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Ladainlian Tomlinson=Clinton Portis


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portis is coming off an injury riddled, shortened season. what kind of season is lt coming off of?

sorry, man. you can't make that comparison.

Exactly more reason not to play him, why risk it?

I think Portis means more to us than LT to San Diego.

San Diego still has a chance to make the play off with out LT. They have plenty of talent on that team. Their back up RB also avg over 5 yards per carry. They have a great defense too.

Portis means alot to us. He carried this team on his back. Give the man his respect.

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LT has been in pads practicing with his team every day. And CP is no LT.

End of discussion. I'm not sure why people refuse to acknowledge this point. I find great difficulty believing that Portis will be in game shape come NEXT Sunday. I don't care how great a RB you are, if you aren't taking hits, you're not in game shape. Let's just hope that he takes a lot of them this week in practice. We know he can run with the ball. The question is whether his body is in the right condition for a game's worth of hitting.

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Exactly more reason not to play him, why risk it?

maybe because we'd like for our starting rb to be in game shape, ready to go. he should at least be practicing.

I think Portis means more to us than LT to San Diego.

wow. lt is the mvp.

Portis means alot to us. He carried this team on his back. Give the man his respect.

i'm not disrespecting him, nor is anyone who would like to see him practice and be ready to play on the 9th.

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I think Portis means more to us than LT to San Diego.

We still have Betts.

I think Portis might mean close to as much to this team if he actually plays all the games and gets the ball exclusively on every goal line situation and actually scores, doesn't fumble, and still averages 4.5 ypc, etc.

LT is miles ahead until Portis actually does it for a full season, consistently.

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damn.... i dont know about that. thats some serious hate for CP

Not hate, Its just how much I think LT is better then Clinton Portis. I think LT is one of the best RB's to ever come around and I think Clinton is a slightly better then average RB.

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Thats bs when healthy CP is a elite RB. If you were a Skins fan you would know that. Hell even people that aren't Skins fans know that.

I am a Skins fan ass. Just because I dont drink the kool-aid like you do, doesnt mean im not. Are you the judge of all who is skins fans and who is not. Get over youself.

There are plenty of "non skin fans" that think that Clinton Portis was a system RB and now that he left Denver, he is showing who he really is. A slightly better then avg RB.

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There are plenty of "non skin fans" that think that Clinton Portis was a system RB and now that he left Denver, he is showing who he really is. A slightly better then avg RB.

I think many of us questioned whether or not CP was a "system back" when he first arrived, and I agree that since being here he has shown us who he really is. A freakin' phenomenal RB! I don't know what you've been watching, but even with his injury riddled, shortened season, he has been ANYTHING but average!

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You cannot even compare the 2 RB's. Thats like comparing Peyton Manning to JP Loseman

iam not saying portis is better but thats jsut disrespecting him man


Portis 1315 yards 3.8 ypc 5 TDS

Tomlinson 1335 yards 3.9 ypc 17 TDs


Portis 1516 yards 4.3 ypc 11 TD's

Tomlinson 1462 yards 4.3 ypc 18 TD's

portis has had more rushing yards then tomlinson 2 out of the last 3 years

in 2006 portis also was leading nfl in rushing TD's before he broke his hand against eagles and was out for the season.

Portis is not better then tomlinson but when it comes to rushing portis is one of the top 3-4 RB's in the game.

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You cannot even compare the 2 RB's. Thats like comparing Peyton Manning to JP Loseman

So Tomlinson is Manning, and all Portis can compare to is Losman...

What a crock of crap that is.

Such short memories.

Here's a quickie.

Up until last season only two backs in history had more yards in their first five seasons than CP.

Jim Brown and Barry Sanders..

I guess you'd compare them to Rob Johnson and Billy Volek.

the original post was a joke, I'd gather. But calling Portis basically chopped liver is just stupid.


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Not hate, Its just how much I think LT is better then Clinton Portis. I think LT is one of the best RB's to ever come around and I think Clinton is a slightly better then average RB.

2005 Season Stats


Yea... I'd agree with you. Only #4 for total rushing yards on the list. CP is definitely only slightly better than your average running back.

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End of discussion. I'm not sure why people refuse to acknowledge this point. I find great difficulty believing that Portis will be in game shape come NEXT Sunday. I don't care how great a RB you are, if you aren't taking hits, you're not in game shape. Let's just hope that he takes a lot of them this week in practice. We know he can run with the ball. The question is whether his body is in the right condition for a game's worth of hitting.

Although I agree with you about this point of being in pads and really practicing hard, and it does worry me....I live in Ashburn and I know that public practices are different then closed and all that, but I have been to many training camp practices since CP arrived and he has never practiced as much as anyone else on the team, he does his own thing, then stretches with the team, does his running back drills, then works with some coaches on his own....whether we agree with that is another question, but it worked two years ago didnt it?

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You cannot even compare the 2 RB's. Thats like comparing Peyton Manning to JP Loseman

I'm not going to say that is a silly comparison considering prior to last year even with our pathetic offense he was solid and in Denver in their system he was fantastic.

Would LT be LT on our team in the same system Portis had??

Portis in the Charger system which has been the same offensive scheme for the same amount of year portis has been here, with better linemen would be the RB the current haters, would be coveting

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There is a huge difference in the preseason that LT has had and the preseason that CP has had. Tomlinson practices.

I for one have lost all my ignorant bliss about Portis' preseason. The fact that he didn't play a down last night to catch up on his conditioning and game speed makes me think he's a lot more hurt than the Redskins are letting on.

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So Tomlinson is Manning, and all Portis can compare to is Losman...

What a crock of crap that is.

Such short memories.

Here's a quickie.

Up until last season only two backs in history had more yards in their first five seasons than CP.

Jim Brown and Barry Sanders..

I guess you'd compare them to Rob Johnson and Billy Volek.

the original post was a joke, I'd gather. But calling Portis basically chopped liver is just stupid.


And still using Portis's stats from Denver is just as stupid.

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Typical eagles fan. I'm not saying here is on LTs level because no one is. It's more like comparing Peyton Manning to Drew Brees.

Shows how much of a stupid idiot you are to think that I am an Eagles fan...

Oh no, someone doesnt think Portis is great in a Redskins uniform, he must not be a fan. Give me a freakin break.

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