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Regarding Coach Gibbs and the Classless fanbase


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I thought of all people, that our fans would know that Change is the enemy. Stable organizations win, not organizations that change coaches and players on a whim. I thought we tried the 5 coaches in 4 years thing, how did that go? How did the new defensive coordinator every year experiment work? How did the constant bringing in of wave after wave of free agents play out? Change for the sake of Change is the wrong way to go about it. Philosophies and the way we do things now does have to change, but you don't have to remove capable people to make those kinds of changes. Stable organizations like New England, Indy, Philadelphia, Tampa, Green Bay, Pittsburgh, and Denver usually end up in the playoffs year after year. Organizations where change is constant usually end up in the top 10 of the NFL draft.

We've seen how constant change works, it would be great if we would stick to the plan here, ride this thing out, and see where it goes.

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after today, i am seeing it now too... looks lke it is time for him to move on... as much as i hate it... what bothers me is the way many here handle it... rude comments about a 3 time super bowl winning coach and hof'er, is just as classless as the idiots yelling during the moment of silence today... i agree, it seems that the game has left him behind, but i guess i was raised differently then some here about being rude and disrespectful to or about others/elders... lol..

just a bit embarrased to be a fan today with the fanbase..

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Probably not a good day to hear it but it has been long time coming and Gibbs has been horrible and people are fed up.

Could I be convinced that it would be the best thing for this team if Joe were to step down as coach? Perhaps. Could I be convinced that it is morally, ethically, humanly acceptable to take part in anti-Gibbs chants in the same week that this unspeakable tragedy took place? Not in a million years.

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there are like 8 of these threads after every game... I was a supporter up until a few weeks ago, but its obvious that we need a new head coach. people are going to vent their frustration when your head coach makes boneheaded decisions every week

sad but true

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I thought of all people, that our fans would know that Change is the enemy. Stable organizations win, not organizations that change coaches and players on a whim. I thought we tried the 5 coaches in 4 years thing, how did that go? How did the new defensive coordinator every year experiment work? How did the constant bringing in of wave after wave of free agents play out? Change for the sake of Change is the wrong way to go about it. Philosophies and the way we do things now does have to change, but you don't have to remove capable people to make those kinds of changes. Stable organizations like New England, Indy, Philadelphia, Tampa, Green Bay, Pittsburgh, and Denver usually end up in the playoffs year after year. Organizations where change is constant usually end up in the top 10 of the NFL draft.

We've seen how constant change works, it would be great if we would stick to the plan here, ride this thing out, and see where it goes.

The problem is that next year's is Gibbs' last in a five-year contract, and I think a lot of folks don't want that "last year" to have him in a lame-duck status. After the Tampa game my position was that Gibbs needed a 9-7 record to get a 5th year unconditionally. If not, he should either step down at the end of this season, or, conversely, reup his commitment to the club and sign a 1-2 year extension, if but for symbolic's sake.

After the horrible events of early Monday morning, I think a lot of us were going to sweep the debate over Gibbs' status under the rug. Unfortunately, his decision-making at the end of today's game has brought it back into focus front and center......and with very good reason.

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After the horrible events of early Monday morning, I think a lot of us were going to sweep the debate over Gibbs' status under the rug. Unfortunately, his decision-making at the end of today's game has brought it back into focus front and center......and with very good reason.

i think it was goint o happen no matter what... it has been a debate all season and really the past few years... i just wonder how much is his play calling... i thought that saunders was the oc making the calls.. ?? or am i wrong here???

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I'm so sick of the Redskins fanbase both those who post here and those idiots in the stadium booing the team and chanting "Gibbs must Go".

I've had it with you people. Call yourselves redksins fans? HA! I call BS on that. If you're a fan they you should know that you have to endure tough seasons and tough losses. You have to deal with silly plays and silly decisions. You have to take the rough with the smooth.

Now regading Hall of Famer, three time superbowl winning, legendary Head Coach Joe Gibbs. Joe Gibbs knows the rules of football. Joe knows without a doubt that you can't call two consecutive time outs. For Joe to call two consecutive time outs there is a reason, it's not a mistake it's a decision.

