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OT-Nice Girl or Bondage Slut


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Well watch that Joe Millionaire show. His final two picks: A nice girl:Zora and a slut named:Sara.

He picked Zora and suprisely after she found out the truth- she still decide to give it a try. We'll find out next week, how it went. Hey, they each got 500,000 for their troubles. Hey, Zora; I'll date you if it doesn't work out with Evan.

Sara is the girl who did bondage flicks and it was reveal she gave old Joe a nice BJ while in the woods, away from Fox's camera.

Coming up soon- arranged marriages. Yes, Fox has a new show coming in 2 weeks called:Married in America where 2 people who never have meet-get married. That will be interesting. Can't wait to see that blow up in people's faces. Especiallly since arranged marriages are the custom in many parts of the world. Coming from a failed arranged mistake- it's a mistake to do that.

Talk about all the crap that's on TV.

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I was really glad to see that he picked Zora. She seems like a genuinely nice person, whereas Sara came off as a dirty sleazebag slut.

What I'm surprised about is that Zora chose to stay with Evan. It's no coincidence that Fox chose him. He is a bumbling idiot, and kind of creepy looking to boot.

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In my opinion, there is only one true reality TV show. Most of the things you see today are poeple being put in occward situations that would never happen in "reality", and then get filmed so we all can see how they can react, and hey, there is nothing wrong with that in my book. But if you wan true reality, then you like me watch the origianal reality show, and still the best, COPS.

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Originally posted by OrangeSkin

I'm eating up the Michael Jackson stuff. He was all the rage when I was a young buck.

Hearing "Thriller" and "Billie Jean" over and over again recently has brought back some pretty good memories. :)

That MJ was actually black. Now he's a freak with the peter pan syndrome. He's a child in a man's body. I blame that on this father; who robbed his childhood.

MJ's music has steadily gotten worse since 1991's Dangerous. He's finished. He can't make good music like he once use to. His career is forever stained by those pediphile charges. I lost any respect for the man; when he made a settlement with that boy. If he was innnocent; he shouldn't have settled.

I'm waiting for those Sara playboy or some other magazine pics.

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I was glad Zora won, she was either obviously not after the money all along or a damn good actress. Sara was hot, but she was a little B!tch.

I like Michael Jackson's stuff with the Jackson 5 like Want you Back and ABC, but I have never really cared for anything he has done since.

I think Tito was the brains behind the Jackson 5, he was brilliant...:doh:

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Originally posted by NoCalMike

Umm, are you sure Sarah was blowing Evan in the woods, and it wasn't just a sloppy kiss?

I don't think Sara did bondage MOVIES, she just took a few photos that never showed her face and it was her tied up at the feet and hands. Plenty of worse things.

No, I think they were actually videos too. Go to thesmokinggun.com and they have the pics.

Here's the link to the article:


And here's a pic or two:



She implied when she was talking to that other girl-that Evan didn't pick her because maybe that BJ threw him off. She didn't say the word but she sort of showed what she did.

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Ashamed to admit I watched 'Joe'!

I thought there were two funny moments. First of all, after Sarah finds out he's a construction worker, not a millionaire, she says 'Do you think that would make a difference to me?' and looks like she's about to die....hilarious stuff? No, we just thought heavy equipment operators drive you wild girl! The other thing I noticed was that Evan finally got some passionate face-time with Zora, but only after they were presented with the million dollar check! Then 2 of those not selected (Sarah and Melissa?) proceeded to start ripping the guy. Cheesy stuff, but you can't deny it was entertaining :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

I have no idea what you all are talking about, but more pictures would be appreciated.

Same here:laugh: :laugh:

So this chick does bondage movies and she's on TV? Is it porn?

Saw the Micheal Jackson thing last night. Gosh.......it's so depressing. It is so hard for me to admit that he may be a pedophile cuz he was my first childhood hero. Had the glove the moves and the pants:puke:

Why doesn't he understand that these interviews are just making him look worse? He knew that a slant was what they were going for.......Jesus Christ!!!!!!HE"S STILL SAYING THAT HE ALLOWS KIDS TO SLEEP WITH HIM AND THAT IT IS OK!?!?!?!?!?!:cuss:

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I watched the first 'Survivor' and got my fill of reality TV for life from that. I have no interest whatsoever in 'Joe Millionaire' or anything else Fox comes up with. I can see reality just fine witht he TV off. :)

Michael Jackson is a freak. I loved Thriller and there's no denying the man has talent. But at this point the best thing he could do for himself is get out of the public eye and quit talking. He just gets freakier everytime he speaks. Sadly, he doesn't strike me a a secure enough individual to just shut up and drift into obscurity. I have a feeling he'll spend the rest of his life insisting he's normal, which of course only makes things worse.

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Originally posted by The Evil Genius

You can view videos of all the Joe M. girls here.


They all dish out dirt on him next week- in the reunion show. Then he reunites with his pick:Zora. They haven't seen each other since the show; so it will be interesting what happens.

As for the final 5 having boobs- what's wrong with that?

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I despised the idea of this reality tv crap. However, as of late, I watched Idol (gotta use the last word of right? like the soaps:rolleyes: ) a few weeks back just to see what kind of talent was on there and was quite impressed. I didn't think that guy Simon was hard on them at all. So I watched the night after cuz it was on the same channel at the same time. It was also like 2 hours.

I thought it was good. It gives wannabe musicians a much better vehicle at achieving some publicity and and getting heard. Better than putting a low budget album out only to have it ripped off, burned and stolen all over the internet.(if it is good)

The people who sucked deserved to get crap. It was a waste of my time to have to sit there and watch it, though it was funny.

Im PULLIN FOR REUBEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U THE NEXT LUTHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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