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Darrell Green Blog Update (Dinner with Dan, and butterflies)


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Butterflies in the Desert

It's official. The Arizona desert is now plush with Green. The Darrell Green crew has arrived!

Here's my quick Super Bowl weather update: The skies are clear, but the temperatures are hanging in the disappointing 60s, especially for northeasterners. Oh, and there's another very interesting phenomenon going on out here. As one who really enjoys and appreciates the outdoors -- you know, plants, insects, stuff like that -- it's been quite weird that as pretty as the flowers and foliages are out here, all of the butterflies seem to be nesting right here in my stomach. Go figure.

Yesterday I finally figured out when and where I was the first (and probably only) time I felt like this. It was 25 years ago, when I was waiting on my name to be called in the 1983 NFL draft. And, yep, there is one big similarity in the two moments -- butterflies in my stomach! And, just like back then, anything I could do to influence the decision had long been done. In this case, all you, me and my family can do is wait! That's fine. I just need a little help with the waiting part. LOL

Finally, I would like to wrap up today's thoughts with a little Redskins update. The family and I accepted a gracious invitation for dinner with Dan and Tonya Snyder and others last night. For the record, I haven't been in a conversation with Dan -- if my memory doesn't fail me -- in at least nine months to a year. But last night as I listened to him talk with such passion about his strategic vision for the team, I would like to reiterate the point I made in my blog post of two days ago, when I referenced "The Dirty Dozen," and said, "...each man was picked individually and with a specific skill for a specific task to meet the team's goal."

I went on to say that if I was right and that's what the Redskins were doing, that I applauded their decision because it eliminates anyone's ability to hide. Well, I was right! That's exactly what they're doing! They want the coaching staff to be held accountable for their individual performance. They don't want to hire some superstar head coach with his own supporting cast of coaches who can hide behind their friendship and history with the head coach. It's just what I suspected. It makes sense, and I agree with that decision 100 percent.

Now, what do you think? Good or bad, I want to hear from you.


Well it looks like Darrell was right about what he thought about the Skins...and show the man some love if you get a chance...he seems very nervous

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that's the most dumb arse reasoning I have choked on in quite some time. It raises too many questions...such as...

1) Snyder never held his coaches accountable before?

2) Snyder doesn't hold all the cards as the billpayer?

3) Just what accountability should coaches have to an owner with little to no football savvy? what are the real implications of this line of thought?

4) hmmmm.....why didn't "Danny" ever raise this issue while Joe was hiring coaches left and right? is he tacitly saying Joe had is head up is rear? is he saying he made a mistake in letting Joe slect coaches? is he saying someone lied when repeated statements were made that Cerrato/Snyder/Gibbs discussed all hiring/personnel moves?

does anyone here find it just a bit worrisome that the message is the assistants should be accountable to the owner and his crony? accountable for what? to what level? how is this different from other staffs? what's the management philosophy in play here - castrate the HC?

what gives? this is a crock.

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that's the most dumb arse reasoning I have choked on in quite some time. It raises too many questions...such as...

1) Snyder never held his coaches accountable before?

2) Snyder doesn't hold all the cards as the billpayer?

3) Just what accountability should coaches have to an owner with little to no football savvy? what are the real implications of this line of thought?

4) hmmmm.....why didn't "Danny" ever raise this issue while Joe was hiring coaches left and right? is he tacitly saying Joe had is arse up is rear? is he saying he made a mistake in letting Joe slect coaches? is he saying someone lied when repeated statements were made that Cerrato/Snyder/Gibbs discussed all hiring/personnel moves?

does anyone here find it just a bit worrisome that the message is the assistants should be accountable to the owner and his crony? accountable for what? to what level? how is this different from other staffs? what's the management philosophy in play here - castrate the HC?

what gives? this is a crock.

Come next year you may be right. For the time being....Ill take Darell Green's assesment over yours 24-7, 365.

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well that's certainly a very deep approach! if you need a daddy figure that's your limitation...not mine!
Just because some people are agreeing with Darrell's assessment of the situation and not yours doesn't mean you have to be arrogant and obnoxious about it. sorry, but your assessment of the situation holds little water to that of a Future Hall of Famer
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Just because some people are agreeing with Darrell's assessment of the situation and not yours doesn't mean you have to be arrogant and obnoxious about it. sorry, but your assessment of the situation holds little water to that of a Future Hall of Famer

cmon now...you opened fire first with the ad hominem broadside. not only that....but

- you have no idea what experience I have as a leader, manager, organizer and motivator of teams

- you neglect to note that DG has never been an owner or been in a management position like DS

- the assumption is that being a great player automatically qualifies one to assess ownership? especially one HE NEVER PLAYED FOR? what kind of well thought through position as that?

you love DG. great. so did I. that doesn't mean I think he is especially qualified to speak out on the subject of running a football team. especially since he had no qualifications. and especially since he did not comment on other factors - like why it has been a cluster you know what to this point.

he was a player....but I anxiously await his next bestseller on management and motivation.

on second thought...Matt Millian was on several SB teams...yea....we'll take his word for what management philosophy should be! see the problem?

