. Anytime people look to reality and accept the injustices in the world and try to fix them it is progression. We will look back on gay people in the same light 30 years from now, and our grandchildren will wonder why society was so horrible to gay people. Society will progress as it has since the advent of civilization, and it is a good thing. You have setbacks now and then, but overall, the treatment of people increases with every generation and that is a very good thing. Not a sign of the rapture, but instead of a society coming to grips with the past while focusing on the future.

Yeah in the past there were heinous acts by youth however comma the internet ie youtube, myspace, etc also seems to fuel more violence so that pathetic piece of human debris will get his or her 15 minutes of fame.

Anytime people reject morality for personal thrills its societal regression.

If President Bush fixing the injustices in Afghanistan and Iraq was a progression why did so many liberals seem to root for failure during postwar Iraq?

It is still debatable whether or not liberal teachings in schools and media propoganda will dumb down morality to the point that deviant behaviour will be met with shrug and a who cares mindset or a charge to see if its curable by adult stems cells while the fetus is in the development stage.

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Uh, postal worker shootings were definately an 80s thing. The term 'going postal' was coined by the time I was out of college (1992.) I think the first one happened in 86 ... I may have to look that up.

Yep thats true. I had a copy of POSTAL the videogame which rocked. Lost that during a move as well as the banned THRILL KILL :( :(

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We know heathens and athiests wants everyone to embrace the 1st Church of Liberalism and Socialism. Denomination Really Big Government.

You didn't just say that :laugh: :laugh: . . . :stop:. . . .need to catch breath. . .:rotflmao:


how and why people believe this is akin to how and why people believe in the rapture. Just tell them anything, they will believe you :doh:

The GOP is the party of really big government, we have. . .oh the past 25 years as proof. . .I don't expect you to accept the facts. . .actually I expect you to reject reality and replace it with your own, it is the only way to save face with a ludicrous statement such as you just posted. . .

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Things that are taken literally always make me chuckle, and when looked at against things like archeology, it is holier than swiss cheese.

chomerics says the Bible is holy. Mark this date. :D

I think the chances are slim to none that the second coming is going to happen, or that there is a second coming. . .in fact I would bet anyone $1million dollars this.

I like this bet. If you lose, you won't have to pay! Very smart. :laugh:

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Welcome to my world folks. The Bible Belt is an "interesting" place to live.

Brilliant posts Destino and Liberty. The interesting thing to me with regard to all the end times blather is that most, if not all of the signs of the end times could apply to literally any era. It's the same trick the guys who claim to be channeling your dead Aunt uses. Using parlor tricks to develop policy that affects billions of people. Now there's a good idea. :rolleyes:

Super.....now do me a favor, do through Irvin Baxter's 83 hour dvd series and find a means of relating it to past events.....I told people here over and over....I'll pay the man that can prove Irvin wrong......At least go through level 1, 2 & 3 which is substantially LESS in length and give it a shot....

~Never since the fall of Rome has their been a world government or any means

~Never has their been a way to prevent people from buying or selling ( until the invention of the computer )

~ Never has their been a possible negotiated or completed peace deal in Israel ( until Nov 07 )

~ Never has their been a unified faith until recently

~Never has their their been a country which could field an army of 200 million until the 1970's

~and lastly, The spirit of Islam has NEVER been ~1/4 of the world or more as the Bible predicts. But right now they are at what about 22 or 23%?

that was just a taste......please....someone....if I'm so nuts than how come no one can refute these facts?.....NONE of them can be applicable outside THIS generation because none were possible before.......

Regardless of how many of you want to sing "what a wonderful world" this is, now vs then, I believe that this is just another sign. You can choose to open your eyes or close them.

People don't realize how big this peace deal actually is....

The Bible specifically says once the confirmation of the covanent occurs the final 7 years to Armageddon begins.

For this confirmation of the Abrahamic cov. to occur the world governmental system of the endtime must confirm Israel's right to exist before the other nations of the world by settling the :

Status of the temple mount

Status of Jerusalem

Status of the Holy Land

All 3 of these things are issues within the I.P.P.


