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Real Racism

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There are a lot of mature black people that will not let that word get to them to the point that they will risk life and liberty.

It's that simple, you are either mature about the subject, or you're not and you should be.

No exceptions.

I never advocated doing ANYTHING that would land you in jail. You said the N word is just like being called any other name and that people who are called as such should just ignore it. I strongly disagree on both accounts.

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I never advocated doing ANYTHING that would land you in jail. You said the N word is just like being called any other name and that people who are called as such should just ignore it. I strongly disagree on both accounts.

Then get all bent out of shape over it. Blow a fuse, let your emotions scream back and call them names.

What do I care? It's your life not mine.

Wether I was black or not(I'm not), this is exactly how I would react to someone calling me that name.

"I'm not nigerian sir, I'm american." :laugh:

It's that simple.

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Then get all bent out of shape over it. Blow a fuse, let your emotions scream back and call them names.

What do I care? It's your life not mine.

Wether I was black or not(I'm not), this is exactly how I would react to someone calling me that name.

"I'm not nigerian sir, I'm american." :laugh:

It's that simple.

It is definitely that simple.

From the narrow point of view of a young white guy, anyway.

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Even a blind squirrel is bound to find a nut eventually

:laugh: Or bust a nut (open...to get at the protein-laden food inside.)

It's funny to me that if Ghost was white, on this board he would probably be labelled a racist.

Spot on post and I commend you on being very objective, honest, and accurate about a opinion that goes 'against' the main stream stereotype of racial aggression.

I don't lash out, I just call 'em how I see 'em. But that gives me an idea for a thread because I've been doing some reflection on the subject recently and I think that just as people DO learn prejudice from others, I think that it is a sometimes 'natural' (in the sense that it happens, not that it is necessarily a good thing) response to an individual or group's interactions with some group comprised of 'others,' even if those 'others' are remarkably similar (like light-skinned blacks/dark-skinned blacks or Irish and English, etc.)

No one has to teach you, if you've been beaten up every day by a particular group, that 'these people' might be trouble, that if you can't get a job in spite of doing everything 'they' want you to be and do or if you run a store and every group of thieves you chase out (or the kids that run their mouth at you) are of a particular background that you need to start classifying the people you meet.

I think too, that you can be prejudiced or have certain views on groups without treating individuals any differently or with less respect.


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Oh boy...

Racism has nothing to do with the Vick case. Neither does animal abuse either. The primary motivation is MONEY and the protection of corporate interests.

The Feds were going to charge Vick under RICO statues because they didn't get a cut of the gambling profits. Also, the NFL was threatened because of the possible perception of corruption, game fixing, etc by the public because one of its players was involved in a gambling operation. That could have affected revenue and the taxes the feds get on those profits.

The PETA nuts provided enough public outrage to allow the feds to do this.

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The amusing thing is "those" people are less likely to commit crime than "us".
how many truly Latino people have you ever had a good long conversation with LD? my guess is less than is warented for a statement like that. a friend of mine works in landscaping and deals with all kinds of nationalities daily. he is fluent in spanish and talks to these guys all the time on an equal footing and they tell him things that they normally wouldn't tell an average gringo. I myslef have traveled around and worked in central America (Guatemala to be specific) and have also spoken with Latino people about illegal imigration and the likes. I cant tell you what I'm about to with the utmost certainty (and of course these aren't ACTUAL numbers):

-5% of Illegals want citizenship

-50+%ish of LEGAL aliens are furious with illegals for not comming in the right way

-90% come here just to work for either their families or themselves and their retirement back home.

-75-80% plan on returning to central america at some point for good.

-40% come because they are seeking refuge from crimes (even murders) they commited in their home country

-15-20% are truly dispicable criminals from street or organized gangs who have commited murder and are marked for death by a rival gang back home,

the other 80% are really either truly decent folks or not really dangerous.

its all about the American dollar, not America herself LD.

but again, this aint an imigration thread;)

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That's nice that your "friend" tells you these things based on his grand experience working in landscaping. As a person originally from South America that has worked with the hispanic community in the US in many ways... and a member of the hispanic community myself - I have to take issue with the 5% number. That's crap. Damn near every illegal I've ever met would work his ass off for his papers.

Also I've never met a "legal immigrant" that is furious with illegal immigrants that could actually hold his ground in a discussion of the subject. Most of these so called legal immigrants came to this country as infants and don't know **** from ****. Others aren't immigrants, they are the children of immigrants and like the previous group don't know **** on the subject of immigration but they paint themselves as special because, you know, dad was like brown and stuff.

