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Face it people, we got LUCKY!


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Actually the Giants aren't lucky that we didn't score that touchdown and go up by 19. If Collins but more heat behind that pass to Cooley in the endzone...the game would have been out of reach.

Not to mention, we played a lot better than they did, at their house. We never really played well up there, but yesterday we handled business.

Actually Todd even said after the game what the announcers were saying about that endzone. The wind over there kills balls. Todd said he thought he had more than enough mustard on the ball, it just died on him. Fact is some of his long balls last night were just money. Excited and moreso relieved that we won that game.

On to tonight.....Go BEARS!!!!

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In the first 32 minutes of this game, we scored 22 points (could have been more).

In the final 28 minutes of this game we scored ZERO (sound familiar?).

'Nuff said. I'm happy for the win, but we have to thank the Giants more than we have to thank Gibbs.

P.S., I know I'll get flamed for this, so go ahead. I don't care cause I know I'm right.

We didn't get conservative out of habit, we took what the Giants were giving us. They couldn't stop the run, so kept going at them.

We did what they tried to do on us, run the ball towards our playmaker AC.....fortunatley our D did alright against the run. We ran the ball towards strahan, and they couldns't stop us. Heyer and Fabini played well in run-blocking, so why not feed CP and Betts the rock until they stop us? Thats not playing conservative, thats palying smart!!!

And if the weather is to blame for the lack of production from the passing game for the Giants, then how come those elements didn't stop us from throwing 22 points on the board. Believe me, if the weather wouldn't have been a factor yesterday, we would thrown up atleast 28-30 points on the giants.

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Yeh, we did "luck" up on more than a few occasions, but yeh, the point that needs to be made is our 2nd Half performance as always, what happens??? Although our running game/blocking was great and kept us int he ballgame. Our secondary coverage, Torrence, hint, hint, and playcalling with that huge cushion always kills us.

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Let me start off by saying I am a life-long Redskins fan that used to cheer for them back when Sonny Jergensen wore the jersey, so I'm no troll.

That being said,...

Why do people feel it necessary to qualify their criticism by first mentioning how they are "life-long" fans, "true" fans, or "diehards". Seriously, just write your criticism and be done with it, no one needs to know how long you've been the greatest fan alive.

And echoing above, you've proven how great you are; you incorrectly spelled the last name of one of our greatest quarterbacks. I'll chock that up to the fact that you were four at the time, most of us couldn't handle "Jurgensen" at that age, we were busy with "dog" and "cat".

We won. Can you not just be happy for that? We're 7-7 and in serious contention for a wild card spot. Could you and the other Debbie Downer's please stop ****ing for two seconds and enjoy the fact that going into week 16, our season still matters?

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PierceType, as in Antonio Pierce? Now I see where this crying session is coming from... Good portrayal of Antonio too, got the pouty, off base statements nailed down pat.

The bottom line is we got the W. Washington wanted it more then NY did and it showed with all the dropped passes. We leaned on our defense at the end of the game because we were playing with our second string QB, and we had just lost our blocking TE (Yoder) to injury. Portis went out at the end of the game as well and we used Betts. Gibbs was trying not to make mistakes, and he was trying to run the clock out... and that is typical Gibbs style, we arent the Patriots. I liked that he tried to go for the two and make it 24, that proves your rant wrong right there. You may not want to be considered a troll, but this thread smells of Giants fan jealousy... Mr. Pierce.

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Never mind the play where Landry jacked up Plex, he had just blatantly pushed off Smoot. If he wouldn't have pushed off the play wouldn't have even been close.

Never mind the BS call against Cooley where he was stumbling when he picked the defender,

Never mind the face mask on the sack on Collins in the first half the wasn't called.

Never mind if it wasn't for the conditions we probably would have been up by thirty.

Never mind you don't come across as a Redskin fan because you complain about a win. On that note, I feel like the Giants lost the game as much as we went out there and won it but damn, be happy with the W. You know?

