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John Edwards Quits '08 Race


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Bummer. I respected how he refused to get down in the mud with Obama and Clinton.

Unfortunately this will probably send the message to future candidates that running a 'clean' campaign doesn't work anymore. We should probably expect worse tactics in '12.

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damn ... I got an e-mail begging for money just yesterday morning ... maybe I could've saved the campaign. I'm pretty sure they're running really short on funds, and Edwards isn't quite as rich as Romney, so he can't just dip into his own bank account.

If he endorses anyone, I think it would be Obama. He doesn't have any particularly strong connections to the Democratic Party establishment, and his running mate from '04, Kerry, is already on the Obama bandwagon.

There are rumors going around about attorney general, but I think it's just people thinking lawyer = attorney general ... it doesn't really make any sense if you think about it, since Edwards has no criminal law experience, and very little federal court experience. If I were going to put Edwards in the cabinet, I think it would be more likely for him to be Secretary of Labor or Health and Human Services, or something where he could fight for the little guy or whatever.

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Bummer. I respected how he refused to get down in the mud with Obama and Clinton.

He didn't do any mudslinging, and for that he should be commended. But he was never a front runner and so never had to withstand any real attacks. If he had been attacked like Obama has and not retaliated, I'd give him more credit.

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Hillary just shat herself.

She needed him to split the antiHillary vote with Obama next Tuesday.

Absolutely. There's some numbers I'll be crunching to see what happens to some particular demographics. I'm willing to bet a good number of his votes go to McCain in open primaries. I can see some Anti-Hilliary and Anti-Obama voters playing their own politics. The polls aren't going to be accurate for Dems moving on out. That 15 to 20% that Edwards carried will be a factor.

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Edwards will endorse Obama. I can even see and Obama/Edwards Dem ticket. They would wipe the floor regardless of who took the GOP ticket. They could even take some red Southern states.

I think this would be a tough ticket for the GOP to beat. But if it was switched, the GOP wouldnt stand a chance.

If that happened, McCain would have to hit a homerun with his choice. And I dont know who that could be.

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I think this would be a tough ticket for the GOP to beat. But if it was switched, the GOP wouldnt stand a chance.

If that happened, McCain would have to hit a homerun with his choice. And I dont know who that could be.

McCain will choose Huckabee as his VP in order to blow Romney away.

That's my prediction.:2cents:

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Bingo. I don't think people truly grasp the enormity of this on Super Tuesday. This is probably a 6% bump for Obama across the board.

It may be a 6% bump to Obama but it's also a 4% bump to her.

Add that on top of the overwhelming support that she will get from the non-conservative Hispanics that see her (rightfully) as the second coming of Bill, and she is still going to put the hurt on Obama in the big states.

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I really think Edwards could have won in '04 against Bush. He is basically the genuine version of the folksy southern guy that Bush is always pretending to be. Bush won two elections by being more likeable than two very boring and stiff opponents; Edwards would have changed that equation.

This time around, I think both Hillary and Obama are just stronger candidates. Hillary has the Clinton legacy and a strong grasp on policy along with the excitement of a possible first woman President. Obama is new and different and exciting, and his speaking ability is on a different plane from any other candidate ... Maybe if Edwards had sat out four years ago and had been reelected to the Senate, he would have some of that buzz for this election, but he took his chance, and the moment passed him by.

I really don't think he's a viable VP choice for either Hillary or Obama. Nobody is going to pick a losing VP candidate again, and Edwards can't deliver any single state. Obama/Edwards might provide a strong urban/rural combination, but that didn't really work with Kerry/Edwards, and I don't really see it working here. Obama would be better served to pick someone from the midwest or southwest, and he should probably pick someone more *establishment* than Edwards. Maybe Edwards would have a place in the next administration, but perhaps he will be content just taking care of his wife, doing non-profit work, and raising his kids.

No matter what, he ran a clean campaign, and he certainly did his part to highlight working class issues and to push the other candidates a little bit to the left on Iraq ... even if we never hear from him again, he definitely made quite a mark for someone who had never even been involved in politics before a decade ago.

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I really don't think he's a viable VP choice for either Hillary or Obama. Nobody is going to pick a losing VP candidate again, and Edwards can't deliver any single state.

The rumor going around is, Edwards is waiting on Obama or Hillary to guarantee him an AG position if they are to win the election and he will endorse that candidate.

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The rumor going around is, Edwards is waiting on Obama or Hillary to guarantee him an AG position if they are to win the election and he will endorse that candidate.
I already stated earlier in this thread why AG doesn't make any sense for Edwards ... he has no criminal law experience (and never even talks about crime on the campaign trail), and very little federal court experience. I'm not even sure why he would want to be AG. His issues are poverty and health care, and the DOJ doesn't exactly do much on those fronts.

I think people are just starting rumors assuming that lawyer = AG when it really doesn't make sense for Edwards.

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