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The Church of Oprah Exposed


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I would, however, very much like you to register at TheologyWeb, and once you have done so, visit their Eschatology 201 subforum. Post all your ideas there, and get some feedback. Challenge Dee Dee Warren (the founder of the Preterist site I linked) to a debate.

A good idea.

Dee Dee's commentary on Matthew 24 is good too.

Go to Tweb. Give it a try. I dare you. :D
I double dog dare him. :silly:
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Quite honestly, I value your opinion more than someone I never have spoken too but I guess I'll give it a shot.....

If you like, I'll monitor the thread, but I think you'll find that there are many knowledgable, capable, faithful Christians on TWeb.

Also, Zguy28 sometimes posts there. :D

If you were to watch Irvin's version and go to town on that I'd find it a LOAD easier than typing out a transcript and posting in on their site for a rebuttal.

Don't just cut and paste the entire thing... it's against their forum rules anyway. Lay out your case, and cut and paste little pieces as you need them for support, or better yet, if it's not a factual matter that requires proof from a reliable source, make the case yourself.

I do have 1 question for ya....point blank....are u pre or post trib????

Point blank, I'm not either, really. Much like with Calvinism vs. Arminianism, the reason that there are big time Christian theologians on all sides of this debate is that it's not as cut and dried as you seem to think.

Right now I lean towards Orthodox Preterism (as I said, I find it compelling), but it does have its problems, the largest of which is that it requires all of the New Testament, including Revelation, to have been written before 70 AD. This isn't necessarily out of the realm of possibility, and scholars have argued very persuasively for an early dating of many texts, but many other scholars see Revelation as having been written in the 90s AD, which would make Preterism impossible.

The problem is that all of the other approaches have big flaws too, including yours. My personal suspicion (and I think that this is the case with the predestination debate as well) is that they're all off at least a bit, and the truth is something no one has quite grasped yet, and frankly, probably can't.

I won't bother going into all of the issues with each approach here, because I prefer to keep in-house debates in-house. Browse the articles on that Preterism site for more details. Do be careful about just googling "Preterism", there are a lot of frankly heretical flavors out there as well, which is one of the reasons Dee Dee Warren started that site.

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Oh no prob. :cool: I totally understand and agree with you 100% on this. I'm sorry for your negative experience with Prozac, and glad you got through that.

Honestly....before I met dfitzo, I would have given anything to have had a time machine to get to live back in the 30's where guys walked you your door and had to meet your parents before taking you out on a date, flowers in hand. Not that I wanted that kind of cheesiness, but respect, kindness, from guys. But now I have the best of both worlds: a guy who has honor and respect for people (as if he lived back then)-men with character like Joe Gibbs, Tom Landry and my Dad :D , and I live in the current world with better race relations, more opportunities for women (I like working-I think I would go stir-crazy in the house all day), and with all of these cool gadgets like cellphones, computers, ipods & GPS'. Just because I believe in prophecy doesn't mean I don't appreciate the good things the world has to offer.

Those guys on the corner of every college aren't preaching for money-they are preaching to help save lost souls. I was one lost soul who got saved in college, and I didn't have to pay a dime for it. (I was broke, I couldn't!)

Silly rabbit! You read half empty then! Because (I'm pretty sure I read that over and over to make sure I typed it correct so you would read it right), I DID mean I saw the world half empty and you saw it half full, hence, my view of the "world getting worse" and yours "no it is really getting better".

I hope we can someday look each other in the eye in person. I will look you in the eye and love you for who you are, no matter what you believe. I am sorry that other people who claim that they believe the same way I do may have caused you to group me into the "she's one of those blimey Christians again" group who wants to "damn me to hell". If you really know me, I am not that way at all. I will tell you my beliefs for sure, but my heart is big for people. And I don't see people that way at all. I apologize if my words seemed like they were forceful to you or anyone, for I didn't mean it that way. "This to thee is that to me". It doesn't mean I won't answer questions thrown at me, or that when "I'm on the chopping block", as I felt I was when DeanCollins put me there, I won't try to defend myself. :laugh:

I think having a woman or a black or a gay president is great, fine dandy. But I think it is the different religions and racial distinctions and cultures that make America so special and spicy. We are all mutts. It should all be a fair shot for everyone of us, agreed. Anyone can win and succeed. But I still think everyone should have that right to celebrate whatever religion or race or culture they are, as well, and enjoy their heritage, etc.

