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Real Racism

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Just ask them poor kids in Newark. They tried to rape the girls but the one resisted and they cut her face off and shot her (and the others.) You can't tell me an MS-13 gang tries to rape a couple of black girls and murders 3 of 4 black kids and it's not at least PARTIALLY a racially-motivated attack.

Expect to see more from our 'hard-working,' 'do the jobs Americans won't do' crowd as their numbers increase, unless things change.

Americans can work out their problems and things CAN and WILL get better but we can't refuse to face the truth of our situation. Things ARE better overall but we can't make excuses for people (from any particular side.)

Bringing in people who clearly don't identify with 'us?' That just adds another element we don't need to be worrying about. But that's another discussion, perhaps.

Eh I've seen it go both ways. Plenty of times. I don't know. I think pushing people away isn't going to help them to identify with "us." I'm not trying to turn this into an immigration debate though.

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The Black PD? He didn't even bother to call witnesses or gather information. It was almost as if he knew it would all for naught. This is not an example of playing the race card. This is actual racism. Why is it so hard for some to understand?

What would be a clear example of racism to you? Kilmer, if your reading this please answer this question also. :helmet:

Unless the boys didn't do this crime, the only witnesses he could call are the ones that heard the white boy calling him the n word just before he got beat up.

This would mean they didn't plot anything but only reacted from being ticked off.

But like I said before I just don't see one single white boy all by himself starting something with 6 guys. I'm sure he did all those bad things while he was with his friends, but by himself, no I don't believe that.

Which would make sense why the PD didn't call any witnesses.

These 6 boys are accussing every white person who had anything to do with this case, racist.

That's a lot of people.

And don't forget about the PD who is black.

If what these boys are saying is true, then this is racism.

But I don't believe a bunch of teenagers who are being charged with a crime, when they say things like "the DA came to us when we were under the tree in a peacefull protest and threatened us."

I'm a pro poker player, and as a pro I'm pretty good at smelling BS, and this has BS written all over it.

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The amusing thing is "those" people are less likely to commit crime than "us".

Depends how you break it down. If you mean less likely to commit crime than whites or Asians, you're not in possession of any accurate numbers.

If you mean less likely than blacks to be associated with the criminal justice system, then you'd be right. Of course, how many escape criminal justice by just not showing up for their hearing or not ever having to pay even their tickets as many do not because it is pointless to even try to track them down. A few of the killers in Newark tried to escape to points further south. I guess we're fortunate they didn't succeed as we may not be able to include them in our little numbers game.

However, I'd argue illegal Chinese (or Irish or Canadians) are far less likely to be incarcerated than illegal Mexicans, El Salvadorans, etc.

And you know as well as I do that because a trend seems to hold now doesn't mean that in 2015 in southern Cal that this will maintain.

Assimilation was inevitable for every group provided the incoming numbers diminished at some point. That is not what is happening in this country right now.

As someone pointed out on another site, one of the problems with those wedded to the more Edenic vision of libertarianism is that they ignore how important it is that a culture/civilization be committed to the ideals that make that vision of capitalism and liberty possible. No one in their right mind would suggest that bringing in 20 million (and more every year) mostly unskilled and uneducated peasants and underclass from a culture that doesn't value education steeped in social, economic and political history that is at best, at odds with our ideals would NOT change the culture of the host country.

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Eh I've seen it go both ways. Plenty of times. I don't know. I think pushing people away isn't going to help them to identify with "us." I'm not trying to turn this into an immigration debate though.

Initially, I wasn't so I will leave my previous post to stand on its own as a response.

But I don't think it's a matter of pushing away everyone, just the *******s and that means pushing away our own *******s, which I'm fully in favor of (though that means pushing them under ground or into prison, generally, not deporting.)

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Depends how you break it down. If you mean less likely to commit crime than whites or Asians, you're not in possession of any accurate numbers.

I have posted many reputable sources on this board. I would love to see your


EDIT: Here is a new link by the way, it is a recent study.


The anti-immigrant forces in this country have a lot of explaining to do.

As someone pointed out on another site, one of the problems with those wedded to the more Edenic vision of libertarianism is that they ignore how important it is that a culture/civilization be committed to the ideals that make that vision of capitalism and liberty possible. No one in their right mind would suggest that bringing in 20 million (and more every year) mostly unskilled and uneducated peasants and underclass from a culture that doesn't value education steeped in social, economic and political history that is at best, at odds with our ideals would NOT change the culture of the host country.

Oh indeed you are right about culture. I agree many libertarians do tend to downplay the importance of it. It is one of the many reasons why I am against the Iraq war ( you know that whole democracy project).

