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Real Racism

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Perhaps the C word when directed at a woman. It would be close.

Some people just have a chip on their shoulder and love to lash out in offense.

You can take a group of black people and a group of women.

If you call each of them the N word or the C word, each individual will react differently.

Some may lash out in violence, some will ignore it, some may lash back with words.

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Then riddle me this batman, what reaction do you teach your kids to give when being called a name?

What should black parents teach their kids?

My point is, this isn't just being called a 'dummy'. This is having 400 years of oppression and hate shoved down your throat. It's being reminded that you, your ancestors, and your children aren't even human. That you're a piece of meat to be bought and sold and then worked in the fields to the point of death. When you die we will mourn, but not at the loss of a friend or loved one but at the loss of a piece of property. There is more hate and venom behind that word than beyond a thousand ass kickings and to call someone that is compeletely and utterly reprehensable and it shouldn't be ignored.

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Then riddle me this batman, what reaction do you teach your kids to give when being called a name?

What should black parents teach their kids?

Yes really. When you pull something out and examine it in a vaccuum then it's easy to say "you shouldn't do that." Yes attacking someone for calling you names is a mistake.

What you are missing is that insults lobbed at people that are in moments of intense emotion have different results. If I tell a man "you're wife is a retard!" under normal conditions I might not get punched in the face (though there is a strong chance I will). If I say the same thing after his wife has suffered brain damage in a car accident... suddenly I've struck a nerve. Good chance the guy goes for my throat because there is a mountain of pain there and I've just unleashed it.

The situation at that school was one of instense racial anger. The year is 2007 and for the great crime of sitting under a tree, certain members of the schools white population decided to paint nooses in school colors. Instead of stopping the problem the school reacted slowly and the situation escalated. There were protests, fights, words exchanged... people were on edge.

That's the moment this "victim" chose to lob insults at this group. He hit that exposed nerve... which it seems was his goal. He just got more of a reaction then he expected.

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Looks a straw man chasing a red herring to me.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Are you stoned or something???

This isn't a case of whites not being hired by blacks.

Nor is it a case of blacks hanging whites from a tree, nor being able to drink out of a water fountain made for blacks, nor being able to sit in the front of the bus. You don't see whites being sprayed by water hoses by blacks do you?

This isn't 1964 that was more than 40 years ago.

This is a case of 6 teenagers trying to stay out of jail by playing the race card.

Hey, it worked for OJ, why not some teenagers.

You can't bring me down. I am on top of the world. That is without a doubt the best post I've ever written. I'm thinking of quitting the board, getting off the wave before it breaks. I hogtied that topic and pushed its face in its own waste. That's right, ****es, there is only one headexplode. Bow to me. I said bow.

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My point is, this isn't just being called a 'dummy'. This is having 400 years of oppression and hate shoved down your throat. It's being reminded that you, your ancestors, and your children aren't even human. That you're a piece of meat to be bought and sold and then worked in the fields to the point of death. When you die we will mourn, but not at the loss of a friend or loved one but at the loss of a piece of property. There is more hate and venom behind that word than beyond a thousand ass kickings and to call someone that is compeletely and utterly reprehensable and it shouldn't be ignored.

If their parents had trained them how to react, you would have never heard of the jena 6.

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Looks a straw man chasing a red herring to me.

Looks like one person making a heartfelt and articulate statement about what he really believes regarding a vital theme that is fundamental to the topic and much of the dialogue in the thread.

It doesn't address the case with specificity, but it goes to the foundations of the overarching problem--perceptions and beliefs as divided along group-membership lines and how they are affecting this event and this conversation.

At any rate, IMO, such posts from any POV are at least a diversion from the knee-jerk reactions, automaton-delivered jingoism, and talking points that are the bulk of traditional tailgate diet.

Same with Ghost's post.

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Looks like one person making a heartfelt and articulate statement about what he really believes regarding a vital theme that is fundamental to the topic and much of the dialogue in the thread.

It doesn't address the case with specificity, but it goes to the foundations of the overarching problem--perceptions and beliefs as divided along group-membership lines and how they are affecting this event and this conversation.

At any rate, IMO, such posts from any POV are at least a diversion from the knee-jerk reactions, automaton-delivered jingoism, and talking points that are the bulk of traditional tailgate diet.

Same with Ghost's post.

POV that you agree with are heartfelt and articulate.

POV that you disagree with are knee-jerk and jingoistic.