Then there are the legal immigrants such as myself that oppose illegal immigration. We aren't furious with the immigrants - we simply see the situation as broken and think it needs to be fixed. An open border such as it is, simply doesn't serve any interest other then businesses right now. We certainly aren't "furious" with people that came as they did instead of the legal way because we are educated enough on the subject to know, there is no legal way for them to get in. That's a myth.

Don't want to turn this into a immigration thread but it is what it is. Also if you want to talk violence please don't pretend that's an import.

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its all about the American dollar, not America herself LD.

And this is a bad thing? This is not something unique to Latinos. It's universal phenomenon that could be applied to many groups. Immigration ( movement of free labor), like free trade, extends division of labor, and enhances material well-being. By the way even Ron Paul understands this ( he linked free trade and immigration at a cato event and acknowledged that they are fundmentally connected).

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It is definitely that simple.

From the narrow point of view of a young white guy, anyway.

My opinion is definitly not narrow, for I suffer the greatest form of racism known to man.

You see...... I'm beautiful! :(

You have no idea what I have been through. :doh:

Sure there are the perks, like I could have any woman.... single or married.

But it was hell growing up.

I have only one brother. And boy did he get the short end of the stick when it came to the gene pool.

I got my dads stunning blue eyes and my moms model looks.

I got better hair, better skin, an atheletic body, and I even got the brains.

My brother got none of that.

My brother hated me for it, and so did the kids in school.

It was hard making friends, and jealous kids would torment me all through out school.

One time my brother made up a story that I talked about the biggest bully in our neighborhood, just so he would beat me up.

So don't you think for one second that I don't know what it feels like to be hated just because I look different.

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Unless the boys didn't do this crime, the only witnesses he could call are the ones that heard the white boy calling him the n word just before he got beat up.

This would mean they didn't plot anything but only reacted from being ticked off.

But like I said before I just don't see one single white boy all by himself starting something with 6 guys. I'm sure he did all those bad things while he was with his friends, but by himself, no I don't believe that.

Which would make sense why the PD didn't call any witnesses.

These 6 boys are accussing every white person who had anything to do with this case, racist.

That's a lot of people.

And don't forget about the PD who is black.

If what these boys are saying is true, then this is racism.

But I don't believe a bunch of teenagers who are being charged with a crime, when they say things like "the DA came to us when we were under the tree in a peacefull protest and threatened us."

I'm a pro poker player, and as a pro I'm pretty good at smelling BS, and this has BS written all over it.

You don't think that a White male wouldn't start stuff with 6 guys? Are you kidding me? If a White male has something negative to say he'll say it. Whether the numbers our in his favor or not. I'm surprised you would even say that. It's not about 6 guys accusing every white person of racism. It's about the abuse of power by an overzealous prosecutor. The Black PD is just that a PD. Very few PDs are actually good defenders. I'll bet anything he was a young PD. This case is starting to gain national attention. The truth however well hidden she is, will come out.

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What a wonderful little farce this thread has turned out to be.

One of my favorite myths of the last decade or so (perhaps there is an overlooked result of decreased brain activity in whites due to global warming--if it exists!!!!) is that the white man, or more specifically the middle-class white man, or even more specifically the Christian middle-class white man is the victim of a malicious and pervasive campaign of persecution perpetrated by a ruthless and godless coterie of historically oppressed and maligned minorities. I suppose I would find it funny were it not accepted by so many of my white brethren. Perhaps if one were to have the ability to slip in and out of alternative dimensions one might find that the sky and ground have switched places or that our genitals grow out of our necks. If that's the case, I suppose that in some place in the universe it could be true that middle-class white males in America are the victims of systematic oppression by blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, atheists, communists and whatever other bogeymen one can imagine. Perhaps in these alternate dimensions the blacks and hispanics, et. al. have seized control of Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches, a grand network of mass media outlets, the vast majority of property and wealth barely forty years removed from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (when in our dimension, all white racism immediately and permanently ceased to exist and we gave them, out of the kindness of our white hearts, their freedom). This would indeed be an amazing discovery, the implications of which could shock our very idea of reality and truth (perhaps Brian Greene could make a hip, yet informative documentary).

As it is, though, we have to deal in the universe that we know and see, right now, in these boring old four dimensions. In this universe, the idea that the middle-class white man is the victim of systematic racism, more so than any other demographic is so absurd that I feel I may bust my sphincter clenching so hard to try and keep blood from spraying like a fountain of lava out of my anus.

