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How can I save on electricity?

Toe Jam

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I received my first electric bill today. It wasn't really that bad.


I'm convinced that I can chop that down to about $40 if I tried hard enough.

I currently don't run any lights during the day. I also keep my thermostat on 68. I do leave the computer on but I was told that it doesn't use that much electricity.

My light bulbs are all 100 watts. I suppose that's where I should start with the saving process.

Any suggestions?

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You can buy something like 12 -60 watt bulbs at Lowes for about 5 bucks or so.

I pretty much do the same thing, my bulbs are all 40 to 60 watts, I leave my air low because I like it cold regardless.

I don't really know how much lower you are going to get.

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I received my first electric bill today. It wasn't really that bad.


I'm convinced that I can chop that down to about $40 if I tried hard enough.

I currently don't run any lights during the day. I also keep my thermostat on 68. I do leave the computer on but I was told that it doesn't use that much electricity.

My light bulbs are all 100 watts. I suppose that's where I should start with the saving process.

Any suggestions?

replace all light bulbs with compact flourescents <they cost more per bulb but only use 15% of the electricity>

turn off the computer <5 - 10 dollars right there>

by a programmable digital thermostat <use it to program off when not home>

wetherstrip all outside doors <cuts drafts and prevents heat / ac loss>

caulk all windows place a gasket in the electrical plug ins <turn on heat/ac and remove plugin face plate..... feel the draft?>

lower the temp on the water heater

insulate water heater

if necessary seall off windows with plastic and duct tape, cover entire frame and trime and seal airtight

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my electric bill tops out in the winter between 700 and 850 bucks a month so consider yourself very lucky

What the heck are you running all winter long that costs you that much? I know that we here at National Grid don't have the LOWEST rates in the world, but good lord that's an immense bill.

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Do you have a Washer/Dryer in your apartment ?

I do, and what I found to be a big help, was instead of doing laundry once a week, let it pile up a little more, and do it once every 2 weeks.

You may have to buy a couple extra pairs of socks or boxers to last 2 weeks, but it's definitely worth it, and it worked great for me.

THose machines use LOADS of electricity, between the hot water in the washer, and the power to run the machines for several hours.

Then again, if you dont have you own W/D and use a laundrymat, then this doesn't apply to you.

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Do you have a Washer/Dryer in your apartment ?

I do, and what I found to be a big help, was instead of doing laundry once a week, let it pile up a little more, and do it once every 2 weeks.

You may have to buy a couple extra pairs of socks or boxers to last 2 weeks, but it's definitely worth it, and it worked great for me.

THose machines use LOADS of electricity, between the hot water in the washer, and the power to run the machines for several hours.

Then again, if you dont have you own W/D and use a laundrymat, then this doesn't apply to you.

I actually do my laundry over at my girlfriend's house. Makes life easier.

I think the bulk of my bill comes from lights and hot water usage.

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Do you have a Washer/Dryer in your apartment ?

I do, and what I found to be a big help, was instead of doing laundry once a week, let it pile up a little more, and do it once every 2 weeks.

You may have to buy a couple extra pairs of socks or boxers to last 2 weeks, but it's definitely worth it, and it worked great for me.

THose machines use LOADS of electricity, between the hot water in the washer, and the power to run the machines for several hours.

Then again, if you dont have you own W/D and use a laundrymat, then this doesn't apply to you.

Wouldn't you still be doing the same amount of laundry, thus using the same amount of water and electric ? :whoknows:

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Wouldn't you still be doing the same amount of laundry, thus using the same amount of water and electric ? :whoknows:

Well if you run consecutive loads in the dryer, it is already warmed up and doesn't require as much electricity as doing non-consecutive loads.

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Heat was my biggest issue. My roommate - who rarely even see any more - always wanted it on, and always wanted it warm. I was hitting about $50 while they were here more often. After they basically moved out, I turned it off when I left and kept it reasonably low when I was home (I like wearing sweatpants anyways). My bill has been no higher than $15 ever since. People also don't realize when they live in an apartment complex, you get some heating from your neighbors as well.

Also to keep your place warm, keep windows blind open during the day to heat your place then close em at night to kind of trap it (vise versa during the summer - keep them closed to keep heat out)

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Heat was my biggest issue. My roommate - who rarely even see any more - always wanted it on, and always wanted it warm. I was hitting about $50 while they were here more often. After they basically moved out, I turned it off when I left and kept it reasonably low when I was home (I like wearing sweatpants anyways). My bill has been no higher than $15 ever since. People also don't realize when they live in an apartment complex, you get some heating from your neighbors as well.

Also to keep your place warm, keep windows blind open during the day to heat your place then close em at night to kind of trap it (vise versa during the summer - keep them closed to keep heat out)

$15 :yikes: Do you spend your nights reading by candlelight?

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$15 :yikes: Do you spend your nights reading by candlelight?

$15 is nuts. Our bill is at least $70 a month and we haven't used heating or AC since we moved in...and we won't ever use it (nice thing about a mild climate ;) )

I think our bill is mostly hot water. If you want to save money, run the dishwasher less and fill up the sink and wash dishes by hand. Gross to me. I'd rather spend more money than do that, but I'm sure the dishwasher plays a role in your electric bill.

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My $300 electric bill has nothing on my $500 oil bill. My biggest problem is one of my three roommates. He just doesn't think twice. Walk in and turn it up, regardless of where it's set. Good thing the prick doesn't have a speck of fix it in him and will never figure out how I disconnected it. :)

CFL light bulbs help a lot, definitely worth the investment. Lower watts will help too.

A lot of great suggestions in here. Putting things like your stereo and TV on surge protectors and using that to turn them off helps.

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Big screen plasma and LCD TVs suck up a ton of power. Cut back on TV viewing. Don't watch pregame shows. Watch ESPN News rather than leaving the TV on SportCenter.

Stay clean so you don't have to take so many showers or take your showers at the gym.

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Big screen plasma and LCD TVs suck up a ton of power. Cut back on TV viewing. Don't watch pregame shows. Watch ESPN News rather than leaving the TV on SportCenter.

Stay clean so you don't have to take so many showers or take your showers at the gym.

This is not a concern seeing as how I don't have cable anymore.:)

Too damned expensive.

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