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American Idol: 2008


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Remember the goal is to win.

David A sang what he thought would get him that win.

Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me is a great song for him...as were the others.

He won the "song choices" tonight, that's for sure.

We'll see in 24 hours! I'm still pulling for Cook. My computer has 2% battery....adios guys!

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He won the "song choices" tonight, that's for sure.

We'll see in 24 hours! I'm still pulling for Cook. My computer has 2% battery....adios guys!

David Cook will be better off if he doesn't win because then he won't be saddled with an American Idol contract, etc and will be free to record what he wants. I would probably buy a David Cook album...the guy is going to be good.

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Regardless of who wins, I'll probably end up buying Cook's first album. First American Idol guy that I really really have taken a liking to. Daughtry's pretty good, but he's kinda meh to me.

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Ha, Seacrest called him Archie. I will agree DA was the better singer tonight but I'm sorry, I just can't vote for a guy named Archuleta, especially one that looks like he's gonna cry and hurl at the same time whenever Simon gets done speaking.

DC is more of a performer. DA is just a very good singer. It's like comparing Bruce Springsteen to Michael Buble. Each one has their niche and Buble has a much better voice but DAMN, gimme the Boss anyday.

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If Archuletta wins, I will quit watching this ****. Seriously, what kind of tool would listen to Archuletta's music. I sure as hell know that the dumbass teeny bopper girls that are voting for him won't, they'll be busy listening to Chris Brown and Bow Wow. This will be the biggest crock of **** if Archuletta wins. Sure he may be the better singer, but c'mon, who would sell more records? My bet is on David Cook, he is real. David Archuletta is just another tool box, manipulated by the masses to make him more appealing.

Hope America likes Clay Aikenesque music because that is what they will get when all of the stupid teenage girls vote for him in droves.

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If Archuletta wins, I will quit watching this ****. Seriously, what kind of tool would listen to Archuletta's music.

Like I've said, David Cook is better off if he loses. He won't be saddled with the American Idol contract and will be able to make an album that many of us would buy.

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Idol is nothing but a popularity contest. Archuleta and Cook both should've been sent home a long time ago. Carly Smithson had the greatest singing talent IMO but the teenage girls didn't vote for her like they did the Davids.

Also, Syesha out performed Archuleta last week only to get snubbed. **** Idol

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Originally Posted by Jaron

They really need to do away with these songwriting competions for the final show. The songs are always so awful that the judges even hate them.

I really like the one Cook did :whoknows:

David Cook could sing Tiny Tim's "Tiptoe through the Tulips" and make it sound cool and put his spin on it. The guy is good.

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David Archuleta is going to win and he is the better singer, but David Cook is going to make more money.

He will get the bigger record deal simply because he has a more marketable talent. The stuff he sings is the kind of musc you hear on the radio today. See: Chris Daughtry.

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David Archuleta is going to win and he is the better singer, but David Cook is going to make more money.

He will get the bigger record deal simply because he has a more marketable talent. The stuff he sings is the kind of musc you hear on the radio today. See: Chris Daughtry.

agreed. I didn't watch last night because I was watching the O's-Yanks blowout instead and figured your scenario was going to play out anyways....

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I don't see how any could enjoy that wretched rendition of Imagine. Sure the kid can sing but he shows zero emotion unless you consider that "I think I just sharted" look on his face whenever the judges are blowing him.

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I don't see how any could enjoy that wretched rendition of Imagine. Sure the kid can sing but he shows zero emotion unless you consider that "I think I just sharted" look on his face whenever the judges are blowing him.

Seriously, the judges LOVE that kid.

Randy nearly soils himself in a string of 'yo dogs' everytime Archuleta sings no matter how boring and half-assed the performance is.

My guess is that they are being told to show support for him because if he wins he will sell tons of records to teeny boppers.

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I think Cook threw it.

He' knows he'll be better off making his own album ala Chris Daughtry, then he would be making the record AI producers want him to make.

I'd go for that in the sense that instead of picking "winning" songs, he chose what he liked and what he wanted to do.

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I think Cook threw it.

He' knows he'll be better off making his own album ala Chris Daughtry, then he would be making the record AI producers want him to make.

I can dig that.

I don't see how any could enjoy that wretched rendition of Imagine. Sure the kid can sing but he shows zero emotion unless you consider that "I think I just sharted" look on his face whenever the judges are blowing him.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"that "I think I just sharted" look on his face"

:applause: :applause:

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