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Real Racism

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No, it doesnt.

He can be a racist for NOT prosecuting whites, or for making up fake charges against blacks.

But is anyone denying these 6 committed this crime?

Are you kidding me? Attempted murder to start with when the kid didn't even have to stay over night in a hospital (or even long enough to miss a school social function, and they start early). Then an assault with a deadly weapon charge... for forgetting to remove their tennis shoes prior to getting into a fight. You bet your ass people are denying these 6 are guilty of assualt with a deadly weapon.

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fair? maybe not.

But certainly not racist.

Unless the law allows for 6 kids to beat up 1 kid at school.

When a DA abuses the letter of the law to oppress other ethnicities that is racism? When the Black students organize a protest under a tree where nooses were hung and that same DA tells the crowd that "he can wipe them out with a stroke of a pen"? Are you serious? It was a quite protest. A protest that is protected by law. Why make a threat like that to Black students? I'm not saying that the 6 are innocent. Of course not. But giving them life in prison is not fair. A fitting punishment would be expulsion.

That one kid you mentioned taunted the students about those nooses. Nooses have been an intimidation symbol in the South for years. Then to see them being hung from a tree in 2007 is a bit jarring to say the least. :helmet:

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That one kid you mentioned taunted the students about those nooses. Nooses have been an intimidation symbol in the South for years. Then to see them being hung from a tree in 2007 is a bit jarring to say the least.

It's not illegal to taunt someone.

It is illegal to beat him up for taunting you.

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When a DA abuses the letter of the law to oppress other ethnicities that is racism? When the Black students organize a protest under a tree where nooses were hung and that same DA tells the crowd that "he can wipe them out with a stroke of a pen"? Are you serious? It was a quite protest. A protest that is protected by law. Why make a threat like that to Black students? I'm not saying that the 6 are innocent. Of course not. But giving them life in prison is not fair. A fitting punishment would be expulsion.

That one kid you mentioned taunted the students about those nooses. Nooses have been an intimidation symbol in the South for years. Then to see them being hung from a tree in 2007 is a bit jarring to say the least. :helmet:

And what does the DA have to say about all of this? Does he confirm or deny what the defendants are accusing him of?

It sounds very strange that a DA would be at a school.

It sounds even more strange that a DA would threaten them over a peacefull protest.

So either this DA is racist, or someone's making up a bunch of BS to try and discredit the legal system in hopes that anyone who could help them out, would help them out.

The school is racist, so are the police, the DA, the all white jury, and apparantly the black public defender is racist also.

Whatever, I smell BS on this one.

People will say anything to get out of jail time. And playing the race card seems to be popular way to do it.

The point is, don't be an ass and start stuff if you don't want to get beat up.

And don't go looking for revenge by beating up those that do try to start stuff, unless you want to go to jail or get hurt or sued or worst.

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Did you really hear the story? The Black kids face a life term in prison for a school fight. Not just expulsion, but life time prison. Do you really think that's fair? :helmet:

6 on 1 fair? Nor is 6 on 1 just a "school yard fight".. It's a mugging, check that, it's a hate crime, because if roles were reversed and it was 6 white guys beating on 1 black guy, that is exactly what the NAACP would be screaming.

Racism is alive and well on both sides of the line. I went to a sexual harassment and racism class for business owners where we learned how to avoid and deal with these sorts of issues in the work place and to share ideas. Experts in the field were brought in one of which (I'm sorry I don't rememer her name) was an african-american female who mentioned that white males are in this day in age discriminated against more then anyone in the work place.

Looking at all my employees most of them are not older then 25 and most of them are white. I think to myself why are we being discriminated against for something our fathers and grandfathers did. I never oppressed or discriminated against anyone. Both sides need to stop the bull**** this crap has gone on long enough

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6 on 1 fair? Nor is 6 on 1 just a "school yard fight".. It's a mugging, check that, it's a hate crime, because if roles were reversed and it was 6 white guys beating on 1 black guy, that is exactly what the NAACP would be screaming.

This is accurate, for the most part.

What I find funny is that this subject has been brought up TWICE, yet a real possible case of a black men sentenced to death (Corey Maye) for defending his home from a no-knock police raid doesn't get any pub from some of these same cats.

In this case, fortunately, no one was killed and I could pull lots of numbers on sex assaults, crimes from one race against another, the quotas AGAINST Asians in certain universities (to make room for other 'minorities,') and specific murders (that Newark case) as examples of racism just as easily.