This county was built by unskilled and uneducated peasants ( essentially the rejects of Europe). Oh by the way plenty of natives have done of hell of job of abandoning the ideals of liberty ( a camp which you belong too). In fact, more so than those pesky brown folk. In fact, polls show that the appreciation of markets is on the rise in Latin America ( in spite of the rise of leftist thugs gaining power). It is bit baffling how a self proclaimed "libertarian" can understand the virtues of free trade, but not the movement of free labor( an essential part of capitalism). I guess your brand of libertarianism is liberty for me, but not for thee.

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What a wonderful little farce this thread has turned out to be.

One of my favorite myths of the last decade or so (perhaps there is an overlooked result of decreased brain activity in whites due to global warming--if it exists!!!!) is that the white man, or more specifically the middle-class white man, or even more specifically the Christian middle-class white man is the victim of a malicious and pervasive campaign of persecution perpetrated by a ruthless and godless coterie of historically oppressed and maligned minorities. I suppose I would find it funny were it not accepted by so many of my white brethren. Perhaps if one were to have the ability to slip in and out of alternative dimensions one might find that the sky and ground have switched places or that our genitals grow out of our necks. If that's the case, I suppose that in some place in the universe it could be true that middle-class white males in America are the victims of systematic oppression by blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, atheists, communists and whatever other bogeymen one can imagine. Perhaps in these alternate dimensions the blacks and hispanics, et. al. have seized control of Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches, a grand network of mass media outlets, the vast majority of property and wealth barely forty years removed from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (when in our dimension, all white racism immediately and permanently ceased to exist and we gave them, out of the kindness of our white hearts, their freedom). This would indeed be an amazing discovery, the implications of which could shock our very idea of reality and truth (perhaps Brian Greene could make a hip, yet informative documentary).

As it is, though, we have to deal in the universe that we know and see, right now, in these boring old four dimensions. In this universe, the idea that the middle-class white man is the victim of systematic racism, more so than any other demographic is so absurd that I feel I may bust my sphincter clenching so hard to try and keep blood from spraying like a fountain of lava out of my anus.

Also, the idea expressed in this thread by a few, that someone getting called a cracker, or having their wife called a slut by some drunken lout is of the same magnitude as the situation unfolding in Jena recently, in a town in a deep south still trying to bring back the good ol' days when the blacks stayed in their hovels and the whites bought and sold them unimpeded by moral or legal considerations. The law was the law, then, as it is now, Kilmer, and I suppose that would've been acceptable to you then, as it is now, because in your world the law is written and then administered by noble, upstanding citizens unencumbered by racist or sexist beliefs, corruption, pettiness or downight meanness. In your world, breaking the law is never acceptable, no matter how close one's back might be against the wall, no matter how often they've been threatened, or mocked, no matter how long they've been considered to be and treated as if they were less than the lovely brew bubbling in our piss pot.

Just over forty years from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, after more than 400 years of oppression, slavery, torture, and a mainstream accepted view in white America is that the dogs have now enslaved their masters.

Yeah, I might find it funny if it wasn't so ****ing sad.

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What a wonderful little farce this thread has turned out to be.

One of my favorite myths of the last decade or so (perhaps there is an overlooked result of decreased brain activity in whites due to global warming--if it exists!!!!) is that the white man, or more specifically the middle-class white man, or even more specifically the Christian middle-class white man is the victim of a malicious and pervasive campaign of persecution perpetrated by a ruthless and godless coterie of historically oppressed and maligned minorities. I suppose I would find it funny were it not accepted by so many of my white brethren. Perhaps if one were to have the ability to slip in and out of alternative dimensions one might find that the sky and ground have switched places or that our genitals grow out of our necks. If that's the case, I suppose that in some place in the universe it could be true that middle-class white males in America are the victims of systematic oppression by blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, atheists, communists and whatever other bogeymen one can imagine. Perhaps in these alternate dimensions the blacks and hispanics, et. al. have seized control of Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches, a grand network of mass media outlets, the vast majority of property and wealth barely forty years removed from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (when in our dimension, all white racism immediately and permanently ceased to exist and we gave them, out of the kindness of our white hearts, their freedom). This would indeed be an amazing discovery, the implications of which could shock our very idea of reality and truth (perhaps Brian Greene could make a hip, yet informative documentary).

As it is, though, we have to deal in the universe that we know and see, right now, in these boring old four dimensions. In this universe, the idea that the middle-class white man is the victim of systematic racism, more so than any other demographic is so absurd that I feel I may bust my sphincter clenching so hard to try and keep blood from spraying like a fountain of lava out of my anus.