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Let me start off by saying I am a life-long Redskins fan that used to cheer for them back when Sonny Jergensen wore the jersey, so I'm no troll.

you sound like my dad "son I remember back when yada yada yada".....guess what dude sonny j doesnt play for the skins anymore and you dont sound like no fan to me.

Im sorry to hear you had to wake up today and go to that job you hate in that town you hate more.....

guess what skins owned ny last night in all phases. We didnt need luck because we had heart... take an early lunch or a half day, it might help.

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Actually Todd even said after the game what the announcers were saying about that endzone. The wind over there kills balls. Todd said he thought he had more than enough mustard on the ball, it just died on him. Fact is some of his long balls last night were just money. Excited and moreso relieved that we won that game.

On to tonight.....Go BEARS!!!!

Oh, I didn't get to see the interviews at the end of the game. I wasn't really blaming it on Todd, more like saying that the Giants were lucky we didn't score on that play and go up by 19.

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geeeez ... I mean this team pulls through the ST tragedy and multiple injuries and throws us a bone. They make some great defensive and offensive plays and EARN every bit of this victory in NY and are fighting to the last second, and we have to deal with the negative Nancy and Debbie downer comments? Always a cynic in this crowd.

All you pessimists have had your turn this year criticizing and blaming people for not giving their best, just because the outcome of the game wasn't favorable.

You've had seven weeks to criticize and rant about what is wrong and bad with this team and judge the players and coaches and make personal insults on players risking injury to win a game for you. NO one's asking the non-believers to eat crow, just show a little freakin appreciation for the effort this team is giving right now. They are playing inspired ball right now, and they deserve a little bit more respect, especially from Redskins nation.

I'm not asking anyone to be a homer (like me) ... just an occasional "good job" would suffice. HTTR!

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Let me start off by saying I am a life-long Redskins fan that used to cheer for them back when Sonny Jergensen wore the jersey, so I'm no troll.

That being said, Joe Gibbs did in the second half what he always does: shut the offense down and try to sit on the lead. Play it safe. Run it up the gut. 3 and out and hope the defense can hold.

However, this time, WE GOT LUCKY:

1. The Giants simply could NOT catch the ball. I think I counted at least 10 drops.

2. I saw at least 3 times we interfered with the receiver and we weren't flagged.

3. Giants defenders twice dropped easy picks.

Gibbs simply refuses to learn and get away from his ULTRA-CONSERVATIVE style when he gets a lead. I swear, I think these 3 point games excite him somehow.


In the first 32 minutes of this game, we scored 22 points (could have been more).

In the final 28 minutes of this game we scored ZERO (sound familiar?).

'Nuff said. I'm happy for the win, but we have to thank the Giants more than we have to thank Gibbs.

P.S., I know I'll get flamed for this, so go ahead. I don't care cause I know I'm right.

I haven't bothered to read any replies yet, but your post is the perfect example of a fan who only sees the negative. It's a dumb viewpoint.

For example, you didn't mention the most important story of the evening - the weather. Why not? Don't you think that affected what the offenses should run? Should we have still aired it out and risked INT's on a blustery night when the ball was hanging up in the air, and the Giants were doing next to nothing on offense?

Are you upset because the win wasn't elegant? Welcome to December football in the NFC East, Sweetheart. Maybe you'd like to go root for a nice little dome team instead. :rolleyes:

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When a poster ends the post with "I know I might get flamed for this. But I know I am right", I can't help but wonder IF the poster KNOWS his opinion is WAY off.

Why didnt you mention the weather?

Why not mention going for 2 so it would take ANOTHER score for them to win?

Dd you PICK AND CHOOSE what you wanted ........without regard for what REALLY is right?

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Dude, we are trying to make something of this season and wins are what we need. Gibbs is old fashioned and while agree we were too conservative we still won and we have a toughgame to look forward too. Judging by yesterday i think we stayed conservative because we did well. If we started to really be in danger saunders would have taken over.

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