I'm just dumbfounded that we're talking about the Jena 6 (I hate these names, did the Duke kids get a Duke 4? name or something to energize the movement) when there is a case in Newark of an all-Hispanic group murdering three college kids (and attempting to murder a 4th) and when there was a little girl murdered in LA by a Mexican gang that didn't want blacks past a certain street in that neighborhood. And that's just the recent crimes involving black victims. I could go into that case in Tennessee or the Wichita Massacre or any number of other cases.

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These kids did commit a crime, a 6-on-1 beating, and I just can't justify that, but at the same time I think what would I do if I were black and faced with nooses, being harrassed/called racial slurs, assaulted and told to get back to my part of town, and had shotguns shoved in my face and the police do nothing?

They should be punished for what they did, community service/expulsion would be appropriate, but 22yrs-life in jail? Get real, I can't believe anyone is actually arguing that the punishment fits the crime here...

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This is a real case of racism and I totally agree with those who are angry that this isn't getting enough attention. Those white boys got away with nothing for what they did while the blacks can face jail time for basically doing nothing at all. On ekid could get 22 yrs for throwing a shoe. Bull sh*t!

On the radio today, the boy who threw the shoe or kicked the white kid, his father was on and said that one of the boys pointed a shotgun at one of the other black kids and in self defense, the black kid took the gun away from the white kid, and they are charging him with theft! For protecting himself from getting shot by the racist white boy.

Absolutely ridiculous.

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So you dont have any facts to back that up, just that you "heard it"?

And can you show me where they got life in prison?

Also, what sentence would YOU give them?

Or do you think no crime was committed?

The boys father was on the Michael Baisden show this afternoon and said that one of the black boys was infact threatened at gun point by a shotgun held by a white kid. And the BLACK KID got charged with theft for taking the gun from the white boy b/c he didn't want to get killed.

So yes it is more than likely true.

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The boys father was on the Michael Baisden show this afternoon and said that one of the boys was infact threatened at gun point by a shotgun. And the BLACK KID got charged with theft for taking the gun from the white boy b/c he didn't want to get killed.

So yes it is a FACT.

:laugh: I'm not touching this thread, but read your post again. That is not fact.

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6 on 1 fair? Nor is 6 on 1 just a "school yard fight".. It's a mugging, check that, it's a hate crime, because if roles were reversed and it was 6 white guys beating on 1 black guy, that is exactly what the NAACP would be screaming.

If we didn't have the facts on this case I might be inclined to suspect a hate crime but we know the kid that took a beating was the one doing the racial taunting. There certainly are hate crimes going on in Jena - and while you may not like this, blacks are the victims there.

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The boys father was on the Michael Baisden show this afternoon and said that one of the black boys was infact threatened at gun point by a shotgun held by a white kid. And the BLACK KID got charged with theft for taking the gun from the white boy b/c he didn't want to get killed.

So yes it is more than likely true.

I read that while looking through articles on this subject. The kid pulls a gun and then they charge the kid that wrestled it away from him with theft. Amazing... truely amazing.

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It seems there is a hell of a lot more to it then that. Seems that a black student was attacked by whites students and they were NOT charged. A black student was later threatened with a shotgun, again NO CHARGES. Blacks students protest peacefully and the DA shows up and threatens them. Then black students attack a white student... and suddenly face life in prison?

If the facts in that report are accurate then there is are some serious racial problems in that town. If the DA really did take a racist stances and look the other way when whites assaulted black students then he created this situation. If the law offers you no protection your choices are to take your beatings or fight back. That's different then how you chose to frame it. Ignoring context doesn't deliver justice.

I'm not condoning any actions taken by ANYONE in that town, but there had to have been a reason behind the white kids atacking the balck kids. common does anybody seriously go around and say, "look, an innocent black kid, lets beat him up"? i think theres a few things that might have been intentionally left out of that story, like maybe the reason why these kids were making trouble. theres always a reason.

that said, there is a HUGE double standard going on here that is unjust under any circumstances. those kids should serve minimal time in Juvie, not 22 years. and find that hick with the shotgun and give him a year in prison to ponder how to correctly weild a firearm.

edit: after reading some i have to agree with other people; something just gets into my skin with the medias picking ad choosing of stories to tell. what about all the OTHER racial hate crimes against blacks? you know, by latinos and such? I believe that theres an astronomically higher number of hate crimes by latinos against blacks than whites against blacks. bt it always makes a good story for the media when the perpetrators are white. every white guys a rascist right? :rolleyes:

rascism is so pointless; we're all ****in human beings, we aint that different. people ought to be judged by who they are. if you're a dumb ass, then your a dumb ass based on the fact you're a dumb ass, not becuase you're white, black, asian, whatever.

