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Regarding Coach Gibbs and the Classless fanbase


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I'm so sick of the Redskins fanbase both those who post here and those idiots in the stadium booing the team and chanting "Gibbs must Go".

I've had it with you people. Call yourselves redksins fans? HA! I call BS on that. If you're a fan they you should know that you have to endure tough seasons and tough losses. You have to deal with silly plays and silly decisions. You have to take the rough with the smooth.

Now regading Hall of Famer, three time superbowl winning, legendary Head Coach Joe Gibbs. Joe Gibbs knows the rules of football. Joe knows without a doubt that you can't call two consecutive time outs. For Joe to call two consecutive time outs there is a reason, it's not a mistake it's a decision.

Did it ever cross the pea-brained minds of you people that the Redskins have been through a personal hell this week? All of them, even Coach Gibbs. They aren't impervious to pain or loss you know. No matter how much any fan thinks that they feel the loss of Sean Taylor, the players and coaches on the team feel that los an order of magnitude more. That team was under pressure to win this game. Self inflicted pressure to go out there and win one for Sean. Well guess what they were having a hard go of it. Their distraction was evident, they were simply not on form in this game. Too many mistakes and too many lapses. But here's the thing, the game was closing, the Bills were going to kick a field goal that was well within the reach of their kicker. (check his stats, he's good at 50+ yarders)

So Coach Gibbs has to make a decision, if he values his men as people he has to make a decision, if the kick is good from 50, which it is very likely to be, the media will be full of stories about how the Skins let another one go and how they couldn't win one for Sean. the media will be all over the players, the players will be blaming themselves, the media will blame everyone. But instead Gibbs makes what appears to be a ridiculous bone headed call, two consecutive time outs, even newbies know that you can't do that. But he the HOF legend does it.

Now the headlines are about Gibbs making a terrible decision. The pressure is on him, an the blame is on him. And I think that is exactly what he wanted. I think that Joe Gibbs made a decision to shoulder the blame for this one to take the pressure off his men. They have a funeral tomorrow and another game on Thursday. They've had a hell of a week. Joe is older and wiser. He knows that all this is nothing compared to the loss of a life, but he also knows that the media and fans don't think, at all. He knows that this way he gets he blame.

So for all of you idiots out there calling for Gibbs to go, for all of you classless pieces of work who booed your own team on this day of all days, for all of you, think about this, think about your own lives and how full they must be now that you've disrespected your team and your coach.

I don't care any moe, the Redskins will go on with or without you. But I'll tell you what, this forum can go on without me, I won't be back. Today was the last straw


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I don't know. I do think Gibbs was extremely desparate for his team to win this game. Unfortunately, the desparation was so much that I really think it clouded his judgment. A clear-minded Joe Gibbs does not call two timeouts in a row. A Joe Gibbs in the state of mind he was today pulls what appears to be an unsportsmanlike manuever, and he gets called on it.

Sorry, but this was a 180 from the Gibbs we've seen leading his team through the tragedy this week.

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I don't care any moe, the Redskins will go on with or without you. But I'll tell you what, this forum can go on without me, I won't be back. Today was the last straw


The Redskins will also go on without Joe Gibbs, though half the people here don't seem to think so.

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Man I dont think anyone is saying Joe Gibbs two timeout deal was a good move lol, redskins fans everywhere were thinking wtf.....but you dont have chants like that after a week like this, especially to a man that is respected like Joe gibbs, he is the best coach to get a team through this type of situation

Classless eagles fans, I mean redskins fans

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I'm so sick of the Redskins fanbase both those who post here and those idiots in the stadium booing the team and chanting "Gibbs must Go".

I've had it with you people. Call yourselves redksins fans?.:helmet:

We've had it with you too.

Especially you people starting new worthless threads that were posted weeks ago. Grow a brain.

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While I think it's out of place and lacking class to call for his head if you were at the game today, it's also a BUSINESS and it's his job to know the rulebook---especially at his age and with his experience. I'd be flaming mad if I had spent money and gone to that game today and watched him giftwrap another victory to another lowly opponent.

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I think there are some real rockheads that call themselves Skins fans. But if you step back, very few of us would have participated in that kind of ridiculing, disrespectful chant. And most of us have weathered lots and lots of disappointment over the years without making it personal or showing our asses.

