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'New Al Qaeda plot to blow up planes on September 11' smashed


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If only Germany didn't support the war in Iraq. Oh wait. They didn't.



Police have smashed a suspected al Qaeda terror cell nursing a "profound hatred of US citizens" plotting to bomb civilian and military jets.

The force of the planned explosions would have been worse than the train bombings in Madrid and the Tube and bus attacks in London on 7 July, 2005, according to German security sources. Those attacks killed 191 and 52 people respectively.

Three men aged 22, 28 and 29 have been arrested in Germany days before they planned to strike, and bomb-making equipment and explosives have been seized.

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If only they didn't cover these "criminals" faces, we could see who they really are...

I know I know!

Isn't it an odd coincidence that Rumsfeld, then Rove, and then Gonzolez have all recently stepped out of the spotlight, and now THREE terrorists have been siezed, and the government WON'T show their faces? Sure it's a coincidence.

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I know I know!

Isn't it an odd coincidence that Rumsfeld, then Rove, and then Gonzolez have all recently stepped out of the spotlight, and now THREE terrorists have been siezed, and the government WON'T show their faces? Sure it's a coincidence.

You mock what you don't understand.

It is quite sad.

Just the simple fact that you are ok with the rats running from the sinking ship, is indictment enough of how brainwashed you are.

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You mock what you don't understand.

It is quite sad.

Just the simple fact that you are ok with the rats running from the sinking ship, is indictment enough of how brainwashed you are.

Glad I kept my tin foil hat and ham radio rig (so when the mothership makes contact) :rolleyes:

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I'm with Ken on this one. This story COULD have been fabricated very, very easily. "Why" you say? To keep us all afraid, while we allow bills to pass that deplete our constitutional freedoms.

Nice of the Germans to help the evil Bush administration out on that too. :rolleyes:

I guess the British are in on it as well when they foiled that car bomb plot in their country recently?

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I'm with Ken on this one. This story COULD have been fabricated very, very easily. "Why" you say? To keep us all afraid, while we allow bills to pass that deplete our constitutional freedoms.

I'm sure the Germans are just fabricating the story to get back in our good graces,in fact the whole radical islamic issue is probably a CIA front to allow the government to see what books you check out at the library. :laugh:


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You mock what you don't understand.

It is quite sad.

Just the simple fact that you are ok with the rats running from the sinking ship, is indictment enough of how brainwashed you are.

Talk about mocking what you don't understand. For a guy who's been around as long as you to apparently 1) not know Henry and 2) not know ES Tailgate humor when you see it is kind of, well, funny. :)

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Yup, I'm way out there.

Sorry if I don't fall for every manufactured story I'm told to believe.

Yeah, but every story is a manufactured story to you Ken.

Seriously,,, let's check this over using some facts we know to be true..

The German government.. friends to the Bush admin?


The German Gov't... supporters of the war in Iraq?


The German Government... have they assisted in the Global War on Terror?

NO, as far as I know there isn't a single German troop committed.

So, they'd be willing to lie on a global scale to help the Bush admin out?


So they'd be willing to lie to help continue the war they oppose?

Uh, no.

Or they'd be willing to allow American news agencies to lie about them in order to push a further agenda by an administration they don't like without a PEEP as to their innocence in this plot?

Yeah, that sounds REALLY believable.

And using your own words, I am to believe that this German Anit-Bush government, will help these rats desert their sinking ship, as you put it.

WHY? All conspiracies have to answer that question.

Why would the Germans allow this, Ken?

You've seriously got a lot of nerve berating those who would mock your shadowy innuendo, your finger pointing for no reason other than to point.

You have absolutely NOTHING to back up the fabrication angle.

And yet you fall right into it anyway despite the evidence to the contrary.

The fact that the Anti-Bush German government has allowed this "fabrication" to be trumpeted around the world shoots down whatever 'theory' you have. (albeit, you have yet to provide a theory,, just a little bit of insinuation and a few insults to those who don't lockstep alongside you.)

You carry this intellectual superiority that all believers in this these ridiculous theories carry, and it is again tiresome.

If you're SO sure that this is all a lie, so much so that you feel it necessary to insult Henry over it, then provide some evidence, Ken. Show some proof as to why we should not believe this foreign government with no desire to assist Bush in his war when they claim to have captured some islamic militants planning a bombing.

Tell us Ken.

Why should we believe YOU over THEM?


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Yeah, but every story is a manufactured story to you Ken.

Seriously,,, let's check this over.

The German government.. friends to the Bush admin?


So, they'd be willing to lie on a global scale to help the Bush admin out?


Or they'd be willing to allow American news agencies to lie about them in order to push a further agenda by an administration they don't like without a PEEP as to their innocence in this plot?

Yeah, that sounds REALLY believable.

You've seriously got a lot of nerve berating those who would mock your shadowy innuendo, your finger pointing for no reason other than to point.

You have absolutely NOTHING to back up the fabrication angle.

And yet you fall right into it anyway despite the evidence to the contrary.

The fact that the Anti-Bush German government has allowed this "fabrication" to be trumpeted around the world shoots down whatever 'theory' you have. (albeit, you have yet to provide a theory,, just a little bit of insinuation and a few insults to those who don't lockstep alongside you.)

You carry this intellectual superiority that all believers in this these ridiculous theories carry, and it is again tiresome.

If you're SO sure that this is all a lie, so much so that you feel it necessary to insult Henry over it, then provide some evidence, Ken. Show some proof as to why we should not believe this foreign government with no desire to assist Bush in his war when they claim to have captured some islamic militants planning a bombing.

Tell us Ken.

Why should we believe YOU over THEM?


well said, Bang.

I for one am glad they caught 3 people plotting to blow up planes in Frankfurt. I fly into Frankfurt next Thursday for my 2 week vacation in Germany :cheers:

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I for one am glad they caught 3 people plotting to blow up planes in Frankfurt. I fly into Frankfurt next Thursday for my 2 week vacation in Germany :cheers:

You're taking a vacation? During football season?

They may still allow you in Tailgate, but Stadium, I suspect, . . .

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You mock what you don't understand.

It is quite sad.

Just the simple fact that you are ok with the rats running from the sinking ship, is indictment enough of how brainwashed you are.

Yeah, if only we had a video with spooky music to tell us what we should think. :laugh:

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I'm tired of all of you making fun of Ken. Do you not remember that the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Because we beat them and the Greenland in WW2, they agreed to put together a fake terror plot in 2007. Hitler and W's grandaddy go way back. They were old fishing buddies. I'm with you Ken, you are much smarter then all these idiots. Who needs facts anyway.

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You mock what you don't understand.

It is quite sad.

Just the simple fact that you are ok with the rats running from the sinking ship, is indictment enough of how brainwashed you are.

Ken, you must be 3'3inches tall cuz that funny ass statement went right over your head.

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Yeah, but every story is a manufactured story to you Ken.

not the ones which feed his conspiracy theories....

ask him about the one where an episode of '24' was PROOF of one of his conspiracy theories!! :laugh:

god I miss getting this stuff on an everyday basis!!

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