Also, the idea expressed in this thread by a few, that someone getting called a cracker, or having their wife called a slut by some drunken lout is of the same magnitude as the situation unfolding in Jena recently, in a town in a deep south still trying to bring back the good ol' days when the blacks stayed in their hovels and the whites bought and sold them unimpeded by moral or legal considerations. The law was the law, then, as it is now, Kilmer, and I suppose that would've been acceptable to you then, as it is now, because in your world the law is written and then administered by noble, upstanding citizens unencumbered by racist or sexist beliefs, corruption, pettiness or downight meanness. In your world, breaking the law is never acceptable, no matter how close one's back might be against the wall, no matter how often they've been threatened, or mocked, no matter how long they've been considered to be and treated as if they were less than the lovely brew bubbling in our piss pot.

Just over forty years from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, after more than 400 years of oppression, slavery, torture, and a mainstream accepted view in white America is that the dogs have now enslaved their masters.

Yeah, I might find it funny if it wasn't so ****ing sad.

Beautiful :applause: :helmet:

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You have no idea what you're talking about. Are you stoned or something???

This isn't a case of whites not being hired by blacks.

Nor is it a case of blacks hanging whites from a tree, nor being able to drink out of a water fountain made for blacks, nor being able to sit in the front of the bus. You don't see whites being sprayed by water hoses by blacks do you?

This isn't 1964 that was more than 40 years ago.

This is a case of 6 teenagers trying to stay out of jail by playing the race card.

Hey, it worked for OJ, why not some teenagers.

Don't be ridiculous, don't equate OJ with what is going on here. OJ did get away with murder. So is this prosecutor going after these kids like this. Getting away with murder. :helmet:

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You don't think that a White male wouldn't start stuff with 6 guys? Are you kidding me? If a White male has something negative to say he'll say it. Whether the numbers our in his favor or not. I'm surprised you would even say that. It's not about 6 guys accusing every white person of racism. It's about the abuse of power by an overzealous prosecutor. The Black PD is just that a PD. Very few PDs are actually good defenders. I'll bet anything he was a young PD. This case is starting to gain national attention. The truth however well hidden she is, will come out.

You just posted a racist post.

You're saying all white males who have something negative to say will say it, no matter who is around, no matter how many of them there are.

Basicly what you just said makes all whites idiots, if what you say is true.

Which it is not true............... not even close.

I believe that kid is a part of a group who did put those ropes up, and who have been involved in racial activities.

And I think the jena 6 took advantage of him being alone.

If this one kid was running his mouth in the face of being jumped by 6 guys, that still doesn't excuse the act of violence. But it would mean that the incident wasn't an act of revenge from something in the past.

If they can get a witness that says the boy started it by name calling(it has to be at the time of the attack), then I would think that would influence the judges decision on the sentence.

I just can't swallow the fact that they say the DA came to their school and said "I can make you all go away with the stroke of my pen."

I have a hard time believing that the school officials, the police, the courts, the DA, and the all white jury, are all racists.

Maybe some of them, but all of them???

I could be wrong, but I'm not jumping to any conclusions based on the eye witness of teenagers facing jail time, who don't even deny jumping the one kid.

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Don't be ridiculous, don't equate OJ with what is going on here. OJ did get away with murder. So is this prosecutor going after these kids like this. Getting away with murder. :helmet:

I'm not equating OJ with this case.

I'm equating what his lawyer did in this case.

He played the race card then, and the jena 6 are doing it now.

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You just posted a racist post.

You're saying all white males who have something negative to say will say it, no matter who is around, no matter how many of them there are.

Basicly what you just said makes all whites idiots, if what you say is true.

Which it is not true............... not even close.

I believe that kid is a part of a group who did put those ropes up, and who have been involved in racial activities.

And I think the jena 6 took advantage of him being alone.

If this one kid was running his mouth in the face of being jumped by 6 guys, that still doesn't excuse the act of violence. But it would mean that the incident wasn't an act of revenge from something in the past.

If they can get a witness that says the boy started it by name calling(it has to be at the time of the attack), then I would think that would influence the judges decision on the sentence.

I just can't swallow the fact that they say the DA came to their school and said "I can make you all go away with the stroke of my pen."

I have a hard time believing that the school officials, the police, the courts, the DA, and the all white jury, are all racists.

Maybe some of them, but all of them???

I could be wrong, but I'm not jumping to any conclusions based on the eye witness of teenagers facing jail time, who don't even deny jumping the one kid.

Your twisting my words. What I'm saying is that if a White male has something to say, he'll say it. I'm not saying all White men would say something negative. If a single White male has something to say, he'll say it. Whether we want to hear it or not. I can't speak about all the White males in this country. I just know that if a man has a POV on something, he'll express it.

One of the 6 boys has already been sentenced to 22 years. I'm not saying the 6 don't deserve punishment, 20 or more years for a school yard fight is very excessive to say the least.

Believe me when I tell you that law enforcement personnel (prosecutors, cops, and whomever) say alot more harsh things than what this DA has been accused of saying.