It's my strong belief that on May 15th we may have this deal, if not....who cares.....but rice, bush, abbas, olmert ...etc.....have ALL vowed to get this thing DONE THIS YEAR before Bush leaves office.....

That would be the biggest prophetic event in 2000 years people.....

So people are actually getting angry at what Oprah is doing?

Wow. I mean what does it matter to you?

I for one HOPE that God's heaven and heaven are two different places....I hope that good people can go to heaven, they simply will never be in the presence of God if they don't believe. I hope some people who don't believe in Christ ( like Ghandi ) should be there......even if his heaven in a quite white room for eternity, it is better than hell.

The catch is, while there is relitive evidence of tiers in heaven and hell, if you do 100% go to hell for not believing no matter how good you are, oprah is damning millions of people...... :(

Quit talking about John Hagee like that. :silly:

there is a man that markets a false endtime story :doh: good man and all but he has never read revelation or daniel :laugh:

how and why people believe this is akin to how and why people believe in the rapture. Just tell them anything, they will believe you :doh:

try not to confuse the trillions the federal reserve has stolen from us over the past 8 years to force us into the transatlantic economic union for the rapture :rolleyes: heck, that's not even a sign of the times........

Haven't you guys realized by now that no matter how much you debate or argue you are NEVER going to change anyones mind.

ha....you should see my inbox :laugh:

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KingBrice28, if you've fallen for the "9/11 was an inside job" and "Federal Reserve is evil" garbage, you need to back up, take a deep breath, and reconsider your discernment abilities.

you're right....the federal reserve gives us all of our income taxes back and bush just pockets a trillion+ a year to trick people like me..... :rolleyes:

as for 9/11.....sure, youtube has a lot to do with that belief however I haven't seen any video/document or anything to disprove to facts......there's just too many coincidences to think it wasn't a set up......

in your opinion...(or belief system)

thats all this is.

yeah.....I know.... :)

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As I said KB, this endtimes stuff has been going on for a long time. In fact, the following...

Our earth is degenerate in these latter days. There are signs that the world is speedily coming to an end. Bribery and corruption are common.

...could have just as easily been written yesterday. If you can't guess when it was written, check here.

Oh but wait, I didn't realize your guy was different! :rolleyes:

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you're right....the federal reserve gives us all of our income taxes back and bush just pockets a trillion+ a year to trick people like me..... :rolleyes:

The federal reserve has nothing to do with income taxes.

as for 9/11.....sure, youtube has a lot to do with that belief however I haven't seen any video/document or anything to disprove to facts......there's just too many coincidences to think it wasn't a set up......

There are no facts to disprove.

Seriously, I'm starting to worry about you.

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As I said KB, this endtimes stuff has been going on for a long time. In fact, the following...

...could have just as easily been written yesterday. If you can't guess when it was written, check here.

Oh but wait, I didn't realize your guy was different! :rolleyes:

that website is awful :rotflmao:

that site does nothing but list a group of people who believed they were in the endtimes......too bad they didn't read their book....

they missed the confirmation of the covanent, the world government, the building of the 3rd temple.

just because they were in a rough situation they aren't in the endtimes.......providing a link of confused philosophers isn't evidence against myself.....

The federal reserve has nothing to do with income taxes.

There are no facts to disprove.

Seriously, I'm starting to worry about you.

I gotta go to work in 25 minutes so I'll have to save this adventure for later this evening probably....

as for the fed. res. not having anything to do with our income taxes.....google what was discovered in 1999 & 2000 and you'll see what I am talking about...

the 9/11 stuff is so complex thoughI don't think I'll ever have time to debate that......there isn't a doubt in my mind about that though....

They lied about Iraq, Iran & afgan what makes you think 9/11 wasn't a setup....

how do you explain wtc7 ?....how do you explain the "terrorist insurance" the owner bought days before the event.....what about the BRIGHT orange spark looking flames below where the flames hit?

How do you explain the steel which can NOT be cut by an open gas fire that was PERFECTLY sliced.

How do you explain the broadcasts of the #7 falling 23 minutes before it actually did?

How do you explain the explosions 10+ stories below the plane that begin the decent of the tower.....

there's just too much even to type, I could go on for days..... :(



EVERYONE.....back on topic.... :laugh:

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