Did it ever cross the pea-brained minds of you people that the Redskins have been through a personal hell this week? All of them, even Coach Gibbs. They aren't impervious to pain or loss you know. No matter how much any fan thinks that they feel the loss of Sean Taylor, the players and coaches on the team feel that los an order of magnitude more. That team was under pressure to win this game. Self inflicted pressure to go out there and win one for Sean. Well guess what they were having a hard go of it. Their distraction was evident, they were simply not on form in this game. Too many mistakes and too many lapses. But here's the thing, the game was closing, the Bills were going to kick a field goal that was well within the reach of their kicker. (check his stats, he's good at 50+ yarders)

So Coach Gibbs has to make a decision, if he values his men as people he has to make a decision, if the kick is good from 50, which it is very likely to be, the media will be full of stories about how the Skins let another one go and how they couldn't win one for Sean. the media will be all over the players, the players will be blaming themselves, the media will blame everyone. But instead Gibbs makes what appears to be a ridiculous bone headed call, two consecutive time outs, even newbies know that you can't do that. But he the HOF legend does it.

Now the headlines are about Gibbs making a terrible decision. The pressure is on him, an the blame is on him. And I think that is exactly what he wanted. I think that Joe Gibbs made a decision to shoulder the blame for this one to take the pressure off his men. They have a funeral tomorrow and another game on Thursday. They've had a hell of a week. Joe is older and wiser. He knows that all this is nothing compared to the loss of a life, but he also knows that the media and fans don't think, at all. He knows that this way he gets he blame.

So for all of you idiots out there calling for Gibbs to go, for all of you classless pieces of work who booed your own team on this day of all days, for all of you, think about this, think about your own lives and how full they must be now that you've disrespected your team and your coach.

I don't care any moe, the Redskins will go on with or without you. But I'll tell you what, this forum can go on without me, I won't be back. Today was the last straw


Wow this is a bit extreme don't you think? There are classless people where ever you go, yes there were some wastes of flesh that tried to detract from today. However let's also be adults and call a spade a spade. Joe Gibbs is a HOF coach, yes he won 3 SB's with this organization, however his current tenure is a failure. How long do we as fans give him until we realize what he did doesn't have anything to do with what he does now? Joe Gibbs is a God fearing good man, it's just plain and simple he doesn't have what it takes to succeed in today's NFL as a head coach, he has Nascar interests, his grandson is battling cancer, he himself has health issues, let's now add the best player on his team was senselessly murdered by 4 young men that would rather kill a son, father and brother in an effort to take from him what they were and are too lazy to work hard and get themselves. Joe Gibbs needs to stop fooling himself and admit to himself he no longer has what it takes to succeed. The bulk of fans here should also admit that the longer he is our coach the longer we will continue to lose close games and not contend with the Giants and Cowboys. Let's face it and be real with ourselves, the team Joe Gibbs has fielded the bulk of the 4 years he has been back have been underperformers. This is a direct result of bad personal choices, bad coaching and the coaching staff continue to put square pegs in round holes. Many of us are sick and tired of the team that is fielded every season and many of us are more tired of being perenial super bowl contenders every march. While many of us are immature and have a sad and bad way of getting that point across in the end we all are fans, we all bleed burgendy and the continues losses hurt more and more every week. :point2sky :2cents: :notworthy

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The initial post in this thread is one of the all-time greatest trolling efforts I've seen in all my years surfing the web. Well done!

Agreed! Seriously though, Gibbs has gotta go :) Some people just want him to stay even if its 20 seasons of 2-14 ball. Get a grip.

They knew the problem when they re-hired him.


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The bottomline i think everyone was thinking this team was going to turn a corner and in some way ST's death was goin to do that, It just didnt work out that way. To say the skins fanbase is classless I mean the way I see it how people root for their teams is just an extension of their personally so if your classless person or obinixous your goin to be a obinixous or classles fan. Do the skins have a higher percantage of classless people who attend their games? Maybe but I mean this game I don't think is reflective of the normal fanbase just b/c of the circumstances.

Bottomline people lets be real the product that is being shown to us on each sunday is really hard to stomach, and I will watch it and buy in to the product and just hope its get better.

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Lets see this for what it is....Gibbs's incompetence in yet another 4th quarter game management situation. Stop trying to powder puff it as though he should be some kind of fallen hero. Its a game. He blew it again. Taylor's death is NOT an excuse. Everyone has to deal with death at some point of their life. This loss is forgivable, yes, but it doesn't excuse the constant failure which is happening for more reasons then Gibbs's lackingness.

