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Thursday with Vinny on Redskins Radio


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Top story #3 (he was on the first 7 minutes or so)

Tidbits about the draft and FA:

  • Luke warm on Sweed, shrugged his shoulders like no big deal
  • Casual about not signing Hackett but did mention he missed 10 games last season
  • Absolutely no interest in Pacman
  • Really likes Talib (CB) said pheonominal ball skills
  • Derrick Harvey (DE) local kid doesn't think he'll be there at #21
  • Because of the possible 4 picks in the first three rounds they will definitely address WR with one of those picks
  • New PR guy got Zorn tickets to Wiz's game

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I caught it too. Nice recap. Another one I thought was funny

- "Absolutely not, no way." Response to any interest in Pacman Jones. In fact he didn't even let Larry finish asking the question. I like Vinny. I don't know where all the hate came from.

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I caught it too. Nice recap. Another one I thought was funny

- "Absolutely not, no way." Response to any interest in Pacman Jones. In fact he didn't even let Larry finish asking the question. I like Vinny. I don't know where all the hate came from.

Yea, that was a hysterical response!:laugh:

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I caught it too. Nice recap. Another one I thought was funny

- "Absolutely not, no way." Response to any interest in Pacman Jones. In fact he didn't even let Larry finish asking the question. I like Vinny. I don't know where all the hate came from.

Because for several years, he didnt "get it". Looks like he's coming around. :cheers:

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I like Vinny as well. I think so far for him and Snyder to sit on their hands so to speak during this weak free agent class really deserves alot of respect. I honestly think if this was a few years ago we would of broken the bank for alot of those guys who got flat out over paid on the market this offseason.

I'm really interested to see how this draft will come together. I really think they are going to select the BPA at 21. In Vinny I Trust

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I like Vinny as well. I think so far for him and Snyder to sit on their hands so to speak during this weak free agent class really deserves alot of respect. I honestly think if this was a few years ago we would of broken the bank for alot of those guys who got flat out over paid on the market this offseason.

I'm really interested to see how this draft will come together. I really think they are going to select the BPA at 21. In Vinny I Trust

I NEVER thought I would read that on ES. That being said, they've done a good job....so far.

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Top story #3 (he was on the first 7 minutes or so)

Tidbits about the draft and FA:

  • Luke warm on Sweed, shrugged his shoulders like no big deal
  • Casual about not signing Hackett but did mention he missed 10 games last season
  • Absolutely no interest in Pacman
  • Really likes Talib (CB) said pheonominal ball skills
  • Derrick Harvey (DE) local kid doesn't think he'll be there at #21
  • Because of the possible 4 picks in the first three rounds they will definitely address WR with one of those picks
  • New PR guy got Zorn tickets to Wiz's game

Vinny Ceratto - man of genius? He spent all offseason telling anyone who would listen that we would not be active at all in free agency. And lo and behold, we don't sign a single free agent that wasn't a Redskin last year. So now, when he seems to show no interest in Limas Sweed, what does this mean? Is Vinny a man of truth or not? And why would he be so forthcoming a month before the draft? Impossible to say whether we are really interested in Sweed or not

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Vinny Ceratto - man of genius? He spent all offseason telling anyone who would listen that we would not be active at all in free agency. And lo and behold, we don't sign a single free agent that wasn't a Redskin last year. So now, when he seems to show no interest in Limas Sweed, what does this mean? Is Vinny a man of truth or not? And why would he be so forthcoming a month before the draft? Impossible to say whether we are really interested in Sweed or not

You don't show your cards on who's on the top of your draft board...

Unlike another team that won't be mentioned...:dallasuck

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I think good things are in store for the Skins in the next few years. We may have a bumpy 08 season but Vinny and Dan make a good tandem. What a few short months will do for a reputation. Vinny went from Dan's comedic sidekick to a bonafide VP (GM) that most approve of now. Even Dan is getting some love from the board!

They may yet surprise us with a Roy Williams trade though if Detroit changes their mind.

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But Vinny offered high praise for other prospects. Differing this tone on any player will surely draw attention to him and our potential interest

Like someone said, you never really show your hand before the draft. Anything he says could be true, not true, or a half truth. On one hand he could be trying to downplay Sweed so other teams might decide to pass on him, try to take advantage of an obvious interest we have, etc. On the other maybe he really is just lukewarm on him. He praised him a while back when he was on Skins radio and was asked about him; and that was before Sweed solidified himself with good combine and pro day workouts. Same situation with Talib. True, not true, half truth. Who knows?

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Because for several years, he didnt "get it". Looks like he's coming around. :cheers:

No...I think the fans and the media "didn't get it". Vinny has NEVER been the GM....he never had final say. Snyder, for the most part, let his coaches decide which players they wanted. Vinnie and Snyder got the blame when it was our head coaches that picked out players they wanted.

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I'm content to see what happens.....but they haven't done anything yet. standards are low if that constitutes "a good job".

Considering the recent history of the Skins giving away picks and OVER-paying the likes of Brandon Lloyd and Archaletta? My standards are working just fine imo. The Duckett trade still has a nervous "Twitch" in me.

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I believe his comment on sweed is acurate, Sweed will not be BPA if he is still at 21. If Talib IS at 21 it looks like we may sign him. I think it os funny if we signed Talib AND Jordy Nelson, that way talib would stay humble. If he ever got ****y nelson could say hey I owned you , remember.

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I believe his comment on sweed is acurate, Sweed will not be BPA if he is still at 21. If Talib IS at 21 it looks like we may sign him. I think it os funny if we signed Talib AND Jordy Nelson, that way talib would stay humble. If he ever got ****y nelson could say hey I owned you , remember.

