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And our next coach is...someone you haven't yet heard about.


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I think Snyder is being overly meticulous and won't just name a head coach out of desperation. (contrary to how much we the "oh so educated" fans might disagree) The process of hiring a head coach is a taxing endeavor for both an owner and the team it affects. It's hard to preach patience, when mine is fading, but I want this done right, with the right candidate.

Hail. :point2sky

Except that this is one area where you can't afford to drag things out too far. Unless we assume that the new Head Coach will agree with whatever Zorn and Blache have come up with in the interim - someone needs to work on evalauting the current roster, game planning for next season, looking at changes via free agency and the draft. How can that be done without understanding the philosophy of the new coach? Every day delayed now is a day of prep lost.

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I've got it!! It just came to me. The perfect hire, the one guy that we can all get behind, the one guy that is flashy enough for old danny boy (not tall enough for a capitol D). John Riggins!! Think about it who would be more loved by the fans? Especially when he B**** slapps Vinny for talking out of line. He would be the Triple H to our Vince McMahon! Hey danny boy, can you say beer bath at half time? Maybe you and vinny in a creamed corn cage match?? I think I would almost pay to see that. Does that make me gay?

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I know Danny boy is trying to be thorough, but in my opinion the longer it takes the more foolish we look! The Skins' headcoach position should be held in high esteem not run from or laughed at. As long as it is not Fassel I can deal with it. When he was with the Giants, his team quit on him. I hope that they take a chance on a relative unknown just like Gibbs was when he was hired.

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Something knaws at me that Snyder has never whiffed quite so badly as Fassel would represent, in terms of generating excitement among the fan base with something the team does. Maybe I just want it to be so enough that I can't think clearly, but, a part of me thinks Snyder has another rabbit and his name is not one you'd have thought.

That pretty much sums up that last couple of weeks for me. I keep thinking he can't be dumb enough to hire Fassel, so there must be something else going on.

It seems like Mooch is the best fit at this point. He's a players coach, he doesn't mind Vinny, and he's worked with both coordinators. Maybe the leading candidate is Mooch and they're just downplaying it for whatever reason.

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As far as Grimm is concerned,I am pretty certian a team doesn't need permission to talk with a candidate who is being interviewed for a promotion. Therefore the skins would not ask permission since they want to keep the whole thing secret. We didn't ask permission to speak with Schwartz, Meeks, Spagnuola, etc. It was just that the info was leaked so Art is right the new hire could come out of nowhere. I just find it highly unlikely that with all the snooping of the media and anonymous sources out there that we wouldn't find out. You would think there would be a story about Grimm being contacted and asked directly and him denying it.

A team most definately has to ask permission to interview a member of another team's coaching staff, even for a HC position. Teams as a rule don't stop teams from interviewing members of their coaching staff as long as the position they are interviewing for is a promotion. The Redskins had to get permission to talk to Meeks, Spagnoulo, Schwartz. They also had to get permission to talk to Jim Zorn.

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just some random thoughts:

1. The hire will be Fassel, but he has his head so far inside Snyder's body cavity, the surgery is taking a while.

2. Danny bought the rights from the Lombardi family to have Vince exhumed and cloned, and they are bringing him up to speed on the changes to the game now.

3. Danny has hired Brittany Spears, and is waiting for her hospital release.

4. The original poster is correct, its a mystery candidate and Danny has bought/exhumed/cloned Alfred Hitch**** and Rod Serling to do the play by play and intro for said candidate, and they are having some trouble with that process.


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I know Danny boy is trying to be thorough, but in my opinion the longer it takes the more foolish we look! The Skins' headcoach position should be held in high esteem not run from or laughed at. As long as it is not Fassel I can deal with it. When he was with the Giants, his team quit on him. I hope that they take a chance on a relative unknown just like Gibbs was when he was hired.

Because how it looks should be paramount to hiring the best coach available. :doh:

Just maybe none of the candidates interviewed well. It may be a case of best of the bunch. Maybe he's struggling with Fassel as much as many other are, but Fassel is the best of the bunch. I wouldn't want to be in his posistion.

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I've got it!! It just came to me. The perfect hire, the one guy that we can all get behind, the one guy that is flashy enough for old danny boy (not tall enough for a capitol D). John Riggins!! Think about it who would be more loved by the fans? Especially when he B**** slapps Vinny for talking out of line. He would be the Triple H to our Vince McMahon! Hey danny boy, can you say beer bath at half time? Maybe you and vinny in a creamed corn cage match?? I think I would almost pay to see that. Does that make me gay?


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This FO landed a coach who would NEVER coach for Dan Snyder but did. Landed THE hottest, biggest name on the coaching market. Coaxed Joe Gibbs into returning. There's a lot more evidence that visions of grandeur are common and visions of Fossil would be the strange, unaccustomed move.

Fossil would also be a good move because it mean Snyder isnt fixated on the big name. Big names doesnt nautomatically mean superbowls as we have found out

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I've got it!! It just came to me. The perfect hire, the one guy that we can all get behind, the one guy that is flashy enough for old danny boy (not tall enough for a capitol D). John Riggins!! Think about it who would be more loved by the fans? Especially when he B**** slapps Vinny for talking out of line. He would be the Triple H to our Vince McMahon! Hey danny boy, can you say beer bath at half time? Maybe you and vinny in a creamed corn cage match?? I think I would almost pay to see that. Does that make me gay?

