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All of last week people on here posted about how we should re-schedule the game, how will our guys actually play a game, etc.

Now that we lost we want to criticize them for playing their best football. Granted their were some mental mistakes by players and coaches, not just the Gibbs TO. How can we expect the Redskins to have come out and executed their best football both physically and mentally after what they have been through. These guys are creatures of habits, I mean c'mon if they are playing a late game they change practice to the same time as their game in order to get their bodies adapted to that type of workload at the varying times.

In my opinion they played the best football they could under the circumstances. Even the choices that they made are excusable. I am not just making excuses because I feel bad for them, or want to justify another loss. Everyone greives differently, and respondes differently to the loss of a friend, team mate, brother, etc. not everyone is capable of coming out like Santana and having the best game of his season, or Cooley who appeared to just through himself so deep into the game that nothing else mattered at the time or Smoot who ended up appearing like an emotional wreck. With that in mind, how can team operate as a team. Everyone is on different pages, they couldn't and may not be able to function as a team agan for several more games if at all this season.

Instead of ripping them apart for a disappointing game why not focus on what they were able to do under impossible circumstances. I had the same expectations as most of you, I thought that they would beat the Bills unmercifully in the name of Sean Taylor. I was suprised to see the fire fade in the second half but these guys ended up going back into a locker room sitting around the locker, encased in glass, with Sean's shoulder pads, his helmet, Jersey, cleats, and pants, could you even imagine? I am sure that whatever they had left in their tanks came out in tears and was left rigth their in the locker room floor.

Looking back, I was proud and impressed at the way they played. I think that they played their hearts out for Sean and I am sure he is proud of the efforts.

Instead of criticizing, let's show our appreciation for what our Skins did do and that was take the field, that in its self was victory enough for me.

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You still play to win the game.

They get paid millions of dollars to play a game, which is ridiculous. Their job is to win games no matter what, and they are not doing that. No excuses. The game on Sunday was not only winnable, but we were winning it; there is no excuse for the final quarter of play on either side of the ball.

If I have a death in the family, I get two days of bereavement leave. After that, my employer expects me back at my desk doing what I do and doing it well. To add to that, I'm certainly not making 5% of what some of these guys make, and I'm not playing a game either.

I'm not saying that they aren't having a rough time, but they still have a job to do.

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They played exactly the way they have been playing for most of the games all year - badly. They did nothing to honor their friend. They went right back to playing bad football. Plain and simple. If you cant take the truth, stop watching football.

U took the words out of my mouth.

Furthermore...How about they didnt play badly....but they are just bad?

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Nice post, I agree with most of what you are saying. Aside from everything that has happened, it looks like the same things are hurting us.

The O-line = terrible run blocking, mediocre pass blocking.

Campbell = I like him a lot, and I do believe he is the future for us at QB, but, he is good for 1 pick and 1 fumble per game. I didn't think the pick he threw in the buffalo game was totally on him. As for the fumbling, we know with better pass blocking and passing lanes it wouldn't happen as much, but since the pass blocking is mediocre, JC needs to learn to tuck the ball when a defender has their hands on his ankles/legs. He tends to try and force a play which turns into fumbles or picks. He will get it with time though.

I don't fault the defense as much, they did the best they could do under the circumstances, and I applaud them for that. They didn't give up a TD which was impressive.

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The only critiques I have of the players are for some turnovers primarily. The play calling went ultra conservative at the end, and of course the mental errors on our coaching staff. Those are the only things I feel need questioned. The players, most of them played with heart and I thank them for that.

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They played exactly the way they have been playing for most of the games all year - badly. They did nothing to honor their friend. They went right back to playing bad football. Plain and simple. If you cant take the truth, stop watching football.

I agree, they have not played upto expectations most of this season. How many other teams have had the number of injuries that they have had ? I hate playing that card but when it fits....

To get back to the game I was referring to though, the did EVERYTHING to honor him. To say that is just rediculous. Taylor was known mostly for his heart and how hard he played. How did these guys not play with all of their heart? I can take the truth, can you open your eyes to see it? It's easy to sit back and be the Monday morning QB that want to be but realize that their is a lot more then just "they went back to playing bad football."

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I saw 4 players on Sunday that played inspired football for their friend. Smoot,Rock,Moss and Cooley they left it all on the field. Both lines should be ashamed. The atmosphere at fed ex had all the emotion and adrenaline in the world that a lineman could use to play with adrenaline the way Smoot and Company played but they didn't move the L.o.S once :doh: If this was a isolated loss I could understand but it was much the same with horrible called game.

Our coaches are great leaders and will have our team saying all the right things but they don't show up on Sundays they do a GREAT job during the week but on Sundays they look like they couldn't coach a highschool team.

