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One Positive from MNF

PF Chang

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Tonight was a horrible experience. Let's not get into it.

If the Redskins go into GB and win (which I expect us to do against a similarly one-dimensional team), is there any doubt about being a major contender for the NFC crown? Dallas is clearly beatable and we play the other current contender.

Who can't we beat? We may not be a half game out, but we have yet to play the Pukes. I would have to consider the Redskins the frontrunner in the NFC if they beat GB and Dallas loses to NE.

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We are the 2nd or 3rd best team in the NFC righ now.

Dallas is #1

Then GB or us at #2

Then GB or us at #3.

After tonight, I'm really not sure Dallas is better than us. We have played one bad half in three weeks. Playcalling in that half is up for debate, and irregardless it was clearly corrected against Detroit.

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^^ How is Dallas #1 after that performance tonight?

I know that the record is all that matters in the end, but seriously... they are horrible when schemed against properly.

Because one week is hardly proof. Romo sits to pee won't throw 5 ints on a regular basis. They shoudl have lost that game, but they didn't.

same goes for us. We lost to the Gints in a fashion you won't see again. Half time leads? This team won't be thinking about that anymore. Its going to go for the Jugular.

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I like the optimism. I think we can win next week with a very similar defensive game plan. I know one thing... we should NOT try to blitz alot verses Brett Favre and the Packers because they'll take it to the house on us with all those trademark slants they do. In other words, they'll send their slanting reciever to the spot where our Blitzer vacated and we'd pay for that. So I think if we do the same thing and get the same kind of magnifiicant play for our D-line, we will win.

The only other thing to think about is that GBs defense is leagues better than Detroit's defense. So the Offense will have to adjust to that.

We have only played 4 games so it's still early and we should not get carried away. Remember, there is bussiness still to be taken care of.

And I think we can take care of Bussiness.

The rivalry lives and the division will be decided on the last few games when we finally get to face Dallas the last quarter of the regular season. I believe with our secondary we can and will beat them.

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same goes for us. We lost to the Gints in a fashion you won't see again. Half time leads? This team won't be thinking about that anymore. Its going to go for the Jugular.

I certainly hope so. Before tonight I have had the wild card in my mind. I want the division. I want the Skins to humiliate the Cowboys.

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Heres my take on the game. Going into MNF I figured the Cowboys would win big, so the outcome is no surprise if I try to forget about what actually happened.

Before this game Dallas looked unbeatable in all facets of the game. Offensively and defensively they looked above and beyond the best team in the conference.

Now Romo sits to pee looks Patrick Ramsey like.

They cant really run the ball against a good D ( skins D > buffalo D)

The Dallas win will linger for me for a few days but after I get over it I will realize that the skins can beat anyone in the NFC and we are as much as the team to beat as anyone.:dallasuck

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I like the optimism. I think we can win next week with a very similar defensive game plan. I know one thing... we should NOT try to blitz alot verses Brett Favre and the Packers because they'll take it to the house on us with all those trademark slants they do. In other words, they'll send their slanting reciever to the spot where our Blitzer vacated and we'd pay for that. So I think if we do the same thing and get the same kind of magnifiicant play for our D-line, we will win.

The only other thing to think about is that GBs defense is leagues better than Detroit's defense. So the Offense will have to adjust to that.

We have only played 4 games so it's still early and we should not get carried away. Remember, there is bussiness still to be taken care of.

And I think we can take care of Bussiness.

The rivalry lives and the division will be decided on the last few games when we finally get to face Dallas the last quarter of the regular season. I believe with our secondary we can and will beat them.

I believe the Redskins defense is too talented to be beaten by a one-dimensional offense. There is very little threat of the run against GB. Favre will certainly be more effective than Kitna, but how much more when you're throwing to Greg Jennings instead of Roy Williams?

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I like the optimism. I think we can win next week with a very similar defensive game plan. I know one thing... we should NOT try to blitz alot verses Brett Favre and the Packers because they'll take it to the house on us with all those trademark slants they do. In other words, they'll send their slanting reciever to the spot where our Blitzer vacated and we'd pay for that. So I think if we do the same thing and get the same kind of magnifiicant play for our D-line, we will win.

The only other thing to think about is that GBs defense is leagues better than Detroit's defense. So the Offense will have to adjust to that.

We have only played 4 games so it's still early and we should not get carried away. Remember, there is bussiness still to be taken care of.

And I think we can take care of Bussiness.

The rivalry lives and the division will be decided on the last few games when we finally get to face Dallas the last quarter of the regular season. I believe with our secondary we can and will beat them.

Good analysis. The slant is their bread and butter play. Keep the LB's in the passing lanes and tell the linemen to keep their hands up.

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Good analysis. The slant is their bread and butter play. Keep the LB's in the passing lanes and tell the linemen to keep their hands up.