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Your twisting my words. What I'm saying is that if a White male has something to say, he'll say it. I'm not saying all White men would say something negative. If a single White male has something to say, he'll say it. Whether we want to hear it or not. I can't speak about all the White males in this country. I just know that if a man has a POV on something, he'll express it.

One of the 6 boys has already been sentenced to 22 years. I'm not saying the 6 don't deserve punishment, 20 or more years for a school yard fight is very excessive to say the least.

Believe me when I tell you that law enforcement personnel (prosecutors, cops, and whomever) say alot more harsh things than what this DA has been accused of saying.

He is not sentenced yet, that's in Sept.

And he is facing up to 22 years in prison.

If I'm not mistaken in what I read.

I know cops can be real jerks if they want to, especially if you give them a hard time.

But what I have seen was never race motivated, it was brought on by idiots who think cops won't do anything.

I'm know there are some racist police.

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I'm not equating OJ with this case.

I'm equating what his lawyer did in this case.

He played the race card then, and the jena 6 are doing it now.

OJ got off cause of his fame not race. Johnny Cochran worked the system but the prosecutor lost that case. With all the evidence she had, the timeline and such, why in the world would she allow OJ to try on the glove?

The PD of one of the boys isn't playing the race card. There is no card here. The PD isn't even the guy that brought this to light. It was his family. Their is racism here. Unequal justice @the hands of vindictive DA, do you not think there is a problem here. We're talking about the punishment of the Jena 6? Not one person on any of these posts has posted a punishment for any of the White males involved in this case.

What was the punishment for the kids that hung the nooses?

What was the punishment for the kid that pulled out the gun @a local store?

Like I said, I know the 6 were wrong. But you've got to admit something is very wrong here when there is unequal justice going around. :helmet:

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He is not sentenced yet, that's in Sept.

And he is facing up to 22 years in prison.

If I'm not mistaken in what I read.

I know cops can be real jerks if they want to, especially if you give them a hard time.

But what I have seen was never race motivated, it was brought on by idiots who think cops won't do anything.

I'm know there are some racist police.

If you know there are some racist police, then you should know it's possible for the police and the DA to be racist. :helmet:

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OJ got off cause of his fame not race. Johnny Cochran worked the system but the prosecutor lost that case. With all the evidence she had, the timeline and such, why in the world would she allow OJ to try on the glove?

The PD of one of the boys isn't playing the race card. There is no card here. The PD isn't even the guy that brought this to light. It was his family. Their is racism here. Unequal justice @the hands of vindictive DA, do you not think there is a problem here. We're talking about the punishment of the Jena 6? Not one person on any of these posts has posted a punishment for any of the White males involved in this case.

What was the punishment for the kids that hung the nooses?

What was the punishment for the kid that pulled out the gun @a local store?

Like I said, I know the 6 were wrong. But you've got to admit something is very wrong here when there is unequal justice going around. :helmet:

Whoever put those nooses up, did it when no one was looking.

You can't punish someone if you don't know who did it.

What are the details on the gun pulling.

I thought I read that 2 white guys jumped 1 black guy, and then one of white guys pulls the gun from his truck only to be wrestled away by the black guy.

But that doesn't make since, so I figure I must have misread it.

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If you know there are some racist police, then you should know it's possible for the police and the DA to be racist. :helmet:

It's possible for anyone to be racist, no matter what race you are.

And for all I know this whole town might be full of white racists.

But like I said, I'm not going on the word of teenagers who want to stay out of jail.

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Immigration ( movement of free labor), like free trade, extends division of labor, and enhances material well-being. By the way even Ron Paul understands this ( he linked free trade and immigration at a cato event and acknowledged that they are fundmentally connected).

Some argue that it's the division of labor itself that has led to many of the problems our civilization faces. Or, that the farther one becomes removed from the work one does, the more alienation and desparation one feels--perhaps causing one to try to distinguish oneself in strange and/or violent ways. (Of course, this has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand, and I'm just playing devil's advocate, anyway.)

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Your twisting my words. What I'm saying is that if a White male has something to say, he'll say it. I'm not saying all White men would say something negative. If a single White male has something to say, he'll say it. Whether we want to hear it or not. I can't speak about all the White males in this country. I just know that if a man has a POV on something, he'll express it.

Yet you continue to say that if a white male has something to say, he'll say it. So which is it - can you not speak for all white males or do you know that all white males always speak their mind no matter the time or situation? Its got to be tough to contradict yourself within a paragraph.

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Yet you continue to say that if a white male has something to say, he'll say it. So which is it - can you not speak for all white males or do you know that all white males always speak their mind no matter the time or situation? Its got to be tough to contradict yourself within a paragraph.

From the places I've been, White males speak their minds. Is that clear? :helmet:

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