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Brad Childress bitching and moaning about the 12 men on the field penalty


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No, if the O subs then the D must be able to sub too. The question is did we sub.

The Irony, if that had happened, the refs would have blown the ball dead and there would not have been a fumble

After getting the TD reversed... (how I do not know, there was nothing conclusive_... and the bogus PI on 4 and ten on a ball that was uncatchable, and the WR was not interfered with. He really doesn't have a leg to stand on.

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According to the local paper.

The series began with officials ruling Moss' 23-yard sideline reception as a legal catch even though his left foot appeared to land out of bounds. As Childress watched a video replay, deciding whether to challenge, the Redskins substituted personnel and quickly lined up for another play.

But after Collins fumbled the snap, and Vikings defensive tackle Kevin Williams recovered near midfield, Washington coach Joe Gibbs challenged the call by pointing out the Vikings had 12 men on the field during the quick changeover.

Indeed, replays showed defensive tackle Spencer Johnson was one step away from the sideline at the snap as the Vikings tried to match the Redskins' personnel. Portis' 13-yard touchdown with 5:06 remaining sealed the victory.

Childress berated referee Bill Leavy, noting an NFL rule that requires officials to allow teams to match another team's substitution. According to Childress, officials should not have allowed the Redskins to snap the ball until the Vikings had a chance to complete their substitution.

"My understanding of that rule and all the memos that I've seen is that a guy should get time to match the personnel," Childress said. "It was clear what the intent was. It was a challenge-able call and they wanted to snap it quick. Most of the time when that happens there is no personnel change, but in this case there was."

Childress said the procedure was a "point of emphasis" during offseason discussions.

"It cost us a change of possession and it cost us momentum in a big football game for us," Childress said.

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According to the local paper.

The series began with officials ruling Moss' 23-yard sideline reception as a legal catch even though his left foot appeared to land out of bounds. As Childress watched a video replay, deciding whether to challenge, the Redskins substituted personnel and quickly lined up for another play.

But after Collins fumbled the snap, and Vikings defensive tackle Kevin Williams recovered near midfield, Washington coach Joe Gibbs challenged the call by pointing out the Vikings had 12 men on the field during the quick changeover.

Indeed, replays showed defensive tackle Spencer Johnson was one step away from the sideline at the snap as the Vikings tried to match the Redskins' personnel. Portis' 13-yard touchdown with 5:06 remaining sealed the victory.

Childress berated referee Bill Leavy, noting an NFL rule that requires officials to allow teams to match another team's substitution. According to Childress, officials should not have allowed the Redskins to snap the ball until the Vikings had a chance to complete their substitution.

"My understanding of that rule and all the memos that I've seen is that a guy should get time to match the personnel," Childress said. "It was clear what the intent was. It was a challenge-able call and they wanted to snap it quick. Most of the time when that happens there is no personnel change, but in this case there was."

Childress said the procedure was a "point of emphasis" during offseason discussions.

"It cost us a change of possession and it cost us momentum in a big football game for us," Childress said.

All together now . . . AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

STFU Childress. The fumble was a fluke play, it wasn't like the defense did anything to force it. So give it up, Mr. Rogaine.

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According to Childress, officials should not have allowed the Redskins to snap the ball until the Vikings had a chance to complete their substitution.

So according to this clown's logic, the Redskins should not have been able to snap the ball, which means there would have never been a fumble to begin with. :doh:

Skeletor needs to return to his lair on Snake Mountain and live to fight another day.

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You're absolutely correct.

He's obviously pissed at himself for not throwing the challenge, but too much of a wimp to accept the blame. If it had been Coach Gibbs, you can be sure he'd be blaming himself, not the other team, the refs, the fans, UFOs and everything else (like Child-ness).

No guts, no glory, no class.

correct me if im wrong...to those who know for sure...

who cares if we subbed or not. if the ball is snapped and youve got 12 guys on the field, its a penalty, period, right?

like if someone jumps offsides, and the ball is snapped while they are over the line of scrimmage, its a penalty. nothing else matters unless the offense jumped first.

right? so whats he complaining about?

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No respect for Childress.

So something went against him. So what. That call is NOT what lost him the game. Stand up and be a man about it. "This game meant a lot to us. We didn't get it done." That's what Gibbs would do, and it's the right thing to do. Nobody wants to hear excuses from a hair challenged ninny.
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From what I understand, he was trying to call time-out so officials could review the Moss catch.

No he wasn't. Anyway, why would you call a timeout when you could just throw the challenge flag?

They actually showed the replay of him on the sidelines and he was looking up at the Jumbotron when the Redskins snapped the ball. He was still trying to get a look at the replay. He never attempted to call a time out nor attempted to throw the challenge flag.

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Skeletor was just on giving his post game press conference and he was whining and crying about the 12 men on the field penalty. I'm not sure why, there were clearly 12 men on their defense on the field. Perhaps if his player wasn't lolly-gagging off the field, there wouldn't have been a penalty.

Oh, by the way, he never mentioned the BS call by the refs overturning Sellars' TD or the phantom interference calls against the Redskins.

I think he looks more like Frank Oz (yoda) than Skeletor...

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