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We're ELEVEN minutes into First Take and Stephen A couldn't resist. "PACQUIAO GETS PUT TO SLEEP BY JMM!!!" Along with video. It's been what, 3 years ago? Lol...Let it go. He seriously acts as if Pacquiao is the only fighter that has ever been KO'd.


Kleenex my friend...??

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Can you cast proof of Marquez doing steriods? exactly

You're right. I can't. But I don't exactly have the voice Mayweather does.

Kleenex my friend...??

Lol...We'll see who needs the Kleenex tomorrow night. Edited by DM72
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Domestic violence is a big issue and is WRONG! But folks are really dragging Floyd's name through the mud now. We get it that Floyd is the villain and Manny is the so-called good guy in this. It makes for good drama leading up to the fight. But Manny is far from a Saint. Floyd served his time, albeit a very short stay in prison. I don't see any of these networks going in on the dirt that Manny has in his past.

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Don't waste your tears on Floyd. He's going to make the total 4 year value of an nba max salary in a single fight, and other than his own pride that's the only thing Floyd cares about.

He's also going to win this fight relatively easily and then we can all have our stomachs turn as ESPN tells how he overcame all the "distractions".

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Mayweather has been taking a beating on ESPN as of late. From OTL, to SVP and Russilo to His and Hers to Olbermann to 1st Take. Even Stephen A had no choice but to say that, "Floyd should have been in jail."



And Floyd, for the most part, has gotten a huge pass.



You have a terrible habit of repeatedly contradicting yourself. 

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You have a terrible habit of repeatedly contradicting yourself.

And you're just confused. Over the years, he's gotten a pass as opposed to other athletes. When ESPN first started the Pac/May promotion, they got drilled by quite a few people who thought they were catering to a known woman beater. Especially the Stephen A All Access segments. After the outcry, ESPN got a lot more critical of Mayweather.

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And you're just confused. Over the years, he's gotten a pass as opposed to other athletes. When ESPN first started the Pac/May promotion, they got drilled by quite a few people who thought they were catering to a known woman beater. Especially the Stephen A All Access segments. After the outcry, ESPN got a lot more critical of Mayweather.


Confused?? No sir, far from it. But let me explain why you're both super biased and uninformed.


For starters Floyd is seemingly one vile human being. I don't know the guy and smart enough to know his reputation could be overblown. Don't know, don't care. But just last week I posted an excerpt from an article which is nothing alleged but proven, public record as Pacquiao went on record to put his plea motion in black and white trying to make the mother of his love-child/side baby go away. The threats he made towards her and the way he behaved actually puts him right up there with Floyd, yet you excused it. Why?? Because according to you Manny's infidelity is "well known" and "he still has a long way to go to catch up with Mayweather."


Then you say Floyd gets a pass?? How can you even say he gets a pass when he was tried in a court of law, plead guilty and did jail time?? How much time did your good buddy Jim Lampley do for his domestic violence?? Or how about Hope Solo for her drunk driving and domestic violence?? Oh let me guess YOU PROBABLY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT EITHER OF THEM!! But why is that?? Ask yourself is it really the same.. Is Mayweather really "getting a pass".. No. Because he's one of the most polarizing figures in the entertainment world right now. There is no way this man can scratch his nose the wrong way and it won't make national headlines as "Mayweather caught picking buggers in public". Then it will get blown out of proportion as he was picking his nose in front of his kids, what type of example is he setting....  Mayweather doesn't get a pass. As a matter of fact, just the opposite. With any story that comes out he's ALWAYS guilty until proven innocent. So cut it out.


Lastly, take a look at a person like Mike Tyson. He's greatly admired and respected worldwide and we all know about his history. So don't give me that "Mayweather gets a pass" **** bc he doesn't. Outside the ring, I have to question his decision making. He probably isn't worth 2 ****s as a human being. But don't act like everything he does isn't heavily scrutinized when 90% of Pacquiao fans only know him as a devoted Christian and not the sinner he really is. So who's really getting the "pass" here??

Edited by Rexx1240
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Rexx, if Floyd were you or me, he'd done hard time in prison by now. I was just reading up on it last night. Vegas has done a remarkable job at covering up for Floyd.

You and me aren't famous athletes, in a court of law they're held to different standards 95% of the time but u knew that already. Donte Stallworth plead guilty to speeding, driving under the influence, hit a construction worker, who died immediately on impact. Floyd was in jail twice as long as he was and Stallworth actually took a damn life!! Now the avg Joe Shmoe would still be in jail. So your comparison is silly.

Also NSAC is merely a small kitten compared to the mountain lion that is USADA so your theory of Vegas covering 3 allegedly failed drug test for Floyd sounds even more ridiculous than you comparing his jail time to yours or mines.

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Rexx, if Floyd were you or me, he'd done hard time in prison by now. I was just reading up on it last night. Vegas has done a remarkable job at covering up for Floyd.

You and me aren't famous athletes, in a court of law they're held to different standards 95% of the time but u knew that already. Donte Stallworth plead guilty to speeding, driving under the influence, hit a construction worker, who died immediately on impact. Floyd was in jail twice as long as he was and Stallworth actually took a damn life!! Now the avg Joe Shmoe would still be in jail. So your comparison is silly.

Also NSAC is merely a small kitten compared to the mountain lion that is USADA so your theory of Vegas covering 3 allegedly failed drug test for Floyd sounds even more ridiculous than you comparing his jail time to yours or mines.

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And Stallworth should have done hard time, just like Floyd. I'm one of the people who thinks the judicial system should be a lot harsher on DWI convictions. But you already knew that.

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And Stallworth should have done hard time, just like Floyd. I'm one of the people who thinks the judicial system should be a lot harsher on DWI convictions. But you already knew that.

Read a little more about the case, the road and Florida law and you might change your opinion on Stallworth. Just sayin...

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I am wondering if Floyd will use his right hand more since this fight is the biggest showcase he has likely been a  part of since his fight with Oscar.  After he broke his hand it seemed like he had been protecting it, using it less, and away went his KO ratio, but I figured he would eventually be involved in a fight were he would start using it like he did earlier in his career.  This might be the fight that he feels it is worth risking further injury.

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In the past year, Michelle Beadle has emerged as one of the most important and independent voices at ESPN. When First Take’s Stephen A. Smith suggested that battered women were guilty of provoking their assailants, it was Beadle who offered the most eloquent and vocal denunciation of Smith’s comments. A relative newcomer to boxing, Beadle joined the HBO Boxing team as a special correspondent for its popular sports magazine telecast, The Fight Game, where she brought a fresh and needed perspective to a sport whose audience and media is overwhelmingly older and male. Beadle has been in Las Vegas all week, covering the Mayweather-Pacquiao superfight for both HBO and ESPN. So why won’t she be at the fight tonight?


Because Floyd Mayweather —unabashed misogynist and unrepentant batterer of women—doesn’t want her there. After the Mayweather camp learned that Beadle had publicly condemned Mayweather for his history of violence against women, they—via their network, the CBS-owned Showtime—denied Beadle a press credential for the fight. Mayweather/Showtime also revoked a press credential to CNN’s Rachel Nichols, who relentlessly grilled Mayweather over his history of domestic violence last year. A source closely connected to these events tells Deadspin that Mayweather’s publicist, Kelly Swanson, told producers there’s “no way” Nichols gets in.




Can't have those female reporters that dared to take issue with his repeatedly beating women, at times in front of his children, around to cover his big night.  Maybe he can do another episode of ESPN's Cribs with his biggest fan Stephen A to make it up to ESPN.  Showtime should be taken to task for allowing that.   

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