And for those of you ashamed to be a Skins fans, grow some pubes or something. Every NFL team has a bunch of unsympathetic drunken jerk hooligans (note that I didn't call them fans).

Just learn to deal with them and stop taking offense to everything that is not 'classy'. This is a sport and people who pay for their ticket have the right to cheer or boo or chant however they want. If you don't like it don't do it, or just say something about it to THEM. Stand up for how you believe they should be acting instead of coming and whining about it on some forum. If you can't, then shut up and let the rest of us do it. Just please, please stop being such a Superhomer because it is just as embarrassing.

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I just don't understand how people can be so incredibly rude. Why does it seem like idiots are always at the games these days? I think the problem is that we don't have enough real fans at the stadium these days or something.

Fans are growing tired of cheering for the Redskins. Which in the last 15 years...of endless lossing seasons...thats what it is.

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By the way there will be at least one poster Thur with a Gibbs must go theme....A matter of fact it would be down right selfish on Gibbs part! We gave him 4 years but what he did in the past doesnt give him a free ticket for as long as he wants it!

"We" gave him nothing. Dan Snyder gave him a contract for 5 years. He should be given that 5 years, especially now with everything the team has been through.

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It's official, the game has passed him by. If he doesn't even know the rules of the game, how long do you think it will take him to realize that you can't win games the same way you could 20 years ago.

Back then you could run the ball and make the other team use their time outs so they wouldn't be able to stop the clock to set up for a last second kick, but now teams can intentionally spike the ball so timeouts are not as important as they once were.

Instead of sitting on 1 possession leads, it has become more important to increase the leads.

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I'm not saying Gibbs should go, but I think if he is honest with himself, he has to really decide whether he's accomplished what he wanted to accomplish here, or whether he himself has been the problem. I feel he's the only one that can decide whether he should stay or go, if he wants to stay then great, if not then thanks for bringing some pride back to the organization.

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I'm so sick of the Redskins fanbase both those who post here and those idiots in the stadium booing the team and chanting "Gibbs must Go".

I've had it with you people. Call yourselves redksins fans? HA! I call BS on that. If you're a fan they you should know that you have to endure tough seasons and tough losses. You have to deal with silly plays and silly decisions. You have to take the rough with the smooth.

Now regading Hall of Famer, three time superbowl winning, legendary Head Coach Joe Gibbs. Joe Gibbs knows the rules of football. Joe knows without a doubt that you can't call two consecutive time outs. For Joe to call two consecutive time outs there is a reason, it's not a mistake it's a decision.

Did it ever cross the pea-brained minds of you people that the Redskins have been through a personal hell this week? All of them, even Coach Gibbs. They aren't impervious to pain or loss you know. No matter how much any fan thinks that they feel the loss of Sean Taylor, the players and coaches on the team feel that los an order of magnitude more. That team was under pressure to win this game. Self inflicted pressure to go out there and win one for Sean. Well guess what they were having a hard go of it. Their distraction was evident, they were simply not on form in this game. Too many mistakes and too many lapses. But here's the thing, the game was closing, the Bills were going to kick a field goal that was well within the reach of their kicker. (check his stats, he's good at 50+ yarders)

So Coach Gibbs has to make a decision, if he values his men as people he has to make a decision, if the kick is good from 50, which it is very likely to be, the media will be full of stories about how the Skins let another one go and how they couldn't win one for Sean. the media will be all over the players, the players will be blaming themselves, the media will blame everyone. But instead Gibbs makes what appears to be a ridiculous bone headed call, two consecutive time outs, even newbies know that you can't do that. But he the HOF legend does it.

Now the headlines are about Gibbs making a terrible decision. The pressure is on him, an the blame is on him. And I think that is exactly what he wanted. I think that Joe Gibbs made a decision to shoulder the blame for this one to take the pressure off his men. They have a funeral tomorrow and another game on Thursday. They've had a hell of a week. Joe is older and wiser. He knows that all this is nothing compared to the loss of a life, but he also knows that the media and fans don't think, at all. He knows that this way he gets he blame.

So for all of you idiots out there calling for Gibbs to go, for all of you classless pieces of work who booed your own team on this day of all days, for all of you, think about this, think about your own lives and how full they must be now that you've disrespected your team and your coach.

