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Please, explain what it means to be republican


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I think many conservatives felt Ron Paul was "off his rocker" when it came to foreign policy...:whoknows:
It's funny, his honesty is one the main things that drew me to support him, but I wish he wouldn't have been so open about what he wanted to do. He is much too extreme, but I agree in principle with his ideals.

Somebody (PMP I think, who is definitely missed from a conversation like this) called me out when I made a comment like "It's not like he'll actually be able to do all of these things" and he replied with "so you support a candidate who won't be able to implement all of his plans?" .

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It's funny, his honesty is one the main things that drew me to support him, but I wish he wouldn't have been so open about what he wanted to do. He is much too extreme, but I agree in principle with his ideals.

Somebody (PMP I think, who is definitely missed from a conversation like this) called me out when I made a comment like "It's not like he'll actually be able to do all of these things" and he replied with "so you support a candidate who won't be able to implement all of his plans?" .

I would go more with: I support a guy that i wish wouldnt tell the people the crazy things he WANTS to do :insane:

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I would go more with: I support a guy that i wish wouldnt tell the people the crazy things he WANTS to do :insane:

Not exactly. I can see a way to reduce spending, doing away with several agencies and eventually doing away with the bulk of the income tax. The way he delivered it, it sounded like he would come in and cut everything. I would like to see us close a lot of bases over seas and stop the hand outs to other nations, but not in a isolationist way.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I wish he were more Presidential. Better able to shovel the **** we will have to endure the next 4 years.

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Anyone who believes that Barack Obama is going to be more fiscally conservative than John McCain is either:

1) a complete and utter moron

2) an ideologue rivalling James Carville

He has already proposed 800 billion dollars in new spending programs, will raise taxes, and we all know nationalizing health care will fail spectacularly and cause the financial markets to plunge.

Anyone who claims they are interested in conservative economic policy- yet supports Obama is simply lying to make themselves appear "even handed" and less partisan.

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Not exactly. I can see a way to reduce spending, doing away with several agencies and eventually doing away with the bulk of the income tax. The way he delivered it, it sounded like he would come in and cut everything. I would like to see us close a lot of bases over seas and stop the hand outs to other nations, but not in a isolationist way.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I wish he were more Presidential. Better able to shovel the **** we will have to endure the next 4 years.

Ahh that sounds MUCH better :) I like SOME of the things all four of them say. But scientists are forbidden from squishing them all together to reflect my issues.. (for now)

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I'm not going to post a very long one here like I have in the past. Republicans of today are fiscally as bad as the democrats w/ spending (the only differences are which drains the money is flowing down) and as far as the foreign policy goes, they are certainly not conservatives...I would compare them to the democrats of the 50's and 60's only more liberal in their motives.

Republicans have no face thanks to these past 8 years. There once was a time where being a Republican meant you were conservative- in favor of limited government and (at the risk of sounding like a Ron Paul recording) a humble foreign policy. At this point Republicans are fractured into so many different interests it isn't funny...the three that are dominant are the religious social conservatives, the power elite (massive industries looking to protect investments), and warmongering gung-ho militaristic types who want to take over/bomb any country that looks at us funny.

The 4th major group- political conservatives (small government, mind our own business, personal freedom loving types) is still a large group, but they aren't very powerful compared to the other 3. They don't have a big voice, are often mistaken for liberals by a member of the other group who doesn't understand conservatism, and are brushed aside as a group of nutjobs who want the country to follow some guideline called the constitution- DIDN'T THEY HEAR WE'RE IN A GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM?!?!

I've already spoken too long, and no I'm not going to support and elaborate on what I have written. I really don't want to waste time out of my day defending what I have posted about a political party on a football message board.

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I think many conservatives felt Ron Paul was "off his rocker" when it came to foreign policy...:whoknows:

I wouldn't say off his rocker. I liked parts of his foreign policy and found other parts incredibly naive and wishful thinking

Even then, right now foriegn policy and the War on Terror is probably 4th in my rankings of issues. Ron Paul was the top guy in the top 3 other things that I have ranked my issues on this election

That could change in 4 years, as my issues prioritization has changed from 4 years ago

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Burgold = Fair and rational.


Rationalwise, it works this way.

