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Who do you think needs the most work?


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After watching the first preseason game against the Titan's. I would have to say "Al Saunders" needs the most work. I have read a lot of post who criticized some of the players on their performances. But, when the wrong plays are being called, it's a little hard for your team to do good. You might have players do good on the play but the team is not. This isn't about if Al Saunders's play book is too big or too complex. It's about making the right calls against the opposing team at the right time. I would like to do a small break down of the play calling for string or QB.

Jason and 1st string

Poor play calling - very predictable. I even knew if it was going to be a run or pass play before they snapped the ball and where they were going to run and who was supposed to get the pass. That is why Jason threw or was going to throw (2 sacks) to his second or third check 12 out of 14 pass play. The defense knew who he was going to throw to too.

Mark and 2nd string

Very bad play calling - I don't know where to start on these two series of play calling. Yes, Mark's performance was lacking at best. But the play calls were terrible.

Todd and third string.

very good play calling - In the last 4 minutes of the game. That is when it seemed like it clicked to Al Saunders what the defencive coordinator was bringing to the game. Then, he made great calls and yes, Todd executed them very well. I don't think it was just Todd executing very good. I think it was great play calling too.

Before the last four minutes, we had no run or pass to speak of. That's when I think it clicked for Al Saunders. He used the short pass to the tight end to pull the LB off the line then Mason was able to run the ball.

I hope Al Saunders works on recognizing what theory the defencive coordinator brings to the game sooner. If he would of, I wonder what kind of impact we would of had utilizing Chris Cooley to drew the LB off the line and then Ladell Betts running?

But, I guess this is preseason and everybody has something they need to work on.

:logo: LVskinfan :logo:

35 year skins fan

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After watching the first preseason game against the Titan's. I would have to say "Al Saunders" needs the most work. I have read a lot of post who criticized some of the players on their performances. But, when the wrong plays are being called, it's a little hard for your team to do good. You might have players do good on the play but the team is not. This isn't about if Al Saunders's play book is too big or too complex. It's about making the right calls against the opposing team at the right time. I would like to do a small break down of the play calling for string or QB.

Jason and 1st string

Poor play calling - very predictable. I even knew if it was going to be a run or pass play before they snapped the ball and where they were going to run and who was supposed to get the pass. That is why Jason threw or was going to throw (2 sacks) to his second or third check 12 out of 14 pass play. The defense knew who he was going to throw to too.

Mark and 2nd string

Very bad play calling - I don't know where to start on these two series of play calling. Yes, Mark's performance was lacking at best. But the play calls were terrible.

Todd and third string.

very good play calling - In the last 4 minutes of the game. That is when it seemed like it clicked to Al Saunders what the defencive coordinator was bringing to the game. Then, he made great calls and yes, Todd executed them very well. I don't think it was just Todd executing very good. I think it was great play calling too.

Before the last four minutes, we had no run or pass to speak of. That's when I think it clicked for Al Saunders. He used the short pass to the tight end to pull the LB off the line then Mason was able to run the ball.

I hope Al Saunders works on recognizing what theory the defencive coordinator brings to the game sooner. If he would of, I wonder what kind of impact we would of had utilizing Chris Cooley to drew the LB off the line and then Ladell Betts running?

But, I guess this is preseason and everybody has something they need to work on.

:logo: LVskinfan :logo:

35 year skins fan

And i think that's his over all goal. Specific area's for specific players/units. Obviously the first unit isnt going to need to work on the plays and stuff they will use in the regular season, that's what the week before the game is for.

The second string guys are in the same boat imo, these guys have a weeks prep time to go over plays and what not that will be implimented into the actual play calling, depending on who we are playing.

3rd stringers NEED to run plays we could potentially use during the season because these are mostly bubble players who might not be here in a week and they need to see i they are going to be able to execute these types of plays, so if we are going to keep them, we need to know that they will be able to do what is asked.

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FYI -- This will be my 300th Post -- at long last I can get rid of that sad looking "Bench Warmer" avatar!!

The folks who need the most work are:

The offensive linemen -- more conditioning and raise their game a notch or two

The WRs -- Timing and get better in catching the catchable balls

The Special Teams -- Coverage is still 'iffy'

The Corners -- Still playing too soft, need to get up closer and challenge.

QBs Campbell and Brunell: Watch how Collins did it -- More quick decisions, and stop hanging onto the ball so long.

This is not about Saunders. It's about how well the players can manage what had been proven to be a top-shelf offensive system. The best time to check out whether the players can handle this, would be in pre-season.

If the players can't get the playbook, I suspect that Saunders will dial down the system, and make it simpler again. But in the long-run, our playoff chances would be better if we could run a Kansas City Chiefs type of offense along side a Gregg Williams defense.

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If Saunders has to decrease the size of the playbook he used in KC, what does that tell us about our guys, who are now going into their second season with it? Perhaps they aren't as super-smart as we thought.

I'm for keeping the playbook. KC put up a lot of yards and points using it. If our guys can't run it, find guys who can.

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I know no one wants to hear this, but isn't the preseason supposed to be predictable? There is no game plan, there are no real adjustments, it's just a practice game. It's a time used to work on things. And, might I add, possibly work on things that they are struggling with. They don't try to cover up any problems because now is the time to try to iron them out. You all are acting like it should be played like a playoff game.

Take a few deep breaths into the paper bag, and take it easy.