Got it.

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You can't bring me down. I am on top of the world. That is without a doubt the best post I've ever written. I'm thinking of quitting the board, getting off the wave before it breaks. I hogtied that topic and pushed its face in its own waste. That's right, ****es, there is only one headexplode. Bow to me. I said bow.

I bow to you. It was a great post. You are one of my favorite posters on here by far.

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You can't bring me down. I am on top of the world. That is without a doubt the best post I've ever written. I'm thinking of quitting the board, getting off the wave before it breaks. I hogtied that topic and pushed its face in its own waste. That's right, ****es, there is only one headexplode. Bow to me. I said bow.

That was a great post. Go out on top and leave them wanting more, Costanza.

If their parents had trained them how to react, you would have never heard of the jena 6.

Who said that the Jena 6 was because someone called them the N word. I understand that we should teach our children that words are only words. But that particular word goes well beyond just some 'word', why you don't understand that is beyond me.

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POV that you agree with are heartfelt and articulate.

POV that you disagree with are knee-jerk and jingoistic.

Got it.

Now how did I know you were going to do that? I wish you had dissapointed me, because it's inaccurate and there was no need. :)

You have nothing.

I wrote about liking any (well, almost) POV that is well-written and articulated. I like a lot of posts that are well thought out even when they are not my POV. I also flinch at many people who have similar bottom-lines to me but post like idiots. I also complimented Ghost's post in the same manner, though it takes a very different stance.

Sometimes I think you're a smart guy, and actually like you much of the time as a poster, kilmer, not that it's material. We even agree a lot. I disagree with aspects of HE's commentary. But I deliberately left that out.

As I made that decision, and because I quoted your response (which didn't take a specific POV so I wasn't reacting to one), I admittedly figured you'd likely be unable to resist your own knee jerk tendency. I'll get over it. :laugh:

<edit'--stuff from another post> :D

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Now how did I know you were going to do that? I wish you had dissapointed me, because it's inaccurate and there was no need. :)

You have nothing.

I wrote about liking any (well, almost) POV that is well-written and articulated. I like a lot of posts that are well thought out even when they are not my POV. I also flinch at many people who have similar bottom-lines to me but post like idiots. I also complimented Ghost's post in the same manner, though it takes a very different stance.

Sometimes I think you're a smart guy, and actually like you much of the time as a poster, kilmer, not that it's material. We even agree a lot. I disagree with aspects of HE's commentary. But I deliberately left that out.

As I made that decision, and because I quoted your response (which didn't take a specific POV so I wasn't reacting to one), I admittedly figured you'd likely be unable to resist your own knee jerk tendency. I'll get over it. :laugh:

<edit'--stuff from another post> :D

I am a slave to the internets.

What can I say.....

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What, like the anal blood and genitals growing out of peoples' necks? Look, I never promised you a rose garden.

I hate Canadian singers.

You just hate yourself for being a white male Christian heterosexual.

I hate you for being a democrat.

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

. . . I really don't have any response.

here then--you'll love this

this is my (good-natured) tribute to HE and kilmer: <ducking>

I do my best to remain sensitive to the endless plights, limitations, and burdens of the upper middle class white heterosexual Christian males in this country that originate or are exacerbated due to their race, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic positions, and faith.

I hear their constantly voiced concern about failing to gain recognition for how tough they had/have it and the cosmic injustice of the various groups of non upper middle class white male heterosexual Christians who always get things "their way" and have an advantage over them.

Is this madness?



BTW--just for the record on a serious note...we have entered a period of time where the very real baggage of centuries of widespread socially institutionalized bigotry by one main group of other weaker ones (in varying scope) is now intertwined with a blowback of reverse-discrimination abuses and ill-motivated self-serving distortions and manipulations from various minority groups.

While group dynamics, historical and contemporary, are always potential influencers, judicious disposition of individual events/cases demand evaluation with as much balanced and informed scrutiny as possible, including an awareness of all varieties of bias. This case is no different.

Ahhhh, I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

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That was a great post. Go out on top and leave them wanting more, Costanza.

Who said that the Jena 6 was because someone called them the N word. I understand that we should teach our children that words are only words. But that particular word goes well beyond just some 'word', why you don't understand that is beyond me.

There are a lot of mature black people that will not let that word get to them to the point that they will risk life and liberty.

It's that simple, you are either mature about the subject, or you're not and you should be.

No exceptions.

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