True Republican equals me. A true Republican wants limited government interference and maximum liberty to pursue their happiness. They want to pay a minimum of taxes and give corporation more or less free run to expand and excel as best they can without interference. True Republicanism is about the individual and leaving the individual as much power and resources as they can to achieve whatever they can.

Thus, TR = Me.

Neocon Republicanism-- If you aren't with us, you are against us. The Rove, Cheney, Wolfowitz doctrine has been about impowering themselves and finding enemies. Anti-americans. Boogeyman. They create them because as long as there is a them and friction betwen us and them, they are needed and get more power.

Neocon Republicanism = Me Versus Them.

Democrats: Democrats are inherently selfish people too. Thus, they also want to preserve as much for themselves as possible. Liberty, Economics, Clean Air. But traditionally (meaning from the 1960's forward-- TD's True Democrats also think about you... after they think of themselves. That's why welfare, universal health, civil rights, and the environment tend to be bigger issues on the Democratic stage. It isn't that Dems are more naturally altruistic. Most aren't (especially the proffessional ones) it's just that where Republicans like to maintain power by using fear and hate, dems like to maintain power by being caring and trying to make groups feel beholden and obligated.

TD equals Touchdown or True Democrat

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Democrat= National Socialist

Republican(hijacked by NeoCons)= Global Socialist.

True Republican= Libritarian/ Jeffersonian Theorist.

Interesting that you use the term "national socialist" which many are now starting to compare to the republican party. National sociailists were the nazi's before they were nazi (relax people I'm not comparing anyone to the rampaging nazi, I'm talking about the political movement came before they went nuts). It was the corporate welfare - privatize everything - and question the patriotism of anyone that opposed their parties position. Sound familiar?

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liberal = lets bring the poor up, keep the middle the same and bring the rich down = everython is equal, managed by the federal gov't.

republican = lets give everyone an equal chance at being rich with a possibility of failure, the more risk, the more failure.

if were going to generalize the over all thought process.

Then corruption comes into play and both get turned to crap.

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Anyone who believes that Barack Obama is going to be more fiscally conservative than John McCain is either:

1) a complete and utter moron

2) an ideologue rivalling James Carville

He has already proposed 800 billion dollars in new spending programs, will raise taxes, and we all know nationalizing health care will fail spectacularly and cause the financial markets to plunge.

Anyone who claims they are interested in conservative economic policy- yet supports Obama is simply lying to make themselves appear "even handed" and less partisan.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

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republican = lets give everyone an equal chance at being rich with a possibility of failure, the more risk, the more failure.

I don't the equal chance part is quite right. I think it's more... Let's not impede anyone's opportunity. I think not getting in the way and giving everyone an equal chance are different.

Then again, that may be one of the core perceptual differences.

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And here we go:

Republican = nazi's..

that didnt take long.


lets take every single issue to the most extreme comparison and then argue it from there for no reason other than to waste peoples time.

I do see where he is going with that. It's a jump, but a slightly realistic comparison.

The Republican party has taken over some of the ideals of the Democratic party, but with an angrier sort of way (for lack of a better way to explain it). It is the Republicans who helped drop the ball on our economic safety, are perusing the NAU and voted to build the camps outside of every major city. I can see this nation changing in some fairly extreme ways if we enter a depression and have another domestic attack.

Where as the Democrats still seem to maintain a "for the people" image.

I find the "big government" Republicans to be a little more worrisome, while the Dems have a "this nation building only" calm and reason to them.

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And here we go:

Republican = nazi's..

that didnt take long.


lets take every single issue to the most extreme comparison and then argue it from there for no reason other than to waste peoples time.

I took the time to point out that I wasn't comparing them to Nazi but the political movement that came before. I'm sorry if this hurts republican feelings but liberals are compared to socialists everday and twice on sunday. The republican party looks a hell of a lot like national socialism movements like I said:

- Privatize everything.

- Corporate welfare.

- Replace nation with party and question the patriotism of those that oppose the party.

You may not like it but that's the GOP in a nutshell. As for what the GOP stands for? Good question.

Anti-abortion? Maybe. They keep poison pilling their own legislation though so I think keeping it around for political support isn't out of the question.

Fiscal responsibility? Clearly not. The only time they get serious on it is when the President is a democrat.

Smaller government? Sure if you consider a much larger more intrusive government with loads of unchecked police powers smaller.

Does anyone even know what the GOP stance on the enviroment is? It seems to be allow anything so long as someone can make money.

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