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They played exactly the way they have been playing for most of the games all year - badly. They did nothing to honor their friend. They went right back to playing bad football. Plain and simple. If you cant take the truth, stop watching football.

You're listing starboard. Abandon ship. :D

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I should have been more clear in my original post. I don't think we have played up to our ability most of this year.

I am referring to the (sorry for the spelling) hypocritical thinking by some on the forum. Some examples...

Gibbs is the best coach for this team right now, he is the only one who can get us through this, etc. Now, he needs to go!?!

So many of you stated how you have been crying for much of the week, the services yesterday tore at your heart strings. Now, how can the honor Sean that way, how can they play that bad !?!

Those of you who have been checking the forums all last week know exactly what posts I am referring to.

To state or compare the death of someone you know and only getting two days of greivance leave from work is not even similar to this situation. First of all, this was the death of a co-worker. Most of us take leave when it someone close to us, usually not a co-worker. In this case work was the hardest thing for these guys to face, it was the constant reminder of Taylor's passing. Second, these guys are professionals they guys got to where they are being highly trained, unbelieveable conditioning, and living by routines that help them reach peak performance. These things were not possible. Not to mention many of us experiance a death close to us under the same or even similar to the circumstances that Sean died under. All of these things add up to less then good performances. I am sure that some of you have lost friends, co-workers and relatives under tragic circumstances, please don;t get me wrong I am not trying to diminish that loss on your behalf.

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You guys need to get over it. I absolutely agree. Sometimes its not all about winning a football games. A player lost his life. Last Sunday was about Sean. So what, they didn't win. Like someone said, they didn't play any different than past games this year. I really don't think its necessary to bash the players and the coach based on last Sunday's game. This team needs support from their fans especially now. We need to rally around them now. Everyone wants them to be like the team they were in the 80's and early 90's but I really think the negativity I see on this message board and in the stadium really isn't helping support our team. This just isn't their year- get over it. Root for another team then if your aren't happy they are going any where this year. I understand its frustrating and I am frustrated to but don't bash them right now. Have a heart. . .

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I still don't understand how anyone expected the team to make adjustments to fix the problems that have been plaguing them all year in a week like the one that just passed. I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen. This game was no different than the last few, and guess what, Thursday's game - after an even shorter week - probably isn't going to be much different. To say that the team wasn't inspired and didn't give it their all, is insulting to them. Playing with all the heart in the world isn't going to overcome technical problems that a team has.

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All of last week people on here posted about how we should re-schedule the game, how will our guys actually play a game, etc.

Now that we lost we want to criticize them for playing their best football. Granted their were some mental mistakes by players and coaches, not just the Gibbs TO. How can we expect the Redskins to have come out and executed their best football both physically and mentally after what they have been through. These guys are creatures of habits, I mean c'mon if they are playing a late game they change practice to the same time as their game in order to get their bodies adapted to that type of workload at the varying times.

In my opinion they played the best football they could under the circumstances. Even the choices that they made are excusable. I am not just making excuses because I feel bad for them, or want to justify another loss. Everyone greives differently, and respondes differently to the loss of a friend, team mate, brother, etc. not everyone is capable of coming out like Santana and having the best game of his season, or Cooley who appeared to just through himself so deep into the game that nothing else mattered at the time or Smoot who ended up appearing like an emotional wreck. With that in mind, how can team operate as a team. Everyone is on different pages, they couldn't and may not be able to function as a team agan for several more games if at all this season.

Instead of ripping them apart for a disappointing game why not focus on what they were able to do under impossible circumstances. I had the same expectations as most of you, I thought that they would beat the Bills unmercifully in the name of Sean Taylor. I was suprised to see the fire fade in the second half but these guys ended up going back into a locker room sitting around the locker, encased in glass, with Sean's shoulder pads, his helmet, Jersey, cleats, and pants, could you even imagine? I am sure that whatever they had left in their tanks came out in tears and was left rigth their in the locker room floor.

Looking back, I was proud and impressed at the way they played. I think that they played their hearts out for Sean and I am sure he is proud of the efforts.

Instead of criticizing, let's show our appreciation for what our Skins did do and that was take the field, that in its self was victory enough for me.

I think people are more upset at the unfortunate realization that Joe Gibbs is a bad coach. Really, he is. He gets too conservative when he gets a lead more than 2 points, his clock management is atrocious, timeout management is just terrible, and the most obvious of all, he does not know how to motivate his players.