I have a pretty hard time believing that Talib will be there at 21 considering that he had a great pro day recently. Many scouts and mocks have him as an easy top 15 pick. If he isn't there and one of the top DEs don't fall to us I'd think Sweed would be a pretty good pick at 21 considering some analyists think the Bills might even take him at 11. As I said, with GMs and the draft you never know. Could be smoke and mirrors, could be true.

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If Talib isn't there at 21 then a real good player is going to fall to us at another position, or, one of the other real good CBs will fall to us. Leodis McKelvin, Michael Jenkins, DRoC, and Talib. It's kind of hard to see all 4 CBs going before our pick, AND all 5 1st round OL (Long, Clady, Otah, Williams, Albert) AND DTs Glenn Dorsey and Sedrick Ellis AND DEs Long, Gholston, Harvey and Merling. If all that happened then one of the WRs might be BPA. Oh, unless S Kenny Phillips is available, in which case I think he is BPA over the WRs.

I know that whole list still isn't 21 players, so it theoretically could happen, but their are other good players who will get taken ahead of 21 as well, like QBs Brohm and/or Ryan, RBs McFadden, Mendenhall, Stewart, and OLB Rivers. Not to mention at least 1 team ahead of us will reach on a WR.

So, IMO, either 1 of the 4 CBs, 1-2 of the 5 OL, or one of the DL will fall to us, or a couple players from these groups, and I'd be fine with any one of them. After Cerrato's comments today, I really don't think the team is sold on any of the WRs as probable BPAs at 21.

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No...I think the fans and the media "didn't get it". Vinny has NEVER been the GM....he never had final say. Snyder, for the most part, let his coaches decide which players they wanted. Vinnie and Snyder got the blame when it was our head coaches that picked out players they wanted.

I'm kindof in agreement with this. I think initially, Snyder got what he wanted. I can't imagine Norv going to Snyder and saying, "I want Jeff George, Deion Sanders, Bruce Smith, Larry Centers, and Mark Carrier." That was Snyder. Marty got to chose what he wanted. Spurrier - 'nough said. Just trying to put those 2 years out of my mind.

And then we get to Joe Gibbs. I think Joe was really pushing the free agent thing at the beginning, and it didn't work, and HE SAID THEY MADE A MISTAKE, and were not going to do that again. Kudos to him for recognising that. Maybe Vinny put that bug in his ear, maybe not. That we'll never know.

So probably a combination of a lot of things.

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If Talib isn't there at 21 then a real good player is going to fall to us at another position, or, one of the other real good CBs will fall to us. Leodis McKelvin, Michael Jenkins, DRoC, and Talib. It's kind of hard to see all 4 CBs going before our pick, AND all 5 1st round OL (Long, Clady, Otah, Williams, Albert) AND DTs Glenn Dorsey and Sedrick Ellis AND DEs Long, Gholston, Harvey and Merling. If all that happened then one of the WRs might be BPA. Oh, unless S Kenny Phillips is available, in which case I think he is BPA over the WRs.

I know that whole list still isn't 21 players, so it theoretically could happen, but their are other good players who will get taken ahead of 21 as well, like QBs Brohm and/or Ryan, RBs McFadden, Mendenhall, Stewart, and OLB Rivers. Not to mention at least 1 team ahead of us will reach on a WR.

So, IMO, either 1 of the 4 CBs, 1-2 of the 5 OL, or one of the DL will fall to us, or a couple players from these groups, and I'd be fine with any one of them. After Cerrato's comments today, I really don't think the team is sold on any of the WRs as probable BPAs at 21.

The thing is that out of those OL, Albert is the only Guard, which is what we're in the most need for. I can't see us going for a Tackle in the 1st (this year) unless by some freak chance Long fell to us...then you pretty much have to take him; same thing with Chris Long or Gholston. Harvey could drop to us but not likely. Merling could, but the problem there is that he isn't that much of a pass rusher. He seems to be pretty much a Phillip Daniels clone. Why use a 1st rounder on that when we need a pass rush?

One of those CBs could certainly be there but they would have to balance out who they thought was the better pick and would suit what they needed unless they were determined to just go "BPA no matter what". If they aren't going to go WR in the 1st (assuming one of the top ones is still there), I'm curious who it is they have their eye on. Given that they did nothing in FA, released Espy, let Reche go and have a completely unproven guy in Mix they obviously are banking on the draft and in that I doubt they would wait until a mid to late round pick to grab one. So I'm thinking first 3 rounds. Maybe they like Jordy Nelson or James Hardy (though he'll probably be a high 2nd rounder). They both have upsides and downsides just like any others. Who knows.

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I caught it too. Nice recap. Another one I thought was funny

- "Absolutely not, no way." Response to any interest in Pacman Jones. In fact he didn't even let Larry finish asking the question. I like Vinny. I don't know where all the hate came from.

I know pretty much everyone on the board won't agree with me, but I wish we did have interest in him. Pacman is an amazing talent who was already a top 5 CB and one of the best KRs in only his second year in the league. He also knows that he is on EXTREMELY THIN ice and if he ****s up, his NFL career is over with. We could probably get him for a low draft pick and honestly, the reward is far greater than the risk.

Risk = Lose a second day draft pick/cut Pacman with little cap hit.

Reward = Have a SICK secondary with Springs,Smoot,Rogers,Pacman at CB with Landry roaming around centerfield.

I just hope Dallas doesn't end up with him. Everyone was saying how T.O. would destroy their team in 1-2 years. Well so far TO has helped Dallas become one of the best O's in the league and helped with the development of Tony Romo sits to pee. And Brandon Lloyd, uh...n/m. :doh:

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