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I'm not condoning any actions taken by ANYONE in that town, but there had to have been a reason behind the white kids atacking the balck kids. common does anybody seriously go around and say, "look, an innocent black kid, lets beat him up"? i think theres a few things that might have been intentionally left out of that story, like maybe the reason why these kids were making trouble. theres always a reason.

that said, there is a HUGE double standard going on here that is unjust under any circumstances. those kids should serve minimal time in Juvie, not 22 years. and find that hick with the shotgun and give him a year in prison to ponder how to correctly weild a firearm.

Yes people do go "look ,an innocent black kid, let's beat him up."

Or, "look, and innocent white kid, lets beat him up."

Or, "look, an innocent spanish kid lets beat him up."

Or, "look, an innocent asian kid, lets beat him up.

Etc, etc, etc.

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Yes people do go "look ,an innocent black kid, let's beat him up."

Or, "look, and innocent white kid, lets beat him up."

Or, "look, an innocent spanish kid lets beat him up."

Or, "look, an innocent asian kid, lets beat him up.

Etc, etc, etc.

thats sad, I certaintly wouldn't go beating up people for no reason
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Me neither. We live in a good area (I'm assuming you live in the DC area) so we are blessed. But the rest of the world is ****ed.
its pretty true... most violence around here is purely un-racial. you have to admit though, the south is getting better: I'm probably part of the first generation of southerners to include anyone who was born and raised in the south as a southerner, regardless of race or creed.
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its pretty true... most violence around here is purely un-racial. you have to admit though, the south is getting better: I'm probably part of the first generation of southerners to include anyone who was born and raised in the south as a southerner, regardless of race or creed.

I don't know. I think all this race **** is getting worse. Either that or growing up where I grew up and being raised by my parents sheltered me and it's always been this way. I still say the most racist place I've ever lived is Southern California. Everything is so completely segregated over there. We shall see what the future holds. I hope one day it all becomes a non-issue but it's not going to happen in my lifetime I don't think.

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That one kid you mentioned taunted the students about those nooses. Nooses have been an intimidation symbol in the South for years. Then to see them being hung from a tree in 2007 is a bit jarring to say the least.

It's not illegal to taunt someone.

It is illegal to beat him up for taunting you.

Is it legal to pull out a shotgun and threaten to kill? :helmet:

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And what does the DA have to say about all of this? Does he confirm or deny what the defendants are accusing him of?

It sounds very strange that a DA would be at a school.

It sounds even more strange that a DA would threaten them over a peacefull protest.

So either this DA is racist, or someone's making up a bunch of BS to try and discredit the legal system in hopes that anyone who could help them out, would help them out.

The school is racist, so are the police, the DA, the all white jury, and apparantly the black public defender is racist also.

Whatever, I smell BS on this one.

People will say anything to get out of jail time. And playing the race card seems to be popular way to do it.

The point is, don't be an ass and start stuff if you don't want to get beat up.

And don't go looking for revenge by beating up those that do try to start stuff, unless you want to go to jail or get hurt or sued or worst.

The Black PD? He didn't even bother to call witnesses or gather information. It was almost as if he knew it would all for naught. This is not an example of playing the race card. This is actual racism. Why is it so hard for some to understand?

What would be a clear example of racism to you? Kilmer, if your reading this please answer this question also. :helmet:

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This is just ridiculous. The 6 who were involved in the beatings should be punished. For how long I've heard is also ridiculous! It seems appearant that those in power are racist. What can be done?? I doubt anything. It's sad that this sort of blatant racism still exsists.

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I don't know. I think all this race **** is getting worse. Either that or growing up where I grew up and being raised by my parents sheltered me and it's always been this way. I still say the most racist place I've ever lived is Southern California. Everything is so completely segregated over there. We shall see what the future holds.

Just ask them poor kids in Newark. They tried to rape the girls but the one resisted and they cut her face off and shot her (and the others.) You can't tell me an MS-13 gang tries to rape a couple of black girls and murders 3 of 4 black kids and it's not at least PARTIALLY a racially-motivated attack.

Expect to see more from our 'hard-working,' 'do the jobs Americans won't do' crowd as their numbers increase, unless things change.

Americans can work out their problems and things CAN and WILL get better but we can't refuse to face the truth of our situation. Things ARE better overall but we can't make excuses for people (from any particular side.)

Bringing in people who clearly don't identify with 'us?' That just adds another element we don't need to be worrying about. But that's another discussion, perhaps.

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