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You guys need to get over it. I absolutely agree. Sometimes its not all about winning a football games. A player lost his life. Last Sunday was about Sean. So what, they didn't win. Like someone said, they didn't play any different than past games this year. I really don't think its necessary to bash the players and the coach based on last Sunday's game. This team needs support from their fans especially now. We need to rally around them now. Everyone wants them to be like the team they were in the 80's and early 90's but I really think the negativity I see on this message board and in the stadium really isn't helping support our team. This just isn't their year- get over it. Root for another team then if your aren't happy they are going any where this year. I understand its frustrating and I am frustrated to but don't bash them right now. Have a heart. . .

Thank you, you summed up my intent. It is so disheartening to hear the BS being spewed out right now, true or not, it still falls under the BS category. After last week you'd think that compassion and understanding would be aroud for more then 3-4 days. Thanks again.

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All of last week people on here posted about how we should re-schedule the game, how will our guys actually play a game, etc.

Now that we lost we want to criticize them for playing their best football. Granted their were some mental mistakes by players and coaches, not just the Gibbs TO. How can we expect the Redskins to have come out and executed their best football both physically and mentally after what they have been through. These guys are creatures of habits, I mean c'mon if they are playing a late game they change practice to the same time as their game in order to get their bodies adapted to that type of workload at the varying times.

In my opinion they played the best football they could under the circumstances. Even the choices that they made are excusable. I am not just making excuses because I feel bad for them, or want to justify another loss. Everyone greives differently, and respondes differently to the loss of a friend, team mate, brother, etc. not everyone is capable of coming out like Santana and having the best game of his season, or Cooley who appeared to just through himself so deep into the game that nothing else mattered at the time or Smoot who ended up appearing like an emotional wreck. With that in mind, how can team operate as a team. Everyone is on different pages, they couldn't and may not be able to function as a team agan for several more games if at all this season.

Instead of ripping them apart for a disappointing game why not focus on what they were able to do under impossible circumstances. I had the same expectations as most of you, I thought that they would beat the Bills unmercifully in the name of Sean Taylor. I was suprised to see the fire fade in the second half but these guys ended up going back into a locker room sitting around the locker, encased in glass, with Sean's shoulder pads, his helmet, Jersey, cleats, and pants, could you even imagine? I am sure that whatever they had left in their tanks came out in tears and was left rigth their in the locker room floor.

Looking back, I was proud and impressed at the way they played. I think that they played their hearts out for Sean and I am sure he is proud of the efforts.

Instead of criticizing, let's show our appreciation for what our Skins did do and that was take the field, that in its self was victory enough for me.

if it makes you feel good....go for it!

This game is history (i.e., water under the bridge). but I would note that actions like CP yelling at the O-line suggest that even the players realize they were not playing to capability. it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things - but it was disappointing and no excuses should be made for mistakes they have been making all season long.

cmon now...taking the field? what was the other option? sit at home? weak.

appreciation? no. understanding? yes. empathy? yes. they laid an egg when it came to playing actual football...and they no it. I buy into "let's forget about it". but not into "let's explain it away."

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I think people are more upset at the unfortunate realization that Joe Gibbs is a bad coach. Really, he is. He gets too conservative when he gets a lead more than 2 points, his clock management is atrocious, timeout management is just terrible, and the most obvious of all, he does not know how to motivate his players.

At this point the only thing we can hope for is that Gibbs came to the realization that he is no longer the coach he was during the first stint.

Gibbs was the master of the clock and his situational awareness was off the charts. He is a shell of his former self and this past game brought his glaring weaknesses into the public eye.

Gibbs as a coach is done. Gibbs should concentrate his efforts on making the Redskins a healthy franchise from this point on.

  • Get a good head coach
  • Keep Al Saunders but let Greg Williams go
  • Get a quality GM and let him do his job
  • Become a draft first, fiscally responsible organization

That is what President Gibbs should do...

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I should have been more clear in my original post. I don't think we have played up to our ability most of this year.

I am referring to the (sorry for the spelling) hypocritical thinking by some on the forum. Some examples...

But, that is what this board has become overrun with: ignorant, hypocritical fans. We are more of an Eagles fanbase now, just with different colors. That is much more depressing than the way our team plays.
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I think they played as well as they could under the circumstances these guys were emotionally drained. Kind of knew that they weren't going to be able to keep up those I do not want to say ' Artificial " emotions but basically that what they were a whole game.

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Thank you, you summed up my intent. It is so disheartening to hear the BS being spewed out right now, true or not, it still falls under the BS category. After last week you'd think that compassion and understanding would be aroud for more then 3-4 days. Thanks again.

As a combat veteran I will say this and you can take it for what it is worth....

DISCLAIMER: I am not comparing the game of football to combat but this Sean Taylor situation does present some striking simularities at least for me.

There is plenty of time to mourn the dead (after the mission is complete). Compassion and understanding can take place after the season but now is the time to fight. The Redskins need to man-up and get themselves on track.

I want the Redskins to fight and not make excuses...:2cents:

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