:applause: great post!

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Now we are down to making Little Danny look like the genius. I'm sure he's still looking for the Big name coach to come here and if anybody thought different, then they have been out of the country for the last 10 years.

I guess you can hope that Art's scenario is the case here and I'm sure Little Danny has been hounding a particular non candidate to death but I still think it was Mr. Fizzel, thus you have the hiring of Zorn and the attempt at getting Rex Ryan over here. To the astonishment of Little Danny, Rex Ryan said no thanks and opted to stay in Baltimore and with the fans ready for a revolution over the rumors of Mr. Fizzel being hired, Little Danny promoted Blache to DC and fed the lions a little story about continuity and you fell for it.

This quelled the rebellion down a bit and as the Giants were still in the playoffs, the talk in the media was about Spagnuolo and his vaunted defense. This might have caught Little Danny's attention and he became more enamoured with him after the Green Bay game. This was going to be Little Danny's ticket out of the hot seat with the fans as Mr. Fizzel was looking less attractive each passing day, but because he hadn't officially informed Mr. Fizzell, he could set him to the side for now and concentrate on Spagnuolo.

Now much to the surprise of Little Danny again, Spagnuolo leaves Washington and flies back to NY and immediately signs a 3 year extension at 2 plus million a year. Little Danny's spin machine goes into overdrive and leaks to the media that Spags and Little Danny felt that he just wasn't ready to take on the responsibilities as a HC. Spags denies ever having said that and again, it's back to Little Danny spreading false rumors to try and save face for yet another potential HC turning down Little Danny with all of his money and just using him to get a fat raise from his current employer.

Nope, this isn't Little Danny being the master of brilliance behind the scenes, this is Little Danny having reality smack him in the face. This is what goes around, comes around and now he's the one being used and embarrassed and finding out that there are some people out there that can't be bought for any amount of money, only the ones desperate enough to cede their dignity to the likes of people like him for one last shot at fame and a fat check.

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I couldn't agree more with you, Art.

Something Dan Snyder said in an interview a week or so ago when asked about the top 3-4 candidates (Fassel, Mariucci, Meeks Spagnoulo) may well reinforce your belief. When the reporter made a reference to these men as the top picks and sought reinforcement from the owner at to his accuracy, Snyder said he was "close". At that point, I thought there may be a mystery candidate.

Not only that but Bram asked Snyder (HOF presser) about the interviewing process and it taking so long. He responded by saying something like it takes time to interview 9 candidates. Well, we cannot account for that many!

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Now we are down to making Little Danny look like the genius. I'm sure he's still looking for the Big name coach to come here and if anybody thought different, then they have been out of the country for the last 10 years.

I guess you can hope that Art's scenario is the case here and I'm sure Little Danny has been hounding a particular non candidate to death but I still think it was Mr. Fizzel, thus you have the hiring of Zorn and the attempt at getting Rex Ryan over here. To the astonishment of Little Danny, Rex Ryan said no thanks and opted to stay in Baltimore and with the fans ready for a revolution over the rumors of Mr. Fizzel being hired, Little Danny promoted Blache to DC and fed the lions a little story about continuity and you fell for it.

This quelled the rebellion down a bit and as the Giants were still in the playoffs, the talk in the media was about Spagnuolo and his vaunted defense. This might have caught Little Danny's attention and he became more enamoured with him after the Green Bay game. This was going to be Little Danny's ticket out of the hot seat with the fans as Mr. Fizzel was looking less attractive each passing day, but because he hadn't officially informed Mr. Fizzell, he could set him to the side for now and concentrate on Spagnuolo.

Now much to the surprise of Little Danny again, Spagnuolo leaves Washington and flies back to NY and immediately signs a 3 year extension at 2 plus million a year. Little Danny's spin machine goes into overdrive and leaks to the media that Spags and Little Danny felt that he just wasn't ready to take on the responsibilities as a HC. Spags denies ever having said that and again, it's back to Little Danny spreading false rumors to try and save face for yet another potential HC turning down Little Danny with all of his money and just using him to get a fat raise from his current employer.

Nope, this isn't Little Danny being the master of brilliance behind the scenes, this is Little Danny having reality smack him in the face. This is what goes around, comes around and now he's the one being used and embarrassed and finding out that there are some people out there that can't be bought for any amount of money, only the ones desperate enough to cede their dignity to the likes of people like him for one last shot at fame and a fat check.

According to numerous reports, Spagnuolo was never offered the position. According to other reports, it was mutually decided between he and Snyder that he was not ready to be a Head Coach in the NFL.

I'm willing to bet that if Snyder wanted Spags here, he would be. :2cents:

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According to numerous reports, Spagnuolo was never offered the position. According to other reports, it was mutually decided between he and Snyder that he was not ready to be a Head Coach in the NFL.

I'm willing to bet that if Snyder wanted Spags here, he would be. :2cents:

I don't know about any offer but Spags denied ever having said anything about him not being ready to be a head coach.

Go a head and believe the Snyder spin machine but I'm going with Spags on this one as he has no reason to lie about this. Can the same be said about Little Danny?

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I seriously think the reason it's been so quiet in the past 24 hours is because Snyder and Vinny are hunkered down with Joe Bugel at Redskins Park working on a deal and a game plan to promote him. This would get the team heading in a direction...for now.

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