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If Darrell like's it .. Thats good enough for me . On the same point as some of you have said about Danny's football knowledge not up to par which I think is true and , You can look at my sig and tell I hate him and vinny but , On the same point Darrell played the game and has forgotten more footbal then any of us will ever know so I'll take it for what its worth and not buy into this sky is falling theory and go and try to protest with some radio station like a Hee- Haaw (thats my typed sound for donkey and you can figure out what word i was really trying to say by impling a donkey sound;-) )

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What choice do we as fans really have? Complain? Yea, and we have the right. Go with the flow? Yea, but that's hard when it looks bad. Accept what DS is doing? Harder still, when it doesn't make sense. As outsiders it's tough to watch your team experiment with coaches, players and systems. Very frustrating, but we can't do anything about it but express our opinions. And that's ALL we have. Opinions. We don't know each others backgrounds and training, experiences, etc.

So, my moral to this story is,


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- the assumption is that being a great player automatically qualifies one to assess ownership? especially one HE NEVER PLAYED FOR? what kind of well thought through position as that?

Darrel played for Danny Boy... Under Marty... What kind of well thought out statement is that? :laugh: :laugh:

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Darrel played for Danny Boy... Under Marty... What kind of well thought out statement is that? :laugh: :laugh:

Well Put my friend .... this board has become hmmmmmm brittney spears / paris hilton like interms of the logic being used for thread statements...

p.s. those girls dont get Capital letters because umm I dont respect them .... Did I just spell capital wrong:doh:

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1) Snyder never held his coaches accountable before?

2) Snyder doesn't hold all the cards as the billpayer?

Well, he didn't under Gibbs. All the coaches were accountable to Gibbs. Certainly, Snyder does have the power to undercut that if he felt like it, but we all know how that would go over.

3) Just what accountability should coaches have to an owner with little to no football savvy? what are the real implications of this line of thought?

Well, he does pay the bills. If the guy who is paying the bills is unhappy, you better have a good explination.

4) hmmmm.....why didn't "Danny" ever raise this issue while Joe was hiring coaches left and right? is he tacitly saying Joe had is head up is rear? is he saying he made a mistake in letting Joe slect coaches? is he saying someone lied when repeated statements were made that Cerrato/Snyder/Gibbs discussed all hiring/personnel moves?

I doubt it. I'm guessing that Snyder wouldn't allow anyone short of Gibbs to have that kind of respect, at least until they earned it.

does anyone here find it just a bit worrisome that the message is the assistants should be accountable to the owner and his crony? accountable for what? to what level? how is this different from other staffs? what's the management philosophy in play here - castrate the HC?

what gives? this is a crock.

There are some good questions here, certainly. I have a feeling a lot of this goes back to Spurrier and the way he ran the asylum and that maybe he gave him too much leash.

At the same time, it does seem that at least Fassel got input to the hires, and that the hires weren't likely to be disputed by Mooch.

Personally, it is hard to say from a second hand account from a guy who already had a certain perception of how this was going down and felt it was confirmed. It doesn't mean that Green understood all the dynamics involved. He certainly isn't giving us much details other than he's reassured.


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One little problem here. Wouldn't it make sense that all the coaches buy into the philosophy of the Head Coach. And that the line coach believes in the same blocking schemes as the Running backs coach (zone vs. man to man). And that the GM or whatever his title is, selects the running back that fits that scheme. You can repeat this scenario for the defense as well. It all sounds good but you have a Head Coach who has a coaching staff already hired. Basically, he already has a built in excuse if the team doesn't perform next year. This may work if they hire Mariuchi due to the fact that the coordinators come from the same philosophy.

But, you know danny knows best, his record prooves it.

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- you neglect to note that DG has never been an owner or been in a management position like DS

No, but he has had personal conversations with Dan, which is where he formed his opinion. Did you?

- the assumption is that being a great player automatically qualifies one to assess ownership? especially one HE NEVER PLAYED FOR? what kind of well thought through position as that?

Thought out??, like your comment that "HE NEVER PLAYED FOR" You know HE DID PLAY FOR DAN!!

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