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Marine Kills Puppy ??

USS Redskins

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WTF i dont kill them i have one i take care of everyday and how am i a sick person i just dont like animals i dont hate them. i was just mad because my day sucked and was venting.

I hope you burn in hell, you are one sick, sick individual. If I knew where you lived I'd call the police on you right now.

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itzallgood.....i see the number in your name bro. I know it's close to 5:30...but it's always a good time to make it 420. take one to the head and let the stress melt away.
:laugh: why do you think i just got all soft?but FYI i have said this alot but 420 is there because i really was born on april 20th :)
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Either way, these guys have brought embarrassment onto the Marine Corps, who don't want to be seen a bunch of barbarians that throw puppies off of cliffs. That makes Marines, and Americans, look like a bunch of arseholes.

Seriously, did these guys think it would be funny?

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Just my :2cents: , but after watching the video a couple of times, I don't even think it was a real animal. If you look at it closely, it appears to be a stuffed animal (filled with a fairly stiff foam to make it look real). The eyes look like 2 big buttons, the legs and head stay in the same basic position while he throws it and it flies through the air, and the sounds of the 'crying' and thud are clearly dubbed in.

I think it was just a couple of guys trying to do something 'outrageous' that went a little too far.

Stupid and childish, absolutely - real and horrifying, I don't think so.

That was the first thing I thought when I saw the video. It has the same exact pose you would want a stuffed dog to have, and it doesn't look real at all. Plus, who would willingly make a video of that?

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Just my :2cents: , but after watching the video a couple of times, I don't even think it was a real animal. If you look at it closely, it appears to be a stuffed animal (filled with a fairly stiff foam to make it look real).

I disagree. Look how he was holding it--by the scruff of its neck. If it were a stuffed dog, he would have held it like a water bottle. He was holding it by the skin on the back of the neck that real dogs have.

the sounds of the 'crying' and thud are clearly dubbed in.

Clearly? Explain.

Plus, who would willingly make a video of that?

This wouldn't be the first time some of our soldiers have taken pictures using questionable judgment in Iraq. Abu Graib ring a bell?

Look, I'm far from a liberal, and I'm not hating on the military. But I'm calling this one as I see it.

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If you watch the video and think it's real, then I've got some real estate and a few bridges I'd like to sell you.

I love the people who are outraged over something they won't watch. Yeah, whatever you do, don't form your OWN opinion, just BAA along with all the other sheep.

Was it tasteless? Yes. Did they kill a puppy by tossing it over a cliff? No.

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I love the people who are outraged over something they won't watch. Yeah, whatever you do, don't form your OWN opinion, just BAA along with all the other sheep.

I actually watched it four times so that I could form my own opinion. Thanks.

By the way, did you see the Marine Corps' response to the incident? They're a lot more outraged than you seem to be.

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I actually watched it four times so that I could form my own opinion. Thanks.

Well, then obviously I wasn't talking about you. Thanks.

By the way, did you see the Marine Corps' response to the incident? They're a lot more outraged than you seem to be.

Of course, they have to be. The public would expect no less. These guys are guilty of lack of taste and poor judgment.

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If you watch the video and think it's real, then I've got some real estate and a few bridges I'd like to sell you.

I love the people who are outraged over something they won't watch. Yeah, whatever you do, don't form your OWN opinion, just BAA along with all the other sheep.

Was it tasteless? Yes. Did they kill a puppy by tossing it over a cliff? No.

I was under the impression they killed a puppy. I don't need to see a video of somebody getting decapitated to get mad at the people who did it. Spare me the visual disgust, I'll can call killing an animal like that "terrible" without watching. If it was fake, then let me send a formal apology in a bag of my own **** to that douschbag.

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The video has been updated.

It isn't a stuffed animal. In the new video they stop it when he is about to release it and you can see how the puppy is being held by skin.

And if it was already dead. He is a moron for touching a dead animal. I heard his mom's address was posted and she is receiving death threats.

From the abc blog:

david mortari- i've called your house, your cell, your moms place of work... and i'm going to continue to do it every single day.Please post these numbers so those of us who feel the same can help!

This is such a tragedy and yet another black eye for our Corps. As a former USMC Staff Sgt, I certainly hope that Headquarters Marine Corps will do the right thing and punish these two to the fullest extent possible, making them as an example that this will not be tolerated.
I love how everyone is saying how terrible this guy is for doing that...but yet they say he SHOULD be thrown off a cliff and someone says they hope he dies in the war...WTF. This makes you no better then the marine by saying this stuff, then you bash all marines because this one guy. Thats like me bashing all liberals because one of them says something like "I'm glad that marine died he deserved it for fighting in a war".
Marines are #### CRAZY (and most are dumber than the rocks they hide behind). You never see any Army, Navy or Air Force personnel doing this xxxx. I have the utmost respect for the Marines that served in WWII. I wonder if any of them ever tossed a puppy off a cliff. What the hell has happened. I hope this is some kind of fake. Doubt it though.....
And you guys wonder the worls hates you? Imagine what your soldiers aren't video taping. Someone that stupid will accidentally shoot himself I'm sure.
Marine Corps Fundamental Beliefs - Honor requires each Marine to exemplify the ultimate standard in ethical and moral conduct. Honor is many things; honor requires many things. A U.S. Marine must never lie, never cheat, never steal, but that is not enough. Much more is required. Each Marine must cling to an uncompromising code of personal integrity, accountable for his actions and holding others accountable for theirs. And, above all, honor mandates that a Marine never sully the reputation of his Corps ------ War brings out the good and the bad in mankind. In this case it appears to be the bad. The Marine Corps will address this.
I wish somenone would throw him off a cliff BUT dont forget to mention how cute he is before you do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the more interesting quotes. T

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I was under the impression they killed a puppy. I don't need to see a video of somebody getting decapitated to get mad at the people who did it. Spare me the visual disgust, I'll can call killing an animal like that "terrible" without watching. If it was fake, then let me send a formal apology in a bag of my own **** to that douschbag.

The news report that is up if you click the link now makes me think it was not a stuffed animal.

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What a wonderful dose of human excrement that US Marine is. If it was real kill him, if it was fake throw him off the cliff. Im sure he would make a nice little yelp sound too. Love to record it and play it in youtube also. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Puppies lives are more precious than fetuses or newborns??

I could do a thread "Doctor Murders baby" but late term abortion vids are beyond NSFW.

Obviously so, I don't see too many death threats from doing it.

I'm about as big a animal lover as can be,but some of ya'll are ****ing nuts with the reactions..

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