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Marine Kills Puppy ??

USS Redskins

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Obviously this is pretty disgusting. I dont care who you are, no way this can be defended.

But is it real?

Just wondering about peoples opinions.


The video is really low quality and hard to tell much.

The puppy doesnt move, at least I cant tell if it moves or its the guy moving it.

It only makes a sound as he throws it.

The puppy sounds are really loud and the most clear audio on the clip, even as it goes away from the camera.

If its real, this guy is a freaking a-hole.

If not, then allot of people are getting into a real lather about it for no reason.

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It's not real...the puppy is already dead. But that doesn't make it ANY better in my eyes. It's still sickening. If my tax dollars are going towards our soldiers acting like a bunch of morons in a foreign country.....then please send those idiots back over here so they can abuse animals in THIS country and be dealt with by the law, Mike Vick style.

these dudes are a joke, and if i ever met that dude who threw the dead pup, or either of the other two jackasses.....i'd go offer a hand shake for their services, then draw it back, ball my fist up and punch that lowlife in the mouth until he was swallowing teeth.

There is no excuse for this dumb ****.

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It's not real...the puppy is already dead.

Then he launches the dog over the cliff. The puppy's yelps can be heard until it hits the ground below. Then the Marine shrugs his shoulders while another Marine standing nearby laughs and says, "That was mean."

I duno how fake it is if the puppy can be heard on the video.

Either way, it's sad.

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Earlier today, there was a Youtube video up of this where at the end, his home address and phone number are displayed. It looks like it's been taken down now though, because i can't find it again.

People are pretty pissed

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Nutjobs knocking down his door seeking "justice"

Why's it gotta be nutjobs. I don't consider myself one and I would like to see him bound and thrown off a cliff as well to see if he likes it.

Just for the record, I'm not one of those PETA freaks, actually FAR from it. I like to hunt and have no problem with eating virtually any kind of animal, but I'm a HUGE dog lover and don't think any animal should be subjected to any type of cruelty.

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The yelping was added in after the fact. you can see that the dog isn't alive, and the puppy yelping doesn't match up with what the dog would really be doing if it were alive.

It's not too hard to see that it's a hoax that a bunch of marines with nothing better to do came up with.

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It cant be real. That just cant be real.

But then again, you cant train people to go and kill human beings and expect some act of compassion towards animals. those guys have been over there a LONG time and have probably seen friends die as well as kill people who are their enemy.

but in any case i dont agree nor like it.

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The yelping was added in after the fact. you can see that the dog isn't alive, and the puppy yelping doesn't match up with what the dog would really be doing if it were alive.

It's not too hard to see that it's a hoax that a bunch of marines with nothing better to do came up with.

Why would anyone touch a dead animal? Why would the other marine say "that was mean" if it was already dead?

Doesn't make sense to me.

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It's not funny either way. 99% of our soldiers are perfect examples of what Americans should be. They make this country proud. Then there's guys like this who make us look terrible. I can't imagine doing that to a dog alive or dead. It's horrible.

Couldn't agree more.

and to those of you wondering if it's real.....yelping and a thud doesn't make it real. The puppy is lifeless as he's holding it, no movement of any kind. The yelps are so fake they were clearly added afterwards to sound real. Take a closer look and realize that this guy is as big a piece of trash for throwing a dead dog off a cliff and pretending it's real...as he would be if he were actually throwing a living creature off of that cliff. It might even make him more sick.

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