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Dear Mr. Synder ( OP now edited title to: D.J HAckett or Bryant Johnson)


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Ummm. The original poster attacked Dan Snyder for interfering in the running of the team, pretending to be a General Manager. Then gives a comparison to other "Owners who do the same thing", but lists 3 people, 2 of which are actually General Managers??? Am I to gather that you think he is doing a good job then? Because, both Thompson and Smith are highly regarded GM's. Early in the Coaching Search, I bashed Dan Snyder alot, because I felt he wasn't upholding our commitment to continuity, because he didn't hire Greg Williams as Head Coach. However, now that I am looking at it today, keeping out team together, player-wise, he is actually doing a great job on the continuity front.

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I don't see what you are unhappy with right now. Instead of over paying for have been FA's we are finally being smart. We have a full draft, minus a 4th which we are aparently getting back from comp. picks. Just relax and see what happens. I think snyder has turned a corner but maybe I'm wrong. Time will tell. I just don't see how you could bash this off season. We have been very smart. so far...

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I saw the thread title, couldn't stomach reading the OP's entire run-on paragraph and decided to read through 3 pages of replies, instead.

All I can say is: I couldn't stomach that run-on paragrapch even for a second time and, knowing what the gist is about and nodding my head with most of the replies, I've decided to remove my sig (which was "Dan Snyder: Sell my team!!!") My sincerest Kudo's to those who've read the OP's original post all the way through (thanks guys, and gals! :)

Snyder/Cerrato have given me reason and hope this off-season that they're finally not giving into the impulsive moves that have killed us in the past and that they're on the right track to putting together a consistently winning franchise.

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IMO this thread is a lack of being able to move on. Dan is a fan and I feel blessed that he is an owner that sees mistakes and tries his best to fix it. As all of us, we don't succeed mearly on continual success but in trial and error. I think he has done the best he could with the knowledge he has. I also feel it has now become clear he has put his best foot forward. Even with all the BS he recieved along the way. What would you do as a new owner being a fan? You would do everything you could. You would make mistakes. Then you would learn what works and what doesn't. A wise man will see the failure and adjust his tactics. Danny has done this. We should all forgive the past and step into the future with one giant step.

Until Next Time


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this is the gayest thread i've seen in a long time... I really can't stand people taking shots at dan snyder anymore. NO matter what he does,, he's not going to please alot of you people. He is TRYING, and he is showing he has learned. You have to be kidding me. Can I ask for the resignation of your fan-membership to the redskins?? I'm allowed to have an opinion right?

I think Dallas or the Eagles would love you have a fan like you rooting them on when they are winning!!

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Every player and coach has been a profesional. Snyder does not go out and play like on sunday nor does he put together the game plan. Snyder has put together a pretty decent starting 22 players. The problem is depth and heart. If someone gets hurt we are not very deep as you saw with Todd Wade. The starters on offense have not played with heart for a full 16 games since 1992. Besides Snyder cant resign he owns the team. After the way he handled the ST tragedy I dont want anyone else to own the team unless its Gibbs or Jack Kent Cook and we know the latter cant happen again.

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IMO this thread is a lack of being able to move on. Dan is a fan and I feel blessed that he is an owner that sees mistakes and tries his best to fix it. As all of us, we don't succeed mearly on continual success but in trial and error. I think he has done the best he could with the knowledge he has. I also feel it has now become clear he has put his best foot forward. Even with all the BS he recieved along the way. What would you do as a new owner being a fan? You would do everything you could. You would make mistakes. Then you would learn what works and what doesn't. A wise man will see the failure and adjust his tactics. Danny has done this. We should all forgive the past and step into the future with one giant step.

Until Next Time



Trial and Error, exactly!:applause: I dont think people understand how hard it is to win in this league, especially this division. We don't have any gimme games vs teams twice a year. Dan Snyder is doing everything he can and is evolving into a great owner. He's young, he tries, and he loves this team.

What more could you ask? I realize he's made some dumb mistakes but alot of you are just lucky your dumb mistakes and dumb predictions were noted in the public because I couldnt imagine what people would think of your opinions after that.

IMO, You people bash snyder for saying he always wants to buy a championship, but i guarantee when he was first bringing all those old high priced vet's in for those big contracts, y'all were probably HYPED and y'all thought it woudl work too. The only thing is , you can sit back and criticize him because he owns the team, and has gone through that trial and error and his expense. The only reason you think those players wont work anymore is because of Dans past right? IT's certainly not because yall knew all along he shouldnt have been signing some of them players.


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