Some just can't muster it.

Hang in there man. Good times and glory will come again. When? Could be in a year, or twenty. I hope I'm around for it.

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Dont you dare call a fan out for spending hundreds of dollars and having to put up with Gibbs. Chanting Gibbs must go may push him out the door, which needs to happen. How is it classless, how am I suppose to show my displeasure with him. Some of you fans are so blind by an incompetent head coach that makes 5 mil a year you start a thread about it and write a book! Face it the good things he did are way...way in the past!

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okay im sorry like joe is the man and i agree with you there...

but you are a douschebag ,.. "Did it ever cross the pea-brained minds of you people"

who says pea-brained

and u answered your own rhetorical questions "Call yourselves redksins fans? HA! I call BS on that"

I would like to wish you luck in life... you will need it

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I've already said 3 times today that I'll never call for his muddled, senile head. I love him too much. :)

i've seen this said in various ways by other posters, and i still don't understand the logic.

Gibbs is a undeniable legend, but its been proven that he is not the same coach as he once was. If this is the case, why would you essentially grant him tenure?

the loyalty should lie with the organization, not the coach, no matter how successful he was in the past. :2cents:

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Just like Im giving us a pass for this horrible showing today, Im giving the guy who initiated this thread a pass. I think we're all emotionally screwed up right now. We just lost our hero, we just lost 4 games in a row, we just saw our head coach call 2 TOs in a row.....

I can see someone getting frustrated, but I think we all get a pass this week.

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By the way there will be at least one poster Thur with a Gibbs must go theme....the one I bring. The more he hears and see's the better chance he gets the heck out of dodge. Yes its sad, the guy has destroyed his rep outside skin nation, but it's not fair to the fan base and players for him to come back. A matter of fact it would be down right selfish on Gibbs part! We gave him 4 years but what he did in the past doesnt give him a free ticket for as long as he wants it!

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back to back TOs.... you kinda gotta know your job...period! Joe is a great person through and through, but hes kidding himself...and us, if he thinks he can win in this league anymore.

Not the point at all. The debate is not whether Joe should be coaching the team. The point is, after everything this team and coaching staff has endured this week, it would be dispicable to chant something like that on this particular day. Completely classless.

Given the Taylor tribute in your sig, hopefully you understand this.

Dont you dare call a fan out for spending hundreds of dollars and having to put up with Gibbs. Chanting Gibbs must go may push him out the door, which needs to happen. How is it classless, how am I suppose to show my displeasure with him. Some of you fans are so blind by an incompetent head coach that makes 5 mil a year you start a thread about it and write a book! Face it the good things he did are way...way in the past!

Another who doesn't get it. Valid arguments could be made for Joe staying, and valid arguments could be made for Joe going. But that's not the point here. All we are saying is, this isn't the day for anti-Gibbs chants, booing the team, etc. Given what they endured this week, it's simply inhuman to treat them this way. You have no idea what they've been through this week. If you can't take your bitter-fan hat off long enough to see that they've had an indescribably difficult week, that's unfortunate.

As proud as I was to be part of the Redskin family this week, I find myself very embarrassed by a number of you this evening.

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Answer me this Batman............ Who let the offense complete a BOMB down the middle of the field? That's right.........I thought I saw Gibbs out there in uniform. NOT..

Classless Fans chanting that crap. Since Gibbs return we have been in the same amount of playoff games as we were when we had Petibon, Turner, Shotty, Chuck and Duck Spurrier and Robiski. You guys chanting that crap are the most insensitive jerks I have ever seen.:doh:

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Unfortunately, the desparation was so much that I really think it clouded his judgment. A clear-minded Joe Gibbs does not call two timeouts in a row. A Joe Gibbs in the state of mind he was today pulls what appears to be an unsportsmanlike manuever, and he gets called on it.

What's it gonna take for some of you to see the light? With 5 minutes to go, he's still trying to run the ball, imagining that he can just run the clock out. Dude, wake up! If we can't run the ball for the first 3 1/2 quarters, why does he think we can run it and run the clock out? It's the same old story and the same old result!

He's been doing this all year and he still has no clue. 3 and outs have never run the clock out and they never will.

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