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Tired of the Head Coaching Search (MET)


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The longer Snyder takes to make up his mind the more he creates a pontential for a morale problem among the coaching staff. If Snyder eventually hires Williams the coaches are going to feel like they have not received a vote of confidence.

IF Snyder is really searching for a new Offensive coordinator (Fassel) that also doesn't bode well for whomever becomes the new HC (even if it's Williams). The HC should decide whom he's going to be working with as the success or failure for the team falls on the HC's shoulders.

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I'm not sure I am worried about who is hired. Our players are good enough right now and with some key additions, we can compete with anybody in the league. I trust the right decision will be made because Danny boy is a fan just like all of us. He wants to win and he wants to win now.

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Id rather it take a few days longer and find the right guy than just rush in and hire the wrong one. The best things come to those who wait apparently. I just hope he makes the right choice in all of this. I too am getting weary of the whole affair but that is the impatient nature of fan-dom I guess. It all comes down to the head man to be honest.

I know that one thing is certain however, come September if this person isn't producing W's for our team we will pretty much ALL wish they had spent a bit longer on their search.

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I am also ready for this to be over. But its Snyder's prerogative to take as much time as he needs. Don't we want him to make the right decision? And I also feel like we, as fans, aren't necessarily entitled to up-to-the-minute information on the details of who he's talked to, why he's talking to them, and the status of those talks. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be a fly on the wall, but you won't see me getting bent out of shape due to the secrecy and lack of information.

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Not only am I TIRED of this whole debacle at this point, but I truly believe that if we don't have a new Head Coach by the end of this week (Friday 1/25/08) that we will begin negatively influencing our chances to have a winning team next year.

So far as I'm concerned the fact that this "search" has taken two weeks is a sign of significant lack of planning and incompetence by this franchise's front office and owner.

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Not only am I TIRED of this whole debacle at this point, but I truly believe that if we don't have a new Head Coach by the end of this week (Friday 1/25/08) that we will begin negatively influencing our chances to have a winning team next year.

An interesting point. I have been saying: "give Dan as much time as he needs." But I should probably put a finer point on it, to say: "as much time as he needs, up until it starts to interfere with scouting, the draft, and preperation for next year".

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Not only am I TIRED of this whole debacle at this point, but I truly believe that if we don't have a new Head Coach by the end of this week (Friday 1/25/08) that we will begin negatively influencing our chances to have a winning team next year.

So until midnite Thursday we're okay? I'll let Dan know. :)

So far as I'm concerned the fact that this "search" has taken two weeks is a sign of significant lack of planning and incompetence by this franchise's front office and owner.

Could also they've being doing a great job of due diligence, or fleshing out details like assistant staff structure if they've pretty much decided on a HC candidate, and personnel structure, and the myriad other details involved with a head coaching turnover.

Your presumption supposes they're simply floundering around, and ignores that replacing head coaching candidates in the NFL these days usually takes about this long.

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Not only am I TIRED of this whole debacle at this point, but I truly believe that if we don't have a new Head Coach by the end of this week (Friday 1/25/08) that we will begin negatively influencing our chances to have a winning team next year.

So far as I'm concerned the fact that this "search" has taken two weeks is a sign of significant lack of planning and incompetence by this franchise's front office and owner.

Why do you care? Whomever they hire you're going to **** all over regardless.

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An interesting point. I have been saying: "give Dan as much time as he needs." But I should probably put a finer point on it, to say: "as much time as he needs, up until it starts to interfere with scouting, the draft, and preperation for next year".

i agree i kno hiring a head coach is one of the biggest decisions for dan it is interfering with everything else that should happen in an offseason such as having scouts at the senior bowl etc.

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An interesting point. I have been saying: "give Dan as much time as he needs." But I should probably put a finer point on it, to say: "as much time as he needs, up until it starts to interfere with scouting, the draft, and preperation for next year".

Unfortunately I think we're already beyond that point of interference. Even if we have a new HC named on Friday, they will need to take several days to get their staff completely in place before they can start seriously looking at the players in place here.