Also, the idea expressed in this thread by a few, that someone getting called a cracker, or having their wife called a slut by some drunken lout is of the same magnitude as the situation unfolding in Jena recently, in a town in a deep south still trying to bring back the good ol' days when the blacks stayed in their hovels and the whites bought and sold them unimpeded by moral or legal considerations. The law was the law, then, as it is now, Kilmer, and I suppose that would've been acceptable to you then, as it is now, because in your world the law is written and then administered by noble, upstanding citizens unencumbered by racist or sexist beliefs, corruption, pettiness or downight meanness. In your world, breaking the law is never acceptable, no matter how close one's back might be against the wall, no matter how often they've been threatened, or mocked, no matter how long they've been considered to be and treated as if they were less than the lovely brew bubbling in our piss pot.

Just over forty years from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, after more than 400 years of oppression, slavery, torture, and a mainstream accepted view in white America is that the dogs have now enslaved their masters.

Yeah, I might find it funny if it wasn't so ****ing sad.

wow amazing post. :applause:

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What a wonderful little farce this thread has turned out to be.

One of my favorite myths of the last decade or so (perhaps there is an overlooked result of decreased brain activity in whites due to global warming--if it exists!!!!) is that the white man, or more specifically the middle-class white man, or even more specifically the Christian middle-class white man is the victim of a malicious and pervasive campaign of persecution perpetrated by a ruthless and godless coterie of historically oppressed and maligned minorities. I suppose I would find it funny were it not accepted by so many of my white brethren. Perhaps if one were to have the ability to slip in and out of alternative dimensions one might find that the sky and ground have switched places or that our genitals grow out of our necks. If that's the case, I suppose that in some place in the universe it could be true that middle-class white males in America are the victims of systematic oppression by blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, atheists, communists and whatever other bogeymen one can imagine. Perhaps in these alternate dimensions the blacks and hispanics, et. al. have seized control of Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches, a grand network of mass media outlets, the vast majority of property and wealth barely forty years removed from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (when in our dimension, all white racism immediately and permanently ceased to exist and we gave them, out of the kindness of our white hearts, their freedom). This would indeed be an amazing discovery, the implications of which could shock our very idea of reality and truth (perhaps Brian Greene could make a hip, yet informative documentary).

As it is, though, we have to deal in the universe that we know and see, right now, in these boring old four dimensions. In this universe, the idea that the middle-class white man is the victim of systematic racism, more so than any other demographic is so absurd that I feel I may bust my sphincter clenching so hard to try and keep blood from spraying like a fountain of lava out of my anus.

Also, the idea expressed in this thread by a few, that someone getting called a cracker, or having their wife called a slut by some drunken lout is of the same magnitude as the situation unfolding in Jena recently, in a town in a deep south still trying to bring back the good ol' days when the blacks stayed in their hovels and the whites bought and sold them unimpeded by moral or legal considerations. The law was the law, then, as it is now, Kilmer, and I suppose that would've been acceptable to you then, as it is now, because in your world the law is written and then administered by noble, upstanding citizens unencumbered by racist or sexist beliefs, corruption, pettiness or downight meanness. In your world, breaking the law is never acceptable, no matter how close one's back might be against the wall, no matter how often they've been threatened, or mocked, no matter how long they've been considered to be and treated as if they were less than the lovely brew bubbling in our piss pot.

Just over forty years from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, after more than 400 years of oppression, slavery, torture, and a mainstream accepted view in white America is that the dogs have now enslaved their masters.

Yeah, I might find it funny if it wasn't so ****ing sad.

That was a MANS post. Online chest bump.

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What a wonderful little farce this thread has turned out to be.

One of my favorite myths of the last decade or so (perhaps there is an overlooked result of decreased brain activity in whites due to global warming--if it exists!!!!) is that the white man, or more specifically the middle-class white man, or even more specifically the Christian middle-class white man is the victim of a malicious and pervasive campaign of persecution perpetrated by a ruthless and godless coterie of historically oppressed and maligned minorities. I suppose I would find it funny were it not accepted by so many of my white brethren. Perhaps if one were to have the ability to slip in and out of alternative dimensions one might find that the sky and ground have switched places or that our genitals grow out of our necks. If that's the case, I suppose that in some place in the universe it could be true that middle-class white males in America are the victims of systematic oppression by blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, atheists, communists and whatever other bogeymen one can imagine. Perhaps in these alternate dimensions the blacks and hispanics, et. al. have seized control of Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches, a grand network of mass media outlets, the vast majority of property and wealth barely forty years removed from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (when in our dimension, all white racism immediately and permanently ceased to exist and we gave them, out of the kindness of our white hearts, their freedom). This would indeed be an amazing discovery, the implications of which could shock our very idea of reality and truth (perhaps Brian Greene could make a hip, yet informative documentary).

