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My mom has really been coming around since we took her to the '05 playoff game in Tampa. We also started making her watch games when it became apparent that any time she walked into the room, we would score.

We didn't have her on hand tonight, unfortunately, but I think one of the TDs or at least the kickoff recovery happened just as she tuned in to the radio.

The only problem I'm still working on with her is how my sister is a Cowboy fan and our mom wants us both to be happy. We took my mom to the game last week and she was with us all the way so there's hope.

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I love my wife to death. She understands that I am passionate about the Redskins, but for any non-Redskins fan to understand the hatred that exists in the ****les of my heart for the Dallas Cowboys is impossible...

Anyway, she does this annoying thing when we're watching football. She tends to clap for good plays made by either team. So if the Seahawks intercepted the ball, she would say something like "what a good catch and run back! That guy really just grabbed it, didn't he?"

Maybe you should go to the store and pick up a lottery ticket since you're so good at predicting things that really happened twice in the same game!

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Funny you should mention this...My husband knew diddley about football until this season...He never really paid attention to football before(He likes drag racing..yikes!..lol). But he's been watching and paying attention and asking questions especially over the last 4 games. I always go over to my b-i-l's house to watch the games(he and his wife are huge skins fans like us..), so tonite when I got home we were talking about the game and what I thought and how it was a good ride..yada yada yada...and then I asked him what he thought of the game and he said a few things...he thought we were gonna pull off a miracle when we scored those 2 TD's in the 4th..and I said yeah..that was nice and then he says something that tells me he's definitely a real Skins fan now...he says..and I'll quote..."Well dear...at least it was Dallas that beat us"..I almost fell out of my chair! I went over and gave him a high 5 for that comment. He's becoming a real Skins fan! I'm so proud!:D

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My wife has always been a fan, thankfully. She said to me two hours before the game, "honey, I'm nervous about the game." I was tickled to death man. I told her to not be nervous, and that whether they won or lost it's been one hell of a season all things considered. My wife took the loss really hard until she listened to Pedro Taylor and the Post Game Live Show. After that, she was happy and now she's snoring like a baby :laugh:


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My wife knew absolutely nothing about football and didn't understand my passion for it when we first got married. Then, there was a combination of watching the Skins games with me and she also watched a ton of Sports Center while she bartended for a couple years. That combination turned her in to a knowledgeable diehard Skins fan and I really sealed the deal when I took her to her first live Skins game at Fedex. She was blown away by the feeling of actually being there at the game and she loves the tailgating with the ExtremeSkins. Now we try to go to at least 2 or 3 games a season. I'm telling you guys...taking them to a game at Fedex will defenitely help. It's funny...at the begginning of the season, I was the one really wanting a Landry jersey and now somehow at the end of the season my wife is the one with the Landry jersey. That's alright since I got a couple new jerseys this season as well.

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My wife grew up in St Louis and did not like the Redskins until we got married. She was a high school cheerleader and was the only member of the squad that actually watched the game instead of the guys in the stands.

After we got married, she TOTALLY has become a Skins fan. She will watch college ball with me on Saturdays, the Skins game on Sunday (while wearing her Skins gear), and the two other games on Sunday, and the Monday night game. All of my friends tell me all the time how lucky I am! (I already know)

She has even learned the words to "Hail to the Redskins."

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My wife grew up in St Louis and did not like the Redskins until we got married. She was a high school cheerleader and was the only member of the squad that actually watched the game instead of the guys in the stands.

After we got married, she TOTALLY has become a Skins fan. She will watch college ball with me on Saturdays, the Skins game on Sunday (while wearing her Skins gear), and the two other games on Sunday, and the Monday night game. All of my friends tell me all the time how lucky I am! (I already know)

She has even learned the words to "Hail to the Redskins."

shes a keeper

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My boyfriend's not too into pro football (I know), but he's from Seattle area so if he roots for a team it's the Seahawks (again, I know, but at least it's not Dallas). But he's nice enough to want the Redskins to win...just so he doesn't have to hear me and the rest of the family perseverating about the plight of the Redskins all week.

Anyway, he went to the gym during the game today just so he didn't have to witness my brother and I screaming, yelling obscenities, throwing stuff (that's my brother), and convulsing on the ground (usually both of us). My dad just sits in his recliner and although he's a huge 'Skins fan, he's a bit more rational than us and is able to put things into perspective and just looks at us like "What have I done to my children?" then tells us to calm down.