On March 1st (5 weeks later) we need to have approximately $20 Million off our cap number. Two days after that the Free Agent signing period begins. That's not a whole lot of time to thoroughly investigate the roster, cut it down to get under the cap and then be ready to re-sign existing players or go out and sign new talent. Especially since new coached means new systems which means needing more time to determine whether they can work in a particular coach's system.

I just get a feeling we're very close to flushing the 2008-2009 NFL season down the toilet because of our Owner's indecision and inability to plan for the future.

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Unfortunately I think we're already beyond that point of interference. Even if we have a new HC named on Friday, they will need to take several days to get their staff completely in place before they can start seriously looking at the players in place here.

On March 1st (5 weeks later) we need to have approximately $20 Million off our cap number. Two days after that the Free Agent signing period begins. That's not a whole lot of time to thoroughly investigate the roster, cut it down to get under the cap and then be ready to re-sign existing players or go out and sign new talent. Especially since new coached means new systems which means needing more time to determine whether they can work in a particular coach's system.

I just get a feeling we're very close to flushing the 2008-2009 NFL season down the toilet because of our Owner's indecision and inability to plan for the future.

I think much of what you say depends on the type of turnover in staff. If its strickly GW as HC and Fassel as OC...I dont see it as being as big of an issue. ( I think this is the way it will go)

However, if its Fassel as HC, that means you will most likely lose the majority of your staff and your assesment is more in tune.

Fact is, Snyder was blind-sided a bit by Gibbs leaving, if he had rushed into hiring anyone, he would have been slammed, by taking too long, he will be slammed. Just as he will be for WHATEVER coach is picks. Frankly, he lost me when I found out the front office would stay as is with no GM. So now...I just sit back and watch the train wreck.:logo:

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So until midnite Thursday we're okay? I'll let Dan know. :)

Actually I'd liked to have seen this done by LAST Friday, but that deadline is already gone, so there's no point in talking about it anymore.

Could also they've being doing a great job of due diligence, or fleshing out details like assistant staff structure if they've pretty much decided on a HC candidate, and personnel structure, and the myriad other details involved with a head coaching turnover.

Sorry, Om but I have a VERY hard time believing that they've made a decision on who the Head Coach is and still haven't announced it. That just doesn't sound like Snyder and Co. to me. Though if it is going to be Williams I'll actually be kind of happy if they wait until after this weekend to announce it so they don't ruin my weekend. Your concept is a potential, but it's too competent and intelligent for me to believe it's something this franchise is capable of.

Your presumption supposes they're simply floundering around, and ignores that replacing head coaching candidates in the NFL these days usually takes about this long.

I'm sorry but ANY coaching change that takes longer than a week indicates a serious lack of planning and forethought in my mind. So far as I'm concerned EVERY GM and Owner in the league should keep a constantly evolving list of the 3-5 guys who they would want to replace the current head coach if they had to fire him that afternoon. You take the highest rated available and interested person on that list and have it done within seven days, max.

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Fact is, Snyder was blind-sided a bit by Gibbs leaving, if he had rushed into hiring anyone, he would have been slammed, by taking too long, he will be slammed. Just as he will be for WHATEVER coach is picks. Frankly, he lost me when I found out the front office would stay as is with no GM. So now...I just sit back and watch the train wreck.:logo:

The fact that he didn't have a list of 3-5 available people who he would want as Gibbs' replacement tells me loads about Snyder's lack of competence (which I believe is growing in leaps and bounds in the last couple years).

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The fact that he didn't have a list of 3-5 available people who he would want as Gibbs' replacement tells me loads about Snyder's lack of competence (which I believe is growing in leaps and bounds in the last couple years).

May not as much have been a lack of competence but an arrogance to think he could pick whomever he wanted and they would gladly come running...:2cents: :logo:

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May not as much have been a lack of competence but an arrogance to think he could pick whomever he wanted and they would gladly come running...:2cents: :logo:

I'd suggest that level of unfounded arrogance IS incompetence, DOOG. As I've mentioned a couple times, I believe it is the job of the owner and GM (when there is one) to have a list of available coaches they would want to replace the current head coach. That list should be in place about 48 hours after you hire the current coach.

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I don't know about you guys but Snyder's dithering is making my blood boil. My cynical side says that the delay is all about marketing. How long can he keep the Skins in the news? I'm also preparing myself to be royally PO'ed if he jettisons all the coaches and we have to start over again. I don't have a lot of faith in Snyder/Cerrato.