As it is, though, we have to deal in the universe that we know and see, right now, in these boring old four dimensions. In this universe, the idea that the middle-class white man is the victim of systematic racism, more so than any other demographic is so absurd that I feel I may bust my sphincter clenching so hard to try and keep blood from spraying like a fountain of lava out of my anus.

Also, the idea expressed in this thread by a few, that someone getting called a cracker, or having their wife called a slut by some drunken lout is of the same magnitude as the situation unfolding in Jena recently, in a town in a deep south still trying to bring back the good ol' days when the blacks stayed in their hovels and the whites bought and sold them unimpeded by moral or legal considerations. The law was the law, then, as it is now, Kilmer, and I suppose that would've been acceptable to you then, as it is now, because in your world the law is written and then administered by noble, upstanding citizens unencumbered by racist or sexist beliefs, corruption, pettiness or downight meanness. In your world, breaking the law is never acceptable, no matter how close one's back might be against the wall, no matter how often they've been threatened, or mocked, no matter how long they've been considered to be and treated as if they were less than the lovely brew bubbling in our piss pot.

Just over forty years from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, after more than 400 years of oppression, slavery, torture, and a mainstream accepted view in white America is that the dogs have now enslaved their masters.

Yeah, I might find it funny if it wasn't so ****ing sad.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Are you stoned or something???

This isn't a case of whites not being hired by blacks.

Nor is it a case of blacks hanging whites from a tree, nor being able to drink out of a water fountain made for blacks, nor being able to sit in the front of the bus. You don't see whites being sprayed by water hoses by blacks do you?

This isn't 1964 that was more than 40 years ago.

This is a case of 6 teenagers trying to stay out of jail by playing the race card.

Hey, it worked for OJ, why not some teenagers.

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Oh and one more thing.

Calling a black the N word is the same as calling any other person a bad name, like cracker, wop, etc.

The difference is some people are too immature to walk away from trouble, and this runs across all races.

I don't think I can press the :doh: button enough for this post. Stone, you're smarter than that.

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You think race kept OJ out of jail and not the stupidest legal move in the history of time? Never, EVER do you put your key piece of evidence in the defenses hands. STUPID.

Yes I do.

They had more than enough evidence and motive to put him away, that's why they played the race card to try and discredit it.

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Nooses and Shotguns? Oh, the cliche. :doh:

What I really want to know is how the people of a podunk town like Jena, Louisiana were able to invent a time machine and travel back to the 1950s. It's sad and embarrassing for the entire country and how far it has come. Sheesh.

I think what Kilmer17 is trying to say is that while battery is illegal, racism is sadly not. He's coming across as pretty insensitive, but technically he's on the spot. Which is also sad for this country.

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What a wonderful little farce this thread has turned out to be.

One of my favorite myths of the last decade or so (perhaps there is an overlooked result of decreased brain activity in whites due to global warming--if it exists!!!!) is that the white man, or more specifically the middle-class white man, or even more specifically the Christian middle-class white man is the victim of a malicious and pervasive campaign of persecution perpetrated by a ruthless and godless coterie of historically oppressed and maligned minorities. I suppose I would find it funny were it not accepted by so many of my white brethren. Perhaps if one were to have the ability to slip in and out of alternative dimensions one might find that the sky and ground have switched places or that our genitals grow out of our necks. If that's the case, I suppose that in some place in the universe it could be true that middle-class white males in America are the victims of systematic oppression by blacks, hispanics, homosexuals, atheists, communists and whatever other bogeymen one can imagine. Perhaps in these alternate dimensions the blacks and hispanics, et. al. have seized control of Congress, the Executive and Judicial branches, a grand network of mass media outlets, the vast majority of property and wealth barely forty years removed from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (when in our dimension, all white racism immediately and permanently ceased to exist and we gave them, out of the kindness of our white hearts, their freedom). This would indeed be an amazing discovery, the implications of which could shock our very idea of reality and truth (perhaps Brian Greene could make a hip, yet informative documentary).

As it is, though, we have to deal in the universe that we know and see, right now, in these boring old four dimensions. In this universe, the idea that the middle-class white man is the victim of systematic racism, more so than any other demographic is so absurd that I feel I may bust my sphincter clenching so hard to try and keep blood from spraying like a fountain of lava out of my anus.

