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Please, explain what it means to be republican


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kilmer, i don't think battering ram is accurate -- the republicans have openly intertwined themselves with a religious group to assume power. and with that they have to appease their constituency by passing religiously driven policies.

theres no real argument other than religious grounds for banning gay marriage or abortion.

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how about this: stem cells

that was completely religiously driven movement. were talking about freaking cells from an egg. seriously.

Actually, there's an alternate method of retrieving stem cells that are identical to embryonic stem cells but not from the embryo. So you can get these cells without destroying an embryo which is my vote! :D But that's not really the point of the thread...

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You're not going to get much of an answer. 99% of the Republicans on here claim to be independents.

Here's my honest take:

Pro Iraq war - No true conservative could possibly support the cost of this effort when comared with the benefit. This mnay be a neo-con issue, but I dont feel it's true for the parties supposed core any longer.

limitless tax cuts - Not tax cuts, elimination of all taxation not specific in the constitution (some would also claim prior to the 16th ammendment)

limitless military funding - This is an actual constitutional role of governement. Provide for the defense of each individual.

make abortion illegal - Not really supposed to be a Federal issue for any party in reality. This is a states issue (just like murder)

No gay marriage - see abortion comments above. same rationale

Pro-lappel pins - this is just silly

anti-journalism - also silly

anti-UN - anti any entangling alliances that subvert our sovergnty

anti-social security - anti any taxation without representation. in this case, a useless expense for most of us.

pro-gun - no, pro constitution and the specific natural rights of all. the second ammendment is supported by conservatives on equal footing with the other 9 ammendments in the bill of rights. You hear more about this one because non-conservatives try to ursurp it.

pro-evangelical - not reality for the party, just happens to have evangelicals in it due to them wanting freedom of their religion.

in a nut shell, a true "Republican" (in the traditional sense) is a conservative. A conservative simply wishes to live within the confines of the constitution. Almost every issue you outlined is leading to that point. :2cents:

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It means that you're part of a coalition made up primarily by the "religious right," business, and lots of white folks. However, this coalition is losing its cohesion, which is what tends to happen to most political "marriages" over time.

Republicans tend to value order more than freedom, and freedom more than equality (though gun control is a notable exception to the former). Most people who call themselves "conservative but not Republican" are really libertarian, meaning that they tend to value freedom over both order and equality.

Actually I forgot this addendum:

3. Be pumped about Jesus, but not Jésus

:laugh::laugh::laugh: That's classic.

I think the "Republican Philosophy" started off as a reasonable and much needed counterbalance to hippies who took things way too far.

With time it developed a number of internal inconsistencies. This happened because it was used as a political tool instead of being refined and applied as a philosophy.

As expected things got bad as people who used this this mutated dishonest caricature of a once great philosophy to get elected actually had their chance to wield power.

When you say the "Republican philosophy," are you referring to their specific platform, or to American conservatism in general? After all, the Republican party was in most ways more conservative than the Democratic one almost a century ago.

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A while back, somebody posted a pair of "Things you have to believe to be a conservative/liberal" posts.

Each list had about 70 items on it, of which about half were actually "things that the opposition likes to claim that conservative/liberals believe". But each list also had 3-4 items on it that were at least partially true, and were funny.

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Here is all you need to know about those of us who are Conservative, Republican, or what have you...

Republican/Conservative - Where the men truly like being men and the women like being women.

Democrats/Liberals - Where the men want to be more like women and the women want to be more like men.


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Here is all you need to know about those of us who are Conservative, Republican, or what have you...

Republican/Conservative - Where the men truly like being men and the women like being women.

Democrats/Liberals - Where the men want to be more like women and the women want to be more like men.



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I wish there was a "moderate" party. :( I'm more fiscally conservative, but less so socially.

Well, compared to many major parties abroad (and compared to plenty of prominent parties in history), both of our major parties are fairly moderate. But it's definitely true that neither the Democrats nor the Republicans try particularly hard to cater to your particular combination . . . I guess Republican rhetoric tries to do so, but it's pretty clear that most people in this thread aren't buying that.

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Well, compared to many major parties abroad (and compared to plenty of prominent parties in history), both of our major parties are fairly moderate. But it's definitely true that neither the Democrats or Republicans try particularly hard to cater to your particular combination . . . I guess Republican rhetoric tries to do so, but it's pretty clear that most people in this thread aren't buying that.

Yeah, I'm a fan of the old republican ideals. Ron Paul had some solid ideas, but was definately a little bit off of his rocker. Oh well..

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republicans claim one thing and live by another

republicans have become inheretly untruthful.....

if they say they wont do something...... expect a year later for them to do and blame the dems as to why...

f**K the republicans!!

It's not that one is evil and the other is good. Both parties are guilty of everything you just said. That's one of the reasons I hate politics. Still, there are good ones on each side. For the first time in my life, I actually like both prospective candidates (Obama and McCain).
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Way to randomly hate when the man was asking a serious question. Not even one thread without the random hating huh. :doh:

nothing random about my hate...... it is very accutely aimed at anything republican and any religeous zealot that supports them......

did that clear it up for you?

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Yeah, I'm a fan of the old republican ideals. Ron Paul had some solid ideas, but was definately a little bit off of his rocker. Oh well..

This is something I hear daily and still fail to understand. How can he have both solid ideas and be considered "off his rocker", when the basis for every idea is specific to the constitution, regardless of topic?

I'd actually understand it more if you picked a stance..either smart or nuts. :)

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This is something I hear daily and still fail to understand. How can he have both solid ideas and be considered "off his rocker", when the basis for every idea is specific to the constitution, regardless of topic?

I'd actually understand it more if you picked a stance..either smart or nuts. :)

I think many conservatives felt Ron Paul was "off his rocker" when it came to foreign policy...:whoknows:

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Got to love the republican hate crew coming in as fast as their little feet could take them to give their slam version of a republican... it was cute.

Republicans are the people elected: and there were 2 "conservative scoring" republicans running that split the vote letting the liberal republican to sneak through.

There are liberals and conservatives with percentages up and down the spectrum.

Then there are ®'s and (d)'s that do anything to keep the paychecks coming.

If you doubt that, your too busy protecting YOUR side, while admonishing the other for the same thing.

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