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Real Racism

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What Micheal Vick is going through is not racism. He made a dumb mistake and many people who believe in him are disappointed. I'll support Micheal Vick cause he has enough people piling on him. Here is an example of real racism that isn't getting enough national attention.



You're right. Black kids should be allowed to break the law if they feel they've been subjected to racism.


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The real people who let the black kids down are the very ones there protesting now. This has apparently been an issue for over a year. It's clear there is racism in the town. It's to late for the kids now. They broke the law, beat a kid and now must face the punishment.

If the activist's that are there now had taken on the racism in this town a year ago as a cause, this might have all ended differently.

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Did the DA really show up and say "stop making trouble I can make your life disapeer with the stroke of a pen" in response to peaceful protests after the nooses were hung on the tree? That's amazing if true.

If he did, he should face the consequences.

And if he did, it still doesnt excuse the actions of these criminals. Nor should it affect the sentencing.

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You're right. Black kids should be allowed to break the law if they feel they've been subjected to racism.


It seems there is a hell of a lot more to it then that. Seems that a black student was attacked by whites students and they were NOT charged. A black student was later threatened with a shotgun, again NO CHARGES. Blacks students protest peacefully and the DA shows up and threatens them. Then black students attack a white student... and suddenly face life in prison?

If the facts in that report are accurate then there is are some serious racial problems in that town. If the DA really did take a racist stances and look the other way when whites assaulted black students then he created this situation. If the law offers you no protection your choices are to take your beatings or fight back. That's different then how you chose to frame it. Ignoring context doesn't deliver justice.

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The Vick thing is definitely not racism. If you do something stupid as **** and get caught, you serve your time for it.

There aren't special exceptions because you are black or because someone feels sorry for you because you're a minority.

Vick is a grown man and knows the difference between right and wrong and he made a stupid decision.

I can't feel too bad for him.

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It seems there is a hell of a lot more to it then that. Seems that a black student was attacked by whites students and they were NOT charged. A black student was later threatened with a shotgun, again NO CHARGES. Blacks students protest peacefully and the DA shows up and threatens them. Then black students attack a white student... and suddenly face life in prison?

If the facts in that report are accurate then there is are some serious racial problems in that town. If the DA really did take a racist stances and look the other way when whites assaulted black students then he created this situation. If the law offers you no protection your choices are to take your beatings or fight back. That's different then how you chose to frame it. Ignoring context doesn't deliver justice.

Fighting back is one thing, attacking (6 on 1) another person who didnt start a fight with you is completely different.

Furthermore, an "independant reporter" talking to Democracy Now tv isnt quite what I would call unbiased and reliable.

If 2 black kids got beat up by white kids, that in no way excuses the actions of 6 OTHER black kids against one OTHER white kid.

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I do have to say one thing about the people posting comments on the "You Tube" sight. If they are going to say "free the Jena 6" and stop the racism, then they probably shouldn't throw out the term "cracker" and say things like "all these crackers have got it coming to ya". This isn't helping their cause in the slightest to have ignorant statements like that posted. I know it is a VERY sensitive issue to say the least, but common sense has to kick in sometime.

Back to the topic at hand. Yes the kids broke the law and yes they should be punished. It's been said many times before, you can't take the law into your own hands. However, this situation should have been dealt with a long time ago by the appropriate authorities and if the local authorities ignored it the plantiffs can always go higher for attention at a national level. Right now with them protesting to let the "Jena 6" free is almost like having them say "sure go ahead with your racist actions and slurs, we will just come and beat you to a pulp, because we feel like that's our right":rolleyes: . You do the crime, you do the time.

There's no reason and has never been a reason for people to be hanging nooses from trees to cause intimidation. All I guess I can say is welcome to the deep south:doh: . Makes me glad I'm from PA.

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It's been said many times before, you can't take the law into your own hands.

I think there are times when it is appropriate to take the law in your hands, particularly if that law was written by racists and fascists and designed to oppress and expand power. I don't know anything about this particular case, but I have spent enough time in the south to know that racism is alive and well, and is a lot more blatant than what most of us experience. Misdirected violence is certainly no way to solve problems, but I think it is inevitable in situations where people feel they have no other options.

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You're right. Black kids should be allowed to break the law if they feel they've been subjected to racism.


Did you really hear the story? The Black kids face a life term in prison for a school fight. Not just expulsion, but life time prison. Do you really think that's fair? :helmet:

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Did you really hear the story? The Black kids face a life term in prison for a school fight. Not just expulsion, but life time prison. Do you really think that's fair? :helmet:

fair? maybe not.

But certainly not racist.

Unless the law allows for 6 kids to beat up 1 kid at school.

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Did you really hear the story? The Black kids face a life term in prison for a school fight. Not just expulsion, but life time prison. Do you really think that's fair? :helmet:

I do believe the length of sentencing they are going after is extreme, but chances are they won't get anywhere close to that, that is just the maximum sentence.

