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if you looked past seattle, please post here


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I still think Seattle sucks, the loss didn't change my mind about that. We missed opportunities, we beat ourselves as much if not more than they beat us. I bet if Washington played in the West we'd have our entire starting offensive line and wouldn't have half our playmakers hurt all season.

I'm not afraid to give a team that kicked our asses props but Seattle isn't that team.

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Would you kindly shut up? God forbid we ever have hope in our team. Sure they disappointed us, but Im not going to predict doom and gloom every game because of it.

uhhh. no.

hope is what I had all week...the people that said seattle was overatted and dallas needs to watch out need to step up.

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There is one thing in the world more than Dallas fans that I hate.

Know-it-all fans.

Its not as though ANYONE knew we would lose, f that idea for a game of soldiers! Noone can come here, as a real fan and say I TOLD YOU SO.

Screw that!

Sorry to the rest of you guys.

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I still think Seattle sucks, the loss didn't change my mind about that. We missed opportunities, we beat ourselves as much if not more than they beat us. I bet if Washington played in the West we'd have our entire starting offensive line and wouldn't have half our playmakers hurt all season.

I'm not afraid to give a team that kicked our asses props but Seattle isn't that team.

I whole heartedly agree with you, down with trash from Seattle.

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People in the stands last week at the Dallas game were talking to much trash to Dallas fans about beating them again "in two weeks." Dallas fans just kept saying "you gotta get there first."

All week my coworkers were saying we were going to win. They tried all week to get me to commit to it being a sure fire win. I wouldn't do it...because I never do it. I don't ever want to feel like I was the one to jinx it. I am REALLY superstitious when it comes to the Skins.

Now I have to go to work on Monday and be grumpy again.

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so I can hate you.

all week you people have said we would win. so dumb.

Wow. A Redskin fan saying the Redskins will win? That's crazy!

We have no impact on the game, especially an away game. I do think the people who were already thinking about Dallas kinda disregarded the facts, but what does that have to do with the team?

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The team over looked Seattle...it doesn't matter what the fans do.

Here here! I don't think it matters what the fans overlook. We are fans. We are not coaches, players, or even administrative assistants to this team. We can overlook every game in the season if we want to and it won't have any effect on the outcome of the games. I am proud of those of us who overlooked Seattle. It was fun to dream about beating Dallas in Dallas for a shot at the NFC title game. If you don't like that mentality, you should question your fan-hood...

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so I can hate you.

all week you people have said we would win. so dumb.

I did I thought we would own them. When we went up 14-13 and then supposedly went up 20-13, I was almost convinced we'd be playing Dallas next week.

then Suisham missed the fg and took all the wind out of our sails, and we crashed.

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Actually NO. I did not look past Seattle because I knoe the fickle nature of football Karma. Sadly some are not as of yet aware of this force and looked ahead.

Now we can look forward to April and see who we bring in with the draft, god willing and we don't trade them away for a song or throw them away for crap risks.

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I disagree that we don't have a effect.

It's not like the players are on a island.

Fans start over looking teams and talk about the next game, then the local media talks about it, then the national media starts talking and the players hear it.

Players hearing all week about how they will play Dallas again in two weeks does have some effect.

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It's funny because these people who are trying to pass blame on optimistic fans would be singing a completely different song had the Skins won. All I am seeing is frustration, disapointment and meloncholy funneled into finding a scapegoat. The fans are not at fault for seeing the glass half full. They are just being die hard Skins fans.

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