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Would you trade our 2009 1st Round pick for Ocho Stinko in August?  

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  1. 1. Would you trade our 2009 1st Round pick for Ocho Stinko in August?

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I don't know the answer as to individual people really,

but I do know that to be effective, Government has to be run as though people and institutions are generally greedy and out for themselves. Hence concepts such as separation of powers and checks and balances (all of which Jefferson opposed - he wanted the Legislature to rule over all because it was the people's voice).

Ultimately, as a matter of political philosophy I think Hamilton was wiser in his view of government.

Well, Jefferson was a dreamer so his ideas are maybe more rhetoric than than real policy. I think his political philosophy is more reasonably understood through Madison's implementation of Jeffersonian ideals, which still included checks and balances but tilted in favor of states' rights and democratic principles, which is closer to MissU's original thought of people being "inherently good" or not.

I would consider Jefferson's view of human nature vis-a-vis democracy as the idea that the people, collectively, can be trusted to make the right decisions to run a country, while Hamiltonian view was that giving too much power to the states and local governments and the people would lead to anarchy. Jefferson had more faith that a country could really be governed by the people, and on that I agree. We have moved further towards universal suffrage and direct democracy than the Founders would have ever considered, and things have turned out okay.

So put me down for the Jeffersonian "people are mostly good" view of things.

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Well it seems it would impossible to actually quantify the number of selfish vs the number of caring people. So it has to be dealt with on a philosophical level. The way I look at it a person can choose to assume most people are one way or the other and their attitude towards people they meet is then driven by their assumption. At that point I think it turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. You assume people are going to be jerks are more of them will be. You assume most people are good and more of them will be. A lot of peoples reactions come from picking up subtle hints about your perception of them.

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not to give too much away, but the author states that the tell-tale sign for sociopaths is that when you back them into a corner, they will try to get you to feel sorry for them / invoke self-pity.

That ran a chill down my spine. I'll definitely check this out. Thanks for the recommendation.

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One entry found.


Main Entry: di·dac·tic

Pronunciation: \dī-ˈdak-tik, də-\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Greek didaktikos, from didaskein to teach

Date: 1658

1 a: designed or intended to teach b: intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment <didactic poetry>

2: making moral observations

— di·dac·ti·cal \-ti-kəl\ adjective

— di·dac·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

— di·dac·ti·cism \-tə-ˌsi-zəm\ noun

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One entry found.


Main Entry: di·dac·tic

Pronunciation: \dī-ˈdak-tik, də-\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Greek didaktikos, from didaskein to teach

Date: 1658

1 a: designed or intended to teach b: intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment <didactic poetry>

2: making moral observations

— di·dac·ti·cal \-ti-kəl\ adjective

— di·dac·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

— di·dac·ti·cism \-tə-ˌsi-zəm\ noun

In its colloquial form, it is considered a negative - preachy, schoolmarmish. :)

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One entry found.


Main Entry: di·dac·tic

Pronunciation: \dī-ˈdak-tik, də-\

Function: adjective

Etymology: Greek didaktikos, from didaskein to teach

Date: 1658

1 a: designed or intended to teach b: intended to convey instruction and information as well as pleasure and entertainment <didactic poetry>

2: making moral observations

— di·dac·ti·cal \-ti-kəl\ adjective

— di·dac·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

— di·dac·ti·cism \-tə-ˌsi-zəm\ noun

Yup, thats what I found too. I'm thinking number 2 in this case, but the others work too.

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People need to realize (for starters) that sociopaths are a very real thing. By recent estimates (of the highly-credible Harvard variety), 1 in 25 Americans is a sociopath.

What does sociopath mean? No emotion. Incapable of love. Capable of absolutely anything. No consience whatsoever. Nothing is there.

1 in 25. Think about 25 people you know, chances are, at least 1 is a sociopath.

The mistake most people make is thinking that sociopaths are criminals. Not true AT ALL. Quite the oppositte actually. Sociopaths are VERY aware of what they are doing, and they realize fully the consequences. So, for instance, a sociopath would pause at murdering someone b/c they know they would go to jail. However, if they DID murder someone, there would be 0 remorse. Studies indicate that only about 10-15% of criminals are sociopaths.

Sociopaths come in many forms. From the husband who marries simply so his wife can support him and he can sit at home all day, to the ruthless businessman who makes a living out of screwing people over. Capable of anything... no conscience.

I would highly recommend this book to everyone. Having knowledge about how to recognize a sociopath, and more importantly, how to protect yourself and your family is very important.

Because if you understand this, you'll know that the world really isn't an evil place, and human beings aren't inherently evil. But that sociopaths make up about 5% of our society... everyone from Adolf Hitler to Amy Fisher. And yes, a sociopath fits the classic definition of 'evil' in just about every fashion.


I heard a figure that said 1 out of 100.

I think that definition of sociapath is off.

I think sociapaths do have feeling of love and all the other feelings, just not as much as most people.

And I think most sociapaths are made that way, not born that way.

Ever watch that show "Most Evil" (you can see almost every episode on youtube)?

This doctor studies the cases of people who murder and he puts them on his scale of "Most Evil".

The scale runs from 1 to 22, 22 being most evil.

One thing is common with almost every killer they have on that show.

Almost all the killers were raised in a neglected and or broken home.

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After reading this book I looked back at my life and I recognized several sociopaths that I had known very well. One of them being my grandfather. It was a major healing process for my mom to read the book... a light came over her when she finally came to grips with exactly what her father was.

I bought this book last night and have read about 60 pages so far. Very interesting. I love the vignettes. Thanks again for the recommendation.

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I'm kind of hard pressed for an answer on this one. I want to believe most people are good...but many of the people I've loved and/or trusted have turned out to be asshats.

I asspire to Jefferson...but in my deepest darkest parts of my mind I think/fear I've been corrupted to the skeptical of everyone dark side.

I'd like to think I fake the Jefferson view of life well enough to fool most, and I hope that it becomes one of those self fullfilling views of life. I had a talk with my father-in-law over the weekend, and he said he wondered why I always seemed so up front with everything. I told him that my mind was never sharp enough to keep things straight any other way, and in the long term I kept finding myself coming out ahead by trying to do "the right thing" no matter the short term costs. He laughed and said that's probably why his daughter married me...just a few more fooled ;) ...can't wait to fool myself. :(

Interesting to look at who voted for what in this poll...I don't see an ideologically political split.

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I gotta go with Hamilton.


Most people will display their best and give when they can, but VERY few will actually give when it hurts to give. Especially here in the USA. I'm not claiming to be any better, just calling it as I see it.

Also- There are many rich celebs/athletes who do a lot for charity, but don't be fooled. They do it for the tax relief.

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Also- There are many rich celebs/athletes who do a lot for charity, but don't be fooled. They do it for the tax relief.

You mean the one's who make 20 million a year and get all kinds of attention when they donate 20k and whole day to helping a charity?

I think everyone that voted for Jefferson ought to prove their belief by buying kids in Darfur stuff like shoes and food. :D

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You mean the one's who make 20 million a year and get all kinds of attention when they donate 20k and whole day to helping a charity?

I think everyone that voted for Jefferson ought to prove their belief by buying kids in Darfur stuff like shoes and food. :D

:applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

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