I think there are times when it is appropriate to take the law in your hands, particularly if that law was written by racists and fascists and designed to oppress and expand power. I don't know anything about this particular case, but I have spent enough time in the south to know that racism is alive and well, and is a lot more blatant than what most of us experience. Misdirected violence is certainly no way to solve problems, but I think it is inevitable in situations where people feel they have no other options.

I agree with you on one point that racism is still big in the south, but it does go both ways. For instance, I spent several years in the south and I never felt so discriminated against as I did when I lived there, and by the way I am a white person. I'm not going to call it reverse racism, because I don't believe there is such a thing, it's just straight up racism.

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You don't think that selective enforcement of the laws can be racially motivated (assuming that is what happened here)?

If I accept that assumption, then the act of racism is the DA et al NOT arresting the white kids for battery and attempted murder.

It still doesnt make it racist to enforce the laws. Only to not enforce them.

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Fighting back is one thing, attacking (6 on 1) another person who didnt start a fight with you is completely different.

Furthermore, an "independant reporter" talking to Democracy Now tv isnt quite what I would call unbiased and reliable.

If 2 black kids got beat up by white kids, that in no way excuses the actions of 6 OTHER black kids against one OTHER white kid.

You keep framing this situation in a way that completely removes it from context. I'm sorry Kilmer but that's stupid and I know you're not an idiot. Why it happened and how it happened matters. So lets start by asking how badly injured was the student that was attacked by this mob? You'd think he'd be in pretty rough shape considering the stakes here right? WRONG.

Then, on Dec. 4, the six black students were accused of jumping Barker, and beating and kicking him at the high school. Barker was treated at a hospital emergency room and went to a school function that same night

Not everyday you see victims of mob attacks out on the social scene the very same night. Certainly puts the jail time discussed in a new perspective.

Second has anyone wondered what sparked the fight?

Allegedly, the white student had been allegedly racially taunting the black students in support of the students who hung the nooses"

If that's true then this is a case of "wtf did you expect"? Kilmer, using your brain, what does common sense tell us will happen if one were to go down to a racially charged area and toss racial slurs at a group of angry people? Makes it kind of hard to view this person as a victim.

Now that we've discussed the what and why let's take a step back and look at the bigger picture. What's the towns justice like?

Consistent with the tradition of biased law enforcement and prejudicial jurisprudence within Jena, prior to the beating of Barker, a member of the Jena Six, Robert Bailey, was beaten by white students at a party at the Jena Fair Barn on December 1, 2006.

According to Caseptla Bailey, Robert’s mother, the police officers responding to the scene told Robert and his black friends that they needed to get back to their part of town. No charges were pressed against the perpetrators of Robert Bailey’s beating.

The following day, Robert and two friends were at a local convenience store when Matt Windham, one of the white males who had attacked Bailey the previous evening, confronted them. A fight broke out, and Windham retrieved a sawed-off shotgun from his truck. Bailey was able to wrestle away the gun. Once again, no charges were pressed against the white perpetrator.

Well look at that. This towns law enforcement seemed to follow the old "white can assault blacks, blacks can't assault whites". The system made the students feel threatened. It allowed them to be attacked and threatened with firearms! But when a group of blacks bruise a white that tosses racial slurs at them... suddenly we need justice to come down hard?

Sorry but this case is ****ing outrageous. It's like we've taken a time machine to the "good ol days". People can try to dumb it down by framing it as a simple case of "don't do the crime if you can't do the time" but the thing such a simple minded approach misses is that the people dispensing "the time" are the racists creating the entire situation in the first place.

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If I accept that assumption, then the act of racism is the DA et al NOT arresting the white kids for battery and attempted murder.

It still doesnt make it racist to enforce the laws. Only to not enforce them.

Agreed, sorta. It still reflects racism.

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If I accept that assumption, then the act of racism is the DA et al NOT arresting the white kids for battery and attempted murder.

It still doesnt make it racist to enforce the laws. Only to not enforce them.

Actually it makes it extremely racist to enforce the laws. What the DA is doing is saying that it's ONLY ILLEGAL FOR BLACKS TO DO IT. That's racism.

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Des, you've created a situation where behavior can be excused because someone else was racist.

What if they had killed this kid? Would it still be okay?

They committed a crime. That's the bottom line. They didnt retaliate, they attacked.

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Des, you've created a situation where behavior can be excused because someone else was racist.

What if they had killed this kid? Would it still be okay?

They committed a crime. That's the bottom line. They didnt retaliate, they attacked.

They didn't kill him. They gave a racist ***** taunting them over hanging nooses from a tree a black eye. Get real.

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Actually it makes it extremely racist to enforce the laws. What the DA is doing is saying that it's ONLY ILLEGAL FOR BLACKS TO DO IT. That's racism.

Des, if a guy mugs me in a parking lot, can I beat your ass because your a guy?

Stop trying to excuse the actions of these 6 criminals beacuse other people are racist.

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They didn't kill him. They gave a racist ***** taunting them over hanging nooses from a tree a black eye. Get real.

You get real. Show me where this kid they attacked was the one that hung the nooses.

Furthermore, even if he DID hang the nooses, it still doesnt change the FACT that these 6 kids committed a crime.

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