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Ha you want to hear a good one, my wife of twenty years has always been a Dallas fan, I've Always been with the Skins... We usually pull for each other's teams when were not playing each other, Dallas vs Skins...but this year she kinda gave up after St's untimely death, said she doesn't feel the way she used to about football. She hasn't really watched a game since nov, but she does make sure I get the big screen when i watch the Redskins play.... She called me earlier ( I'm at work) said well at least we could watch her games the rest of the year...uugghhhh

It''s gonna be tough rooting for'em

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Hey y'all!

It's the wifey over here on my hubby's account :) I figured since he posted about me and my antics, I could get on here and say something! *laugh* I'll be the first to admit, I hadn't watched football in my life till I married G. These days though, after 4 years of marriage, I will be the first to admit that I get excited on game day, watch the clock and yell myself silly (to the point where one of our dogs won't even come around me!) during the game. I'm loving it. I'm not anywhere NEAR an expert on football and I'm still learning what is what as far as plays and the hand gestures he's making (along with the refs) during the game mean, but I AM learning! The Skins have a new fan, limping along with learning the intricacies of the game, but learning willingly! The only thing that really sucks is when they win, we're ready and raring to go in bedroom land... but when they lose? Well, let's just say that neither of us in the mood!

Misha, on her hubby's account :)

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Hi all,

I just wanted to add my piece to what I thought was a great thread. I have been a Skins fan since I knew what football was but I was never able to get to a game (geographically challenged, young, short on cash sums it up) until last season (2006). I made it to two games last year, iggles and giants. The wife came to the last one which was the giants and we had such a good time (even though the Skins lost) that we decided to buy a season worth of tickets this year. Well, I couldn’t believe it when she was letting me buy all this Skins stuff and even bought some for herself including a Cooooooooley jersey. Now we have a whole skins tailgate collection and even invited friends who aren’t Skins fans over for the game this past week while making them drink from Skins cups, eat on Skins plates, etc. She even picked up burgundy and gold m&m’s and put them in chocolate chip cookies!!!

She has really impressed me by learning so many players’ names and watching games with me. She even accompanied me to the bars to watch away games. Anyway, we had so much fun this year that she’s already talking about what section we want to try to sit in next year. The funniest part was one day early in the season, she came to me mid week and asked “who do WE play this week?” I was so proud that she said “we.” But my first sentence after the smile came off my face was, “Be careful, they’ll break your heart.” Hopefully soon she will get to experience a Skins super bowl championship like so many of us already have.

Thanks for being the smallest Skins fan with the biggest cheer, P!


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My wife is from Holland, and after being in the states for 7 years, she has a pretty good grasp of american football. She goes to FedEx with me and wears her Jason Campell jersey when we watch from home. She screams alot, espescially when Clinton is on a scamper.

But during the Seahawks game she really suprised me when I went to the porch to smoke during the 3rd quarter, she said "Just smoke in the house, the Redskins are in the playoffs".

I got a good one.

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My wife has become a big skins fan........she started out not knowing much about football (she knew a little bit growing up in Pitt and kinda of following the Steelers) but she has really grown to like the sport and the skins......We now watch most away games together (and she even makes it a point to get home in time if she is out shopping to see the game)........

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Funny you should mention this...My husband knew diddley about football until this season...He never really paid attention to football before(He likes drag racing..yikes!..lol). But he's been watching and paying attention and asking questions especially over the last 4 games. I always go over to my b-i-l's house to watch the games(he and his wife are huge skins fans like us..), so tonite when I got home we were talking about the game and what I thought and how it was a good ride..yada yada yada...and then I asked him what he thought of the game and he said a few things...he thought we were gonna pull off a miracle when we scored those 2 TD's in the 4th..and I said yeah..that was nice and then he says something that tells me he's definitely a real Skins fan now...he says..and I'll quote..."Well dear...at least it was Dallas that beat us"..I almost fell out of my chair! I went over and gave him a high 5 for that comment. He's becoming a real Skins fan! I'm so proud!:D

Please, if you EVER are in a fight with your husband, call me. :laugh:

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