You are right. There are evangelists that take advantage- my pastor talked about them this morning in church. Yet just like in anything-you know what you are getting out of it. If I smell a rat, I am not going to "give a thousand dollars and put my hand on the TV and then I will receive my blessing!" :laugh: No way. I pray for people who fall for that crock. At our Church, where we wear Redskins jerseys or jeans every Sunday amidst Ravens jerseys, Steelers jerseys even, they don't pass any plate to collect money. It's a fixed box in the wall, and the pressure is not there like that. So you do it of your own free will, because you want to obey God and tithe and you want the church to survive.

I have looked at the crime data- and to me it looks like it got a lot worse before it got better. But when I listen to the news-the things going on seem nastier. Is there a stat sheet for the trends of how much nastier crimes are now? So serial killing isn't in, and mass HS shootings are. It's strange, isn't it. Gotta go to sleep! Thanks for the convo!

I don't have time for a soliloquy, so I will keep it short. I am sorry my initial post lumped you into the group of people who have the "rapture" mentality and try to preach to us "heathens" that we are damned to hell if we don't follow them. It seems from further discussions, that you understand what the real meaning behind religion is, which is a good thing. If more people were like you and less like. . .ummm. . .other posters here (not to name names) i would come out as a lot more tolerant on religion. I usually take a contrary stance on most issues to put another side out there. The more radical on one side the more radical I am on the opposite side, it is the entire synergy or online debate.

For crime, things have decidedly become less violent. I have taken a few graphs from wiki to prove my point. . .


Total violent crime, and the amount decreased


Homicide rate:

High of 9.8/100000 in 79, 81, 91

to 5.6 in 2005

Homicide by black and white people.


So in other words, crime is about half as bad as it was when we were growing up, but because we see more of it, we automatically think it is getting worse, not better. It is a product of a media system that is built on showing the bad in society, and not the good. . .but the overall trend of society has been getting better through the past 15 or so years. That is a good thing, and the statistics show that everything is not worse but better than it was when we were growing up :)

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This is where I gotta draw the line.....

Judging by your post I'll assume you are a well versed , church goin' Xtian....

Why do you have this belief ?

I meant to edit this. I was rushing when I posted that. I don't support this. It is against my moral/religious beliefs. I also know and love some gay people, so I hate talking about this subject. I can see it happening in the future in this country. I'm not going to be one picketing against it because that's not my style. But he/she won't get my vote. Well, unless they were running as a Republican against Obama and Hilary. :D

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I don't have time for a soliloquy, so I will keep it short. I am sorry my initial post lumped you into the group of people who have the "rapture" mentality and try to preach to us "heathens" that we are damned to hell if we don't follow them. It seems from further discussions, that you understand what the real meaning behind religion is, which is a good thing. If more people were like you and less like. . .ummm. . .other posters here (not to name names) i would come out as a lot more tolerant on religion. I usually take a contrary stance on most issues to put another side out there. The more radical on one side the more radical I am on the opposite side, it is the entire synergy or online debate.

Thank you for saying that, chom. I am grateful you and I have come to have a better understanding of each other, and I consider it a pleasure to have gotten to know you in this way. I have even gotten crossed up with my best friends over an email or a text message. Words, no matter how they are typed, can be perceived in many various tones. I am very glad you see my intentions and look forward to the tailgate you come to so you can really see! (I am just a mouse, or a dork, but never a threat-giver!)

For crime, things have decidedly become less violent. I have taken a few graphs from wiki to prove my point. . .


Total violent crime, and the amount decreased


Homicide rate:

High of 9.8/100000 in 79, 81, 91

to 5.6 in 2005

Homicide by black and white people.


So in other words, crime is about half as bad as it was when we were growing up, but because we see more of it, we automatically think it is getting worse, not better. It is a product of a media system that is built on showing the bad in society, and not the good. . .but the overall trend of society has been getting better through the past 15 or so years. That is a good thing, and the statistics show that everything is not worse but better than it was when we were growing up :)

Thanks for the stats. Those were good graphs of the physical stats I viewed. I wonder if there is a heinous crime graph out there showing serial murders, school shootings, postal office shootings, etc....or perhaps that one is in the making and will be in the 2003-2008 graph. Showing drop in serial killings, rise in HS shootings, etc. That royal blue line "total violent crime" must include all of this.

Thanks again. :cool:

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