I agree SO MUCH! This process has been so incredibly botched that no good choice can possibly result from it! :mad:

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The fact that he didn't have a list of 3-5 available people who he would want as Gibbs' replacement tells me loads about Snyder's lack of competence (which I believe is growing in leaps and bounds in the last couple years).

This reminds me of what's going on in Indianapolis. The opposite of that. They already have their replacement, and sucession plan in place for when Dungy leaves. And they're going to start involving Caldwell in the decision making process this year, to get him ready for his head coaching duties, whether its 2009 or later. And I think the thing that makes that all possible is the fact that they have a GM (Bill Polian).

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This reminds me of what's going on in Indianapolis. The opposite of that. They already have their replacement, and sucession plan in place for when Dungy leaves. And they're going to start involving Caldwell in the decision making process this year, to get him ready for his head coaching duties, whether its 2009 or later. And I think the thing that makes that all possible is the fact that they have a GM (Bill Polian).

I'm not necessarily talking about somebody inside the organization. I'm talking about available former Head Coaches, Offensive and Defensive Coordinators who could be promoted to Head Coach, and even in rare circumstances the occassional college head coach or coordinator who already has some NFL experience. People who could be quickly and easily contacted and interviewed then a decision made in short order.

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I'm not necessarily talking about somebody inside the organization. I'm talking about available former Head Coaches, Offensive and Defensive Coordinators who could be promoted to Head Coach, and even in rare circumstances the occassional college head coach or coordinator who already has some NFL experience. People who could be quickly and easily contacted and interviewed then a decision made in short order.

Yea, the Indy situation just made me realize what the process could look like if you had a rock solid front office in place. Instead, we loose a coach, and we loose everything. Indy postitioned them selves not to be in the situation we're in.

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Sorry, Om but I have a VERY hard time believing that they've made a decision on who the Head Coach is and still haven't announced it. That just doesn't sound like Snyder and Co. to me...........

All of which essentially says the same thing I said it does before. You have your mind made up Snyder doesn't have a clue and the way he's handling the head coaching replacement procedure is just the latest example of that. The basis for your opinion in this instance appears to be the arbitrary schedule in your head that says the process should never take more than a week.

You're entitled to believe that. If I thought you'd actually do it, however, I'd ask you to go back through the last few head coaching hires around the league and see how long they took on average. I suspect you'd find that one week is inconsistent with reality. If I'm wrong on that, feel free to let me know, I'd be interested in the specifics.

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This isn't "due diligence". This is f*cking around!

1) read the rule about circumventing the profanity filter please. I recommend you do so before ignoring it again.

2) your keen insight into the process is appreciated.

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All of which essentially says the same thing I said it does before. You have your mind made up Snyder doesn't have a clue and the way he's handling the head coaching replacement procedure is just the latest example of that. The basis for your opinion in this instance appears to be the arbitrary schedule in your head that says the process should never take more than a week.

I would suggest that there's plenty of evidence out there to back up the concept that Dan Snyder doesn't have a clue. This is simply the most recent example.

You're entitled to believe that. If I thought you'd actually do it, however, I'd ask you to go back through the last few head coaching hires around the league and see how long they took on average. I suspect you'd find that one week is inconsistent with reality. If I'm wrong on that, feel free to let me know, I'd be interested in the specifics.

Considering that you KNOW I'm neither a fan of the NFL nor the sport of football in general, but rather the Washington Redskins specifically, I took your challenge a little differently, Om. Let's look at the last three coaching turnovers in DC....

January 7, 2004 Coach Joe Gibbs is hired.... 11 days after the last game of the 03-04 season.

January 14, 2002 Coach Steve Spurrier is hired.... 15 days after the last game of the 01-02 season.

January 4, 2001 Coach Marty Schottenheimer is hired.... 11 days after the last game of the 00-01 season.

Currently we're at day 15 past the end of the 07-08 season and there's no sign in sight that the new coach is about to be named. Now my 7 days, which I'll stand behind as what I think it should take, is shown to be very Conservative, but we've now exceeded the previous high length of time for this administration to put a new head coach in place and there's no end to this search in sight.

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