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Please, explain what it means to be republican


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A true Republican wants limited government interference and maximum liberty to pursue their happiness. They want to pay a minimum of taxes and give corporation more or less free run to expand and excel as best they can without interference. True Republicanism is about the individual and leaving the individual as much power and resources as they can to achieve whatever they can.

Winner winner chicken dinner!!

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Anyone who believes that Barack Obama is going to be more fiscally conservative than John McCain is either:

1) a complete and utter moron

2) an ideologue rivalling James Carville

He has already proposed 800 billion dollars in new spending programs,

McCain has advocated a $3 trillion pointless war in Iraq. Assuming your numbers are true (and coming from you I am sure they are not) Obama's proposals are 1 quarter of what McCain has advocated over the last 5 years.

So yeah, Republicans are all about big Government and big spending, and unlike Democrats they don't take responsibility for it.

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Actually I forgot this addendum:

3. Be pumped about Jesus, but not Jésus

So that means, since liberals and democrats are polar opposites of conservatives that they are pumped up for illegal aliens to stuff ballot boxes and expand entitlement spending but not Jesus aka moral principles?

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The good thing about Hillary v Obama is that you can see that there are liberals and democrats that are racists and sexists to go along with pro abortion, pedophile apologists, anti military, anti capitalist and for the time being selectively religious.

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True Republican equals me. A true Republican wants limited government interference and maximum liberty to pursue their happiness. They want to pay a minimum of taxes and give corporation more or less free run to expand and excel as best they can without interference. True Republicanism is about the individual and leaving the individual as much power and resources as they can to achieve whatever they can.

Why aren't there any politicians in the Republican party who feel this way? And if you feel this way, who do you vote for?

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The good thing about Hillary v Obama is that you can see that there are liberals and democrats that are racists and sexists to go along with pro abortion, pedophile apologists, anti military, anti capitalist and for the time being selectively religious.

ok, you have piqued my interest.

How are the Democrats "pedophile apologists," if I may ask? What does that even mean?

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liberal = lets bring the poor up, keep the middle the same and bring the rich down = everython is equal, managed by the federal gov't.

Let me slightly paraphrase this:

lets bring the poor up = let's make sure they have proper education and the opportunity to succeed.

keep the middle the same = strong middle class is a sign of strong economy.

bring the rich down = let's make sure the rich become rich the right way, i.e. by working hard and making good decisions instead of bankrupting companies and then retiring with multimillion dollar packages.

everyone is equal = yes, but the Constitutional way, not the Soviet way.

managed by the federal gov't = captitalism is a tool. That tool has to be applied properly.

republican = lets give everyone an equal chance at being rich with a possibility of failure, the more risk, the more failure.

lets give everyone an equal chance - people who have been forcefully kept from opportunities for hundreds of years do not have an equal chance to succeed several decades after that practice has been officially lifted.

the more risk, the more failure - What about a CEO that takes a "risk" by raising his own salary to the point where it guts the company?

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Why aren't there any politicians in the Republican party who feel this way? And if you feel this way, who do you vote for?

See, I believe that the description of Republicanism that you quoted is a bit myopic. There does need to be some control and there do need to be some restrictions.

The problem with the true Republican is much like that of any philosophy. They are constructed for ideal worlds. Once you contanimate the philosophy with unhealthy viruses (aka people) the thing doesn't quite work.

I think the truest advocate of Republicanism today might have been Paul. Otherwise, it's Hillary. And I think that's why so many Republicans despise her. She is the unhappy reflection in a carnival mirror.

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Why aren't there any politicians in the Republican party who feel this way? And if you feel this way, who do you vote for?

Paul is the only candidate running. This description is now reflective of the Libertarian Party than the Reps.

I find it amusing and sad, that as much as we complain about the need for a third party, they get zero respect.

Paul is certainly, by present definitions, a Libertarian and now you have Gravel joining and running from the Left. So, we have guys from each party meting there and yet, despite it being agreed on by so many, still get zero respect.

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Why aren't there any politicians in the Republican party who feel this way? And if you feel this way, who do you vote for?

I guess you have never heard of the liberty caucus? :whoknows:


Mike Pence is one guy who comes to mind. Ran for Minority leader after the '06 elections



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