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Brunell if he's going to continue to be our #2

Now maybe I'm weird, but I don't think Brunell did SO bad against the Titans (what I mean is, bad yes, bad enough to make Collins our new #2? not yet). He did have some passes that were dropped by the receivers, and he did get some first downs.

That being said I didnt see him throw down the field much, if at all. We needed a score, so we need to get to the endzone. Brunell was not throwing towards the endzone, he was checking down. And seeing him use 2 timeouts like that didnt say much about his knowledge of the offense in my opinion.

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JC problem was brought on by the pass protection or lact of it. But this should be help once Samuels comes back. Todd Wade is still a big question mark.

I also notice that we still not getting to their qbs or causing turnovers.

But I am glad we win.

:point2sky "Here to swimming with short hairy women" :point2sky

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Does anyone get the feeling that Saunders called those plays for Collins because that's his boy and he wanted to make him look good to keep him from getting cut? After all, it was just a preseason game (Saunders' reasoning).

I don't know, but I'm calling Mulder and Scully to check into this possible conspiracy! :laugh:

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After watching the first preseason game against the Titan's. I would have to say "Al Saunders" needs the most work. I have read a lot of post who criticized some of the players on their performances. But, when the wrong plays are being called, it's a little hard for your team to do good. You might have players do good on the play but the team is not. This isn't about if Al Saunders's play book is too big or too complex. It's about making the right calls against the opposing team at the right time. I would like to do a small break down of the play calling for string or QB.

Jason and 1st string

Poor play calling - very predictable. I even knew if it was going to be a run or pass play before they snapped the ball and where they were going to run and who was supposed to get the pass. That is why Jason threw or was going to throw (2 sacks) to his second or third check 12 out of 14 pass play. The defense knew who he was going to throw to too.

Mark and 2nd string

Very bad play calling - I don't know where to start on these two series of play calling. Yes, Mark's performance was lacking at best. But the play calls were terrible.

Todd and third string.

very good play calling - In the last 4 minutes of the game. That is when it seemed like it clicked to Al Saunders what the defencive coordinator was bringing to the game. Then, he made great calls and yes, Todd executed them very well. I don't think it was just Todd executing very good. I think it was great play calling too.

Before the last four minutes, we had no run or pass to speak of. That's when I think it clicked for Al Saunders. He used the short pass to the tight end to pull the LB off the line then Mason was able to run the ball.

I hope Al Saunders works on recognizing what theory the defencive coordinator brings to the game sooner. If he would of, I wonder what kind of impact we would of had utilizing Chris Cooley to drew the LB off the line and then Ladell Betts running?

But, I guess this is preseason and everybody has something they need to work on.

:logo: LVskinfan :logo:

35 year skins fan

chill, the play call is vanilla cuz of preseason. if it follows into the regular season then you need to start whining. the one thing that really does worry me tho is the oline in general.

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I have to agree with you.

Personally, I think the O-Line and Jason need the most work. Jason needs to get his reads right, and get in better sync with the WRs, and TE.

He threw some good passes last pre-season game, but wasn't perfect or close to being season ready.

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I understand that you want to call out Saunders but I don't think he's the problem. The basic problem of this offense has been the execution of it. Coaches can yell, and curse until their blue in the face but if you don't players that execute the call then your going to have problems. In terms of the young offensive players, Stephon Heyer and Todd Wade needs the most work. JC didn't have much a pocket to throw out of. :helmet:

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Alrighty coach :) First of all a "check" (actually a check down is what it's called) is your escape valve which is normally your Back or TE. Your "reads" or "progressions" are your order of options when it comes to Receivers. Interesting that you could tell when we were going to run or pass. You have a gift :silly: I'm sure Al Saunders called a good game as it was pretty balanced play calling and we even mixed it up and threw on a couple running downs and tried to keep the D guessing without getting too fancy. Don't point the finger at the coordinator calling the game, point it at the players. Even if we were somewhat predictable it still doesn't excuse the fact that our Line got worked/beat, and that was the main issue Sat. IMO


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I'd have to say the CBs as well. There were times where it looked like they were playing almost 10 yards off before the snap. You'd think Tennessee had the Rams' old receiving corp from the Super Bowl days the way we were playing so far off. That and we were still giving up some intermediate stuff ::cough::Jimoh::cough:: I'm sure that will be a point of emphasis from here on out on defense.

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Cornerbacks, no question. Tivo'd the game and watched last night and was pleasantly surprised by Campbell. Despite all the negativity he really only had one bad throw, and was consistently giving our guys a chance to catch the ball despite the pressure. No big mistakes throwing a duck, or into traffic.

Cornerbacks, on the other hand...good lord! I don't remember a single deflection (by a cb), or even seeing someone catch a ball with a man right on him. All of their receivers had at least 3 yards between them and the nearest defender, and the Titans were basically playing pitch and catch all day long. Can't blame the D-line either, who seemed to be getting decent pressure most of the day.

Receivers are not exactly the Titans strong suit, and this was against Kerry Collins and Tim Ratay. So how exactly do we plan to stop the Cowboys?

We need to see a HUGE jump in play by the cornerbacks by the time the regular season rolls around, or else we'll be in for another season of teams passing all over us.

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You think any of our coaches read the advice we post here? I doubt it very much.

I REALLY hope not with some the threads and 'ideas' we get on here.

There is no real game planning for pre season games so I'd cut Al some slack here - but the point about in game adjustments is valid. It was a hall mark of Joe Gibbs teams first time around that we made great adjustments during the game - not so much this time around.

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