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Dear Mr. Synder ( OP now edited title to: D.J HAckett or Bryant Johnson)


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I am fairly certain that B.Lloyd was not the decision of Danny. Also if you want to play that game there is Lloyd and Archuletta on one side - and then on the other side there is Portis, Moss, Washington, Fletcher, Smoot, and I am sure I am missing a few.

If your gonna give him the blame make sure to give some credit as well. This letter seems incredibly mistimed and uniformed as well. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I am curious what brought this on right now.

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Dear Mr. Synder.

Wah Wah Wah Wah

Dear Original Poster,

This is getting old. Many teams would kill for an owner like we have. I realize its slow right now & that you're in dire need of something to complain about. Please, though, out of respect for those here that remain hopeful for the future: STOP WHINING!


An optimistic ES member and die hard Washington Redskins fan

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I can just imagine if the OP met Snyder, I think it would go something like this:

Mr. Snyder : Nice to meet you.

OP: Well, I wish I could say the same, but I must say, with all due respect, I find it very hard to see the logic behind some of the moves you have made with this fine organization. In the past ten years you have caused myself, and the city of Washington, a good deal of distress, as we have watched you take our beloved Redskins and reduce them to a laughing stock, all for the glorification of your massive ego!

Mr. Snyder : Hire this man!

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So you admit he is great with the cap, blame him for past free agents that failed, and are mad he is not getting more free agents for you.

Maybe he doesn't want anyone out there in free agency, maybe he doesn't see anyone worth the money. Do you want him to overspend and take chances on guys he doesn't think will benefit the team? Look around, we are not the only team staying away from free agency so far.

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Some major issues with your post.

AJ Smith is NOT the owner of the Chargers. The owner is Spanos. Smith is the GM.

Ted Thompson doesn't own the Packers, the city of Green Bay does. Thompson is the GM, Executive Vice President and Director of Personnel.

Robert Kraft is, in fact, the Patriots owner.

And this part isn't a correction, it's a serious question. What's with everyone spelling Snyder's name as 'Synder'? Is that some kind of lame nickname for him because of how he has owned the team?

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I still dislike Snyder; I hope that he will learn and improve, though. And I am guardedly optimistic for the team right now because:

-- Zorn looks like a good HC choice (and not a flashy one).

-- We still have almost all of our draft picks (plus compensatories to come).

-- We haven't gone nuts in free agency.

-- We haven't made some bad trades that seem to have been dangled in front of us.

So yeah, I would agree, why post this now?:dallasuck

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I think you meant to post this last season and prior. This season? Not so much.
Yeah, I think Dan really has turned a corner...we brought in three Solid additions last year. I love the hiring of Jim Zorn. I am confident in Dan right now.
Very mistimed. He is changing because of Joe Gibbs and is continuing along that vein. So yes, mistimed.

:applause: This is an offseason where he seems to have learned some lessons. So right now, I'm on a positive roll. I've been very critical of Snyder, but, so far...give Snyder some credit!

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Who the hell is Mr. Synder?

Oh, and if you want to write a letter and cry about complaints based solely in opinion, with no facts to back it, and only a one-sided view; then write it on an actual piece of paper, send it in to Mr. S-N-Y-D-E-R at Redskins Park, where he can add to all the other letters in his fireplace to keep warm during this cold winter.

Seriously, if you can't take from this offseason that Snyder has changed at least a little bit, than IMO you shouldn't be allowed to operate heavy machinery.

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