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Tired of the Head Coaching Search (MET)


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I don't know about you guys but Snyder's dithering is making my blood boil. My cynical side says that the delay is all about marketing. How long can he keep the Skins in the news? I'm also preparing myself to be royally PO'ed if he jettisons all the coaches and we have to start over again. I don't have a lot of faith in Snyder/Cerrato.

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When I read the title of this thread, I thought it was gonna be about being tired of the search function on this site. It almost never works for me, but that could just be my computer/browser.

I feel your pain tho - really wish we had a decision on the direction of the future of this team, but also, I'm glad he isn't making any rash decisions.. Hopefully it will pay off with the right coaching choice.

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Dude, I though this was a gripe thread about the search feature and I was gonna post the standard "we know we know, use your eyes and scan the first 2 pages when it doesn't work, yada yada yada" and then close it. :laugh:

So for this search, why worry? It's filling the time and it's giving us something to obsess over that's more vaild than most topics we obsess over. :laugh:

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No disrespect intended, but seems to me what you're really pissed about is encapsulated in your last sentence. Not sure it's the timing of the new HC hire so much as your underlying feelings about the owner.

Let me ask you this ... would you have been just as pissed if he'd "rushed into it" in a matter of a couple days and hired GW "without due diligence?"

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I don't know about you guys but Snyder's dithering is making my blood boil. My cynical side says that the delay is all about marketing. How long can he keep the Skins in the news? I'm also preparing myself to be royally PO'ed if he jettisons all the coaches and we have to start over again. I don't have a lot of faith in Snyder/Cerrato.

I think he's trying to leave no stone unturned. He doesn't want to act too quickly and he needs to cover all his bases. I'm alright with what this whole thing looks like to me.

I am not on board if he decides to throw it all away and start from scratch. If he did throw away the canvas that Gibbs has worked on so far... Then screw Snyder. I just hope he's a smart man and does the right thing.

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Wow so the falcons and ravens have taken longer to pick a coach then the Redskins currently have and yet you bash snyder.


The Falcons and Ravens have both found coaches to take over, the problem was the coaches weren't buying what they were selling. I mean seriously, who wants to coach the Falcons? They have the weakest fans in the league and no talent.

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The Falcons and Ravens have both found coaches to take over, the problem was the coaches weren't buying what they were selling. I mean seriously, who wants to coach the Falcons? They have the weakest fans in the league and no talent.

The Ravens had an extra week to search, so the Redskins are still shorter time than them.

The falcons had an extra week, who have they chosen? AS far as I can tell they have no coach.

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I believe the reason it is taking so long is that Snyder is waiting on Cowher to make a decision. Snyder wants to make a splash.

I also think the long wait means that GW is NOT the choice. Another reason could be the games this weekend, waiting until they are over, and the two weeks between the championship games and the Super Bowl is the perfect time to make the big announcement that Cowher is the next HC of the Redskins.

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Since when do you have inside access to the meetings going on at Redskins park, and since when does making a quick rash decision make sense? You DO realize that our HC, hopefull will be the HC for the next 10-15 years. Snyder isnt the reason your blood is boiling, it would be your lack of patience...

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I just got off the phone with Synder and he said to let you know that they are not tired of the search at all. They are going to just wait until the SuperBowl is over so they can have better pool of coaches available for the right job.

Waited this long might as well 2 more weeks. Good things comes to those who wait.:D

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I don't know about you guys but Snyder's dithering is making my blood boil. My cynical side says that the delay is all about marketing. How long can he keep the Skins in the news? I'm also preparing myself to be royally PO'ed if he jettisons all the coaches and we have to start over again. I don't have a lot of faith in Snyder/Cerrato.

Dude in Corporate america it can take two weeks to even get in enough quality resumes to start interviewing. The PLayoffs are not even over yet and you're already concerned? Give it a rest okay? We will find out soon enough who the coach is. Besides, if it werent for this what else would we talk about? Obviously, your one of the folks that thing Greg should have been hired the day Joe left, without following the protocols set forth by the NFL. There is a process like it or not and they are going through it to find the BEST coach for the Redskins, not the best coach for next season. There is a difference :D

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So for this search, why worry? It's filling the time and it's giving us something to obsess over that's more vaild than most topics we obsess over. :laugh:

There's always the new uniforms topic ... :D

Seriously though, the search, and more specifically all the speculation about who it's gonna be, is giving me a major headache at this point.

But I'm gonna give DS the benefit of the doubt and say maybe he's really trying to do the right thing this time and that the time it's taking is not for any self serving reasons. :2cents:

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