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By bringing my wife to the games over the past 4 years she is now a Big Fan. She cried the day we had the cermony for Sean at Fed Ex and her favorite player is Cooley.

If we lose my wife is sad on the ride back home to NY.

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My Fiance absolutely loves Brett Favre. She also likes the Packers b/c thay have two people that went the same high school as she did (Chad Clifton and Justin Harrell). She actually went to there at the same time as Harrell,so I can repsect why she likes them.

This season though, she got me tickets to the Lions game for my Birthday(which happened to be on my birthday). Thanks to that ass whoopin', she had memorized all the words to "Hail to the Redskins." It was stuck in her head the entire 5 hour drive home. She likes Clinton Portis, but that game she got to realize first hand why I kept telling her that Sean Taylor was such a beast.:(

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My wife told me I have a fever and hopes that I can recover from it soon. She doesn't get it although during the game I was yelling my heart out with the touchdowns and the kick off recovery and especially the Landry INTs. She got into it too, but then went back to her old habits. I think it just takes time. I've been bombarding her this entire season and we went to two games this year. This was our first year going to the Skins games at FedEx.

One of her comments was, who's Landry? I had to remind her it was the guy that I took a picture with at Gordon Biersch. She snapped the image, so I can see her confusion.

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My wife, known here as cricket, couldn't care less about football when we met, although she did like some players because she thought "they were cute"...ask her what jersey she has from those days. :doh:

But she saw my dedication, and bought the tickets to my first Redskins home game as a birthday present back in '98. Since then, she has become more and more of a Skins fan every year. She has kind of become the official-unofficial ES tailgate photographer, and it was her idea to do this: http://www.extremeskins.com/forums/showthread.php?t=228893&highlight=christmas+tree

(which we were gonna leave up as long as the Skins were in the playoffs...took it down yesterday :()

So I am proud to say she is a die hard Skins fan just like me. :D

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Recently engaged. My fiance has been learning the rules all season and watched her first few full games with me. At first she just liked looking at the big hits or when people screwed up (laughing very hard). Now she claims she only roots for the skins so I'm not in a bad mood, but during the seahawks game she did cheer involuntarily and high five me. She actually has a pretty good grasp on the game. She loves ARE (called him "el ranchero" on accident once and it has stuck as our nickname) and will be a diehard fan soon enough. I think she hates the skins a litte bit because they break my heart so often.

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Some good stories, I have a similar one. Ten years ago I used to pay off my wife to leave during the skins games and go shopping. But since 2000 or so when I took her to her first game it has been a total turnaround. She loves the tailgating and the whole experience. While I do miss some of the just boys trips (never will happen again) it is something we can share together forever.

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My wife cares less now then when we were dating.

While dating she would watch and root. Now - Nothing.

In fact -She has admited that she always thought my obsession with the Skins would die down once we had a family and other commitments. Instead, my 6 year old watches every game with me and watches Redskins viedos 7 days a week and has become as passionate as I am. My 3 year old watches and roots for them as well.

It drives her crazy...

Luckly for me at least my GirlFriend is still a fan.....


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Wow those are some great stories. I will have to say that 5 years ago before I met my b-friend I did not know as much about football as I do now. I've always been a skins fans and always hated the cowboys. But when I met my b-friend years ago I really really got into the skins and football. He knows a lot about the skins and I learned so much from him, and I asked him so many questions. We went to our first game toghethor, and to training camp togethor. We have this thing that before every game we will smoke 1 and talk about the game and predict if we will win or not. He would talk for hours about the skins, finally I was able to really understand his love for the team and the game itself and I got hooked quick. He also got me hooked on to extremeskins. I keep him updated on any news with the team while he's at work since he doesn't have internet access.He's a sports freak, he watches everything (football, soccer, baseball, hockey, basketball..etc) EVERYTHING. Like I tell him all the time if there was monkeys on tv as a sport he would watch it! He's like my best friend, we've known each other for years and years.

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