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ES is a pretty cool place afterall


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Every so often I forget and am reminded what a special place this message board can be. Despite the troll, idiots, and ideologues there really is a great wealth here.

I have been very impressed with the kind of conversation we've had the last few days on race. It's been frank, honest, and considerate. It's good to know that can still happen here even though we've gotten so large and to a degree much more anonymous.

There really is an incredibly diverse, knowledgeable, and funny group here that keeps this place rocking which is all the more amazing given how hard it is to grasp tone and personality on a message board. More, it's amazing how well we can navigate from the goofy to the deadly serious to the compassionate.

Anywho, cheers to the lot of you... at least the lot of you that I like.

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I echo Burgold's comments. There's always a few "eccentric" folks to help keep things in perspective. Wouldn't be a real slice of life w/o those people. I, for the most part, like everyone that I've come in contact with here. I don't draw lots of attention..it's better that way..less flammable or less likely to be flamed that way. It's a good place to read what's on the minds of my fellow Skins family members!

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I admit to going through a like/dislike relationship with the tailgate overall.

This is largely because there are a fair-sized handful of posters with diverse views who engage matters in ways I respect, and a larger group of others who I react to from my dark side.

One of my favorite moments is when a "dark sider" posts something that helps me notice ground for respect if not commonality.

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How did you know I was running a 10k tomorrow? Dang you Esers are ESPers!!!

:laugh: Well played . . . and good luck!

I've been spending lots of time (more than I should be) reading Tailgate threads since I joined. I must admit that I've been extremely impressed by many of the members here, and I look forward to getting to know folks a little better!

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A little off topic, but after all the race talk this week, Blazing Saddles is on AMC right now. Really puts things in perspective.

Gene Wilder showed up at my kids' school on Wednesday, unannounced. He sat in on a play rehersal and talked to the kids. My daugher said he was very nice.

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I dont even know where to start. Jumbo hit it right on the head with how I feel about the 'Gate. I love talking with people and even yesterday with all the heated discussions we were having about race and whatnot I felt like I could see those people I talk to on a regular and I learned alot about different perspectives. Then those who got on here that are just looking to piss me off reminded me that I need to calm down a little bit and understand that not everyone reacts like I do.

but all in all I think I will just go with what my boy Tarhog said..WHITEY!!

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