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A white-out at FedEx?

Touchdown Redskins

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Hey guys, so I was just watching the Penn State/Notre Dame game (WE ARE...PENN STATE!!!), and being from Penn State, I love the white-out the crowd creates during the game. Basically the whole crowd wears white, and it just looks incredibly beautiful while also being intimidating to the other team.

I know it would be hard, but we should try to do the same thing at FedEx. I mean how sexy would it be to have 90,000 screaming fans in burgundy, or the whole crowd in gold. It would show great unity amongst the fans, and I think it would intimidate the other team and empower the Skins. Any thoughts on how this could be done or if it's been tried in the past?

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we've tried it before....problem is:

A) fans want to wear their jerseys and some people only own 1 or only 1 color.

B) Even with 60,000+ members on ES-- the message doesn't get out to enough people

C) Too many people from opposing teams, idiots who have to wear Cowboys, Eagles and Giants jerseys when the Skins aren't playing them (you know who you are), idiots wearing jerseys of other teams not even playing (yeah, you guy who had that Raiders jersey on in the Wash vs. Tenn game last year).

D) Too many people who don't want to participate with the crowd (they also want you to sit down and shut up when the D is on the field) :mad:

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This has been done several times in the NBA, usually during the playoffs...but with crowds of 18K-19K. I think there's enough fans wearing Burgandy and white at FedEx already that this isn't really needed.

However, *semi-OT*, it should be pointed out that it can backfire humorously. The New Jersey Nets went with all red shirts for their fans, the home team Nets wore white jerseys, and the Raptors strolled in with their red roadies. That was one the ultimate sports blunders.

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