Also, the idea expressed in this thread by a few, that someone getting called a cracker, or having their wife called a slut by some drunken lout is of the same magnitude as the situation unfolding in Jena recently, in a town in a deep south still trying to bring back the good ol' days when the blacks stayed in their hovels and the whites bought and sold them unimpeded by moral or legal considerations. The law was the law, then, as it is now, Kilmer, and I suppose that would've been acceptable to you then, as it is now, because in your world the law is written and then administered by noble, upstanding citizens unencumbered by racist or sexist beliefs, corruption, pettiness or downight meanness. In your world, breaking the law is never acceptable, no matter how close one's back might be against the wall, no matter how often they've been threatened, or mocked, no matter how long they've been considered to be and treated as if they were less than the lovely brew bubbling in our piss pot.

Just over forty years from the Civil Rights Act of 1964, after more than 400 years of oppression, slavery, torture, and a mainstream accepted view in white America is that the dogs have now enslaved their masters.

Yeah, I might find it funny if it wasn't so ****ing sad.

Looks a straw man chasing a red herring to me.

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I don't think I can press the :doh: button enough for this post. Stone, you're smarter than that.

When I was a kid I use to get so upset when someone called me a name.

I would cry and sometimes fight.

I grew up, some people learn this truth the hard way, like these boys.

This isn't the end of their lives, not even close. But the problem is they might not learn their lesson if they have people saying they are justified to use violence when someone calls them the N word.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

And if they do, I'll sue. ;)

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This is accurate, for the most part.

What I find funny is that this subject has been brought up TWICE, yet a real possible case of a black men sentenced to death (Corey Maye) for defending his home from a no-knock police raid doesn't get any pub from some of these same cats.

In this case, fortunately, no one was killed and I could pull lots of numbers on sex assaults, crimes from one race against another, the quotas AGAINST Asians in certain universities (to make room for other 'minorities,') and specific murders (that Newark case) as examples of racism just as easily.

I'm just dumbfounded that we're talking about the Jena 6 (I hate these names, did the Duke kids get a Duke 4? name or something to energize the movement) when there is a case in Newark of an all-Hispanic group murdering three college kids (and attempting to murder a 4th) and when there was a little girl murdered in LA by a Mexican gang that didn't want blacks past a certain street in that neighborhood. And that's just the recent crimes involving black victims. I could go into that case in Tennessee or the Wichita Massacre or any number of other cases.

It's funny to me that if Ghost was white, on this board he would probably be labelled a racist.

Spot on post and I commend you on being very objective, honest, and accurate about a opinion that goes 'against' the main stream stereotype of racial aggression. :cheers:

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When I was a kid I use to get so upset when someone called me a name.

I would cry and sometimes fight.

I grew up, some people learn this truth the hard way, like these boys.

This isn't the end of their lives, not even close. But the problem is they might not learn their lesson if they have people saying they are justified to use violence when someone calls them the N word.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

And if they do, I'll sue. ;)

If you think the N word is just some other silly little name to call someone, you don't know or understand the history behind it. Go listen to the Richard Pryor stand up about it. He talks about being in an argument and than being called the N word and how it brings any dispute to a whole other level. There is NO more offensive or heavy handed word in the english language.

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If you think the N word is just some other silly little name to call someone, you don't know or understand the history behind it. Go listen to the Richard Pryor stand up about it. He talks about being in an argument and than being called the N word and how it brings any dispute to a whole other level. There is NO more offensive or heavy handed word in the english language.

Perhaps the C word when directed at a woman. It would be close.

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If you think the N word is just some other silly little name to call someone, you don't know or understand the history behind it. Go listen to the Richard Pryor stand up about it. He talks about being in an argument and than being called the N word and how it brings any dispute to a whole other level. There is NO more offensive or heavy handed word in the english language.

When I lived in the DC area, that was one word you never uttered unless you were looking for trouble. You don't even joke about it.

But on the other hand you don't even have to do a thing and you have to keep an eye out for trouble.

My best friend and his brother were jumped by a gang of blacks on two seperate occassions.

It wasn't race motivated because I was there and they didn't jump me, my friend bolted like a lightening bolt, I didn't run.

They did it because they thought it was fun.

But here in my county blacks don't react to that word the same way.

Some will of course.

But for the most part you don't have to look out for trouble. You don't have gangs of teenagers going around jumping people.

And this county is 10 times larger than the one I lived in, and that county had a school shooting.

What's the difference? Immaturity

It's immature to call anyone any kind of bad name, and it's immature to react to it with violence.

The black community should teach people to not let that word bother them, to ignore it.

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