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I Am In Heaven!!!


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Your profile says you are 18.

Your OLDER brother is the boys fan..........and your mom is hangning construction paper stars FOR HIM?

Has he lived in the basement all this time?


Never mind........he is a boys fan.......of course he has.


You know him?


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Wait until your Mother is finished with the decorations and gets preoccupied with cooking. Then, go and surreptitiously paste Skins logos all over everything. Teee hee.

Besides, the chances are really good that they get their arses kicked today. That'll make it all worth it. Think of it as the dessert if you like. :)

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Wait until your Mother is finished with the decorations and gets preoccupied with cooking. Then, go and surreptitiously paste Skins logos all over everything. Teee hee.

Besides, the chances are really good that they get their arses kicked today. That'll make it all worth it. Think of it as the dessert if you like. :)

HAHA. Lovin all the comments guys.

And I agree, I think the cowboys are going down today. Giants are playin their best, and DAL is playin their worst.

I can only hope it's in dramatic fashion like Romo sits to pee's botched snap. That will be icing on the cake.

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Get over it. My sister just became a cowboy fan. She now has a TO jersey, Romo sits to pee shirt, and she screams at the TV when the cowboys lose. SHe is also an Eagles fan.

ST, If your in hell, get your Ipod and go for a walk. Its a nice day.


Maybe you'd like to meet up sometime. Talk football?

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As we all know, the Dallas Cowboys have a game today against division rival New York Giants.

What you don't know, is that my older brother, is a Dallas Cowboys fan. :(

You all know the type. Typical kid that grew up during the 90's and are now Cowboys fan because of the Super Bowls they won in that era.

It was a quiet morning, and I thought I'd be able to watch the game in peace, not really caring who wins. And in walks my mom, who comes home with about 5 bags from the Dollar Tree. In it, blue construction paper, silver glitter, and other various items.

She has spent the last hour cutting out blue stars, outlining them with silver glitter, and hanging them from the ceiling with silver streamers or something.

It's like she's decorating for my brothers birthday or something.

There's about 20 blue stars hanging as I post this.

I truely am in Hell.

Has anyone ever suffered through something like this, and how should I handle this?

If no one has any ideas, this could truly be the longest day of my life. And may God have mercy on me.

Mr. T invented fools. Realizing the magnitude of his folly, he then created Pity

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HAHA. Lovin all the comments guys.

And I agree, I think the cowboys are going down today. Giants are playin their best, and DAL is playin their worst.

I can only hope it's in dramatic fashion like Romo sits to pee's botched snap. That will be icing on the cake.

You are getting tons of ideas and comments. Why don't you stop being a ***** and do something about it? Your Mom didn't do this crap for you and the Redskins last week did she?

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i dated a dallas fan a couple years ago, and was watching the miracle game in dallas with her in 05. it was hell to keep quiet instead of yelling at the TV as the redskins bumbled and stumbled for 55 minutes. that was about as bad as what you were going through, except I got my sweet relief as #89 found the endzone twice. needless to say she did NOT stay over that night haha.

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