This is a huge advantage for us with athletic LB's. The GB wide receivers will not be able to beat us deep unless Favre pumps on a slant and go, as our secondary is quite aggressive. Obviously G. Williams will be prepared for this, but I can see one big play.

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the MNF game was more painful to watch than our loss to New York. Hard to find any positives at this point. Sure the Boys are beatable, isn't everybody? And not only have they blown out teams, but they also proved capable of coming back (albeit thanks to a legendary collaspe).

Bottom line is they won, and in this division, every game is going to be crucial, for us as well as the other 3 in the NFCE. Yes, we're playing good football, really good football, top 5 in the conference without a doubt. But we'd all be ignorant to think that Dallas' record won't directly affect our playoff fate come week 14, 15, 16.

Buffalo ****ed themselves, they ****ed their fans, they ****ed us, they ****ed our entire conference. ****.

I need a drink.:mad:

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I won't start to rank the Skins, but I no longer fear Dallas. Buffalo showed, with an injured defense no less, that you can subdue the Dallas offense (until you play prevent-to-win defense). Our defense has shown it's capable of lasso-ing in a good offense, and I think if we continue to play Skins ball, there's no telling how good we can be.

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the MNF game was more painful to watch than our loss to New York. Hard to find any positives at this point. Sure the Boys are beatable, isn't everybody? And not only have they blown out teams, but they also proved capable of coming back (albeit thanks to a legendary collaspe).

Bottom line is they won, and in this division, every game is going to be crucial, for us as well as the other 3 in the NFCE. Yes, we're playing good football, really good football, top 5 in the conference without a doubt. But we'd all be ignorant to think that Dallas' record won't directly affect our playoff fate come week 14, 15, 16.

Buffalo ****ed themselves, they ****ed their fans, they ****ed us, they ****ed our entire conference. ****.

I need a drink.:mad:

I think that last sentence describes how I felt after that field goal. ****.

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With all those problems you all have noticed with the Dallas Cowboys there is one thing you haven't mentioned. Dallas is 5 & 0. Dallas fans don't care so much if it is win big or win ugly so long as those Ws keep piling up. Buffalo played a whale of a game and kudos to them. But in tomorrow's Washington Post sports section there will be Dallas in the #1 spot in the NFC East with NE coming up. Which I expect to be a much better game after the Bills game. Night fellahs, see you in another few games when it gets real for both of us.

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I'll have to agree that Dallas has a good d-line, but they're secondary was torched by the gants, meami put up 20, and st. louis and chicago don't have offense, so after tonight with some decent plays from buffalo's offense; the 'girls are def beatable. I have it pretty close for the top 3.

#1 Hail

#2T cowgirls

#2T packers

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I like the fact that we and Dallas are close and competing to win the division. The rivalry is good. It makes it that much sweeter when we beat them to win the division!

At the same time I really wanted them to lose one game so we could be tied with them. This MNF debacle just reminded me of why I hate the Bills almost as much as I hate the Cowboys.

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^^ How is Dallas #1 after that performance tonight?

I know that the record is all that matters in the end, but seriously... they are horrible when schemed against properly.

Now there's a revalaion for the ages...lol

"They are horrible when schemed against properly":cheers:

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They may be a better team now, but if that team starts losing games...like two or more in a row, the wheels will come off. Did you see T.O.'s reaction after the last turnover? It's an ego-ridden team. They are talented and stacked but if the team faces real adversity, they have neither the character nor the coaching staff to get that team back on track. I know it sounds cliche' and I'm sorry for using all the "mediot" terminology, but the Pokes better keep winning (for their sake) 'cause if they don't we're gonna wave as we fly right to the top of the NFC East. If not us, the Giants could as well. I'm going to sit back and enjoy the ride 'cause I think the Pukes are going to lose a few after they take a beating next week. And, I don't think Minnesota will lay down either. Romo sits to pee is rattled, I promise. That guy will continue to feel the pressure and it's more obvious to me than ever before that the team's (the Pokes) success rides on his shoulders. Don't let this win fool you, that was the Bills...the worst team in the league guaranteed. They barely made it out alive. Romo sits to pee didn't just have a bad game, someone exposed his weakness but he kept making Grossmanlike mistakes over and over again. Now every D coodinator has a blueprint to stop him. He's not Brady or Manning, so he'll struggle some this year against good/fast defenses like the Pats, the Vikings, the Redskins, the Giants, the Eagles, the Packers, etc. Just my feeling about them right now. I think the Bills exposed their weakness....Romo sits to pee. One last thing, I'm speaking as a football fan here. I'm not drinkin' the kool-aid regardless of whether I'm a Skins fan or not. I tell it like it is. Parcells is sooooooo right about this guy. He keeps dodging bullets and its going to run out at some point. :2cents:

Collapse the pocket, get pressure, contain him on the edges, and force him to make bad decisions. That's what the Bills did to him. Now let's see who else can do it to him. I'm not sold they can stop the run either. They're NOT as good as people think they are but they ARE 5-0...for now.

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