I don't care any moe, the Redskins will go on with or without you. But I'll tell you what, this forum can go on without me, I won't be back. Today was the last straw


Highlander, it's just not working. We're 10-18 over the last year and a half and that Hall of Fame coach you're canonizing right now made a mistake Sunday that Norv Turner or Steve Spurrier would have made. Four years into his tenure, something like that shouldn't be happening and this team should know by now how to close out teams. We have the highest payroll in the league, the highest-paid coaching staff in the league and absolutely nothing to show for it. Unless mediocre-to-bad football is your cup of tea, it's time to cut our losses and just start again from scratch.

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back to back TOs.... you kinda gotta know your job...period! Joe is a great person through and through, but hes kidding himself...and us, if he thinks he can win in this league anymore.

Sorry, it should have never come down to having to call a timeout. The O-line should have opened some holes for Portis to run through, Cooley should have held on to the ball, the O-line shouldn't have allowed the sack and safety... Don't hang the game on a bad timeout called at the end of the game. Hang it on the player mistakes during the game... It should have never come down to that.

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It's official, the game has passed him by. If he doesn't even know the rules of the game, how long do you think it will take him to realize that you can't win games the same way you could 20 years ago.

Back then you could run the ball and make the other team use their time outs so they wouldn't be able to stop the clock to set up for a last second kick, but now teams can intentionally spike the ball so timeouts are not as important as they once were.

Instead of sitting on 1 possession leads, it has become more important to increase the leads.

Thats the way I feel. We hadnt gotten more than 2yds a carry all game. Portis might have broken loose for a 4 yd run at some point...cant remember when. Bottom line. He doesnt go for the kill. I mean U have 3 shots to get 10 yds and end the game. Atleast throw the ball once. The entire stadium knew the bills would get the ball back and drive the field for a chance to win. The TO blunder should have never occurred. We should have WON THE GAME ON OFFENSE rather than count on our defense which has allowed them to move the ball all day.

As much as people blame Gibbs...and im definitly one of them...GW hasnt done much to impress me this year. Our lack of pass rush just blows my mind. He could create a blitz...something "exotic" as they say. The entire coaching staff is to blame in my opinion. I think GW should go just as much as Gibbs. They are both stealing money from the Redskins.

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I think there are some real rockheads that call themselves Skins fans. But if you step back, very few of us would have participated in that kind of ridiculing, disrespectful chant. And most of us have weathered lots and lots of disappointment over the years without making it personal or showing our asses.

Some just can't muster it.

Hang in there man. Good times and glory will come again. When? Could be in a year, or twenty. I hope I'm around for it.

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I think that the theory about Gibbs deliberately calling the second timeout, knowing he would get the penalty, is the dumbest that I have every heard. He is a proud man who came back to save us from our Snyder-induced humiliation. But it hasn't worked. The league and the game have passed him by. Let him retire and be happy; we will remember Joe Gibbs, the young San Diego offensive coordinator who made us better than we ever thought we could be. I love this man and that is why I want him to leave.

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Lets keep it real dude, Gibbs is wack, im sorry this is pathetic!! Talk about losing seasons! how many have we had in the past 15 years!! Every year its the samt thing!! im gon tell u guys this, if Gibbs stays this year, i bet we gon have another year kinda like this one as usual so lets dream on guys and dwell on Gibbs 3 super bowls from 100 years ago!! Hey, we can use that as an excuse to respect him and keep him around!

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The left side is our strong point, there is nothing wrong with Kendall. Alan Faneca will want a 7 year deal in the $50 million dollar range, and I don't see that happening. Our focus is WR, and defensive backfield now.

I'll admit the intentional calling crossed my mind, after the guy hit the other FG, but I'd discard it it sounds stupid.

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Dont you dare call a fan out for spending hundreds of dollars and having to put up with Gibbs. Chanting Gibbs must go may push him out the door, which needs to happen. How is it classless, how am I suppose to show my displeasure with him. Some of you fans are so blind by an incompetent head coach that makes 5 mil a year you start a thread about it and write a book! Face it the good things he did are way...way in the past!

Yeah really, isn't Gibbs the highest paid coach or something in the NFL. What a joke...poor Joe.

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