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JD Gibbs seems to imply in this article that Joe Gibbs may not coach after this year.


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Not sure I would read too much into it, but if nothing else, this is evidence to the contrary for anyone that was stupid enough to believe that Joe has no part in the racing operations.

His son may have the title....but when the drivers begin to fight with each other.....who gets called in, and flown down to try to resolve the differences--Joe does. When decisions have to be made regarding cars or drivers...who makes the decision? Joe does.

You have to wonder if his attention really isn't in Nascar more than it is with the Skins right now.

While he certainly wants the Skins to perform well, you know he is headed back to nascar the second he leaves Washington.

I wonder if Joe spends only an hour a day on nascar during the regular season--just a quick phone call on the way home or to Redskins Park in the mornings to his son to check things out.....or if it is more than just an hour a day.

Let the flaming begin.....people don't want to hear anything that upsets them.....but you know Belichick isn't worrying about fistfights between his nascar drivers right now. Like the other opposing coaches we are going to have to face this season.....he is concentrating on football.

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Not sure I would read too much into it, but if nothing else, this is evidence to the contrary for anyone that was stupid enough to believe that Joe has no part in the racing operations.

His son may have the title....but when the drivers begin to fight with each other.....who gets called in, and flown down to try to resolve the differences--Joe does. When decisions have to be made regarding cars or drivers...who makes the decision? Joe does.

You have to wonder if his attention really isn't in Nascar more than it is with the Skins right now.

While he certainly wants the Skins to perform well, you know he is headed back to nascar the second he leaves Washington.

I wonder if Joe spends only an hour a day on nascar during the regular season--just a quick phone call on the way home or to Redskins Park in the mornings to his son to check things out.....or if it is more than just an hour a day.

Let the flaming begin.....people don't want to hear anything that upsets them.....but you know Belichick isn't worrying about fistfights between his nascar drivers right now. Like the other opposing coaches we are going to have to face this season.....he is concentrating on football.

i rarely agree with you, but i agree with this post

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OM alluded in a thread that something had to have been distracting Gibbs during last season, and when that distraction apparently ended you could see Gibbs really take control of the team

Who knows what that was, but I would hope as with players Gibbs gets rid of this distraction quickly. I don't follow NASCAR at all so I have no clue what the state of Joe Gibbs racing is

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OM alluded in a thread that something had to have been distracting Gibbs during last season, and when that distraction apparently ended you could see Gibbs really take control of the team

Who knows what that was, but I would hope as with players Gibbs gets rid of this distraction quickly. I don't follow NASCAR at all so I have no clue what the state of Joe Gibbs racing is

Well they won this week and I think that's the first victory they've had this year. I think 2 out of their 3 drivers are positioned to be in the "chase for the cup" so at least they are consistently good.

I'm glad you mentioned the distraction angle. NASCAR ends right in the middle of November, and that's when it seems they turn it up.

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OM alluded in a thread that something had to have been distracting Gibbs during last season, and when that distraction apparently ended you could see Gibbs really take control of the team

Who knows what that was, but I would hope as with players Gibbs gets rid of this distraction quickly. I don't follow NASCAR at all so I have no clue what the state of Joe Gibbs racing is

Yes, and in that thread, when I mentioned Nascar....people went crazy on me.

Everyone came out saying Joe has absolutely nothing to do with the Nascar team....that his son does everything, and just uses Joe's name.

Wake up already people.

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Another thing

If the Redskins do go 5-11 again this year, it is clear Gibbs has to go

3 10 loss seasons in 4 years doesn't cut it

If he does, he better do it with dignity. No quitting like Parcells. He goes out on his own terms, whether he does it like Vermiel, and directly attribute to his health, or if he just takes up a managerial position.

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Yes Wasn't Tyler Gibbs diagnosed with cancer last year ... I know the anouncement came after the season but these things rumble on for quite some time and the anouncement was only made when the family was comfortable with the world knowing.....can you blame him for being distracted ?

Some people are bitter and like to take shots and make assumptions about peoples character knowing nothing . Maybe McD is right Gibbs is taking a paycheck from Mr Snyder and spending most of his time with his NASCAR team has little interest in winning with the Skins ...or maybe McD is clutching at straws

Also the article doesn't say how J.D. said his comments ... were they deadly serious or light hearted knowing how hard his dad suffered last year ...

Some people need to stop leaping on everything they read

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Not saying he had nothing to do with NASCAR but IMHO I think he trusts his kid enough to handle most of the day to day stuff. If there were something that could not be settled, I am sure he would offer input but I am not so sure he is into it as much as some might think.

You also have to take into account JG's work ethic, which is something that rarely changes in most people. He devotes himself to whatever job he is doing. Saying that he has more interest in his racing team than his football team is the same as saying he is just taking a paycheck from Snyder while he runs his race team. I don't think that is the Joe Gibbs that everyone knows and talks about.

All opinions are valid, but they are just that: opinions. I wouldn't be calling everyone else stupid unless it was common knowledge that the ordinary person would know about. It kind of makes people look less credible when they do that.

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OM alluded in a thread that something had to have been distracting Gibbs during last season, and when that distraction apparently ended you could see Gibbs really take control of the team

Who knows what that was, but I would hope as with players Gibbs gets rid of this distraction quickly. I don't follow NASCAR at all so I have no clue what the state of Joe Gibbs racing is

Sometimes it's just life, that makes distractions. You're a family man first, career man second. You used to put your job ahead of your family half of the year, then stepped away from that job for a decade to pursue other interests. You get the itch to come back, but your family still needs you. Your son needs your guidance in Nascar, you thought your other son wanted to coach football but that didn't pan out, your grandson is diagnosed with leukemia. You know what I think? I think Coach Gibbs just prays and works hard, and tries to help others the best he can. How many of you would put the company you work for ahead of your own family?

Does he have distractions? Of course he does, don't we all? But to think that bringing the Redskins organization back to glory is not one of his top priorities, is asinine. His track record shows otherwise. :2cents:

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Another thing

If the Redskins do go 5-11 again this year, it is clear Gibbs has to go

3 10 loss seasons in 4 years doesn't cut it

DING! The quote from the ESPN story sounds like something Joe himself would probably say. Although a lot of factors come into play during the season, Gibbs probably has a standard in mind record-wise to determine whether he stays on for a 5th year. I'm thinking that standard right now is around 7-9. Sure, Gibbs (and many of us) are expecting playoffs, but getting to 7-9 with a QB in his second year of playing time would probably be enough to keep Joe here in 2008. Anything less, however, and I think Joe probably will step down. The schedule-makers have given us a great opportunity this year in the early going to get off to at least a nice start toward at least a .500 season, if not better.

In relation to the thread, check out Czabe's column today. If McD5 didn't live in Florida, I would swear.............


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Well, my opinion is either Gibbs is seeing the light and now knows he needs to build through the draft or he will no longer be here next year. The main reason I allude to that is he has not traded away any draft picks for next year. If he leaves, the new guy can't say Joe left him with no draft picks. I hope he stays though.

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I really believe Joe Gibbs wants to return for his final season in 08', but that's contingent on us having a winning season, AND making the playoffs. If we go 5-11 again, or 6-10 like in 04', then absolutely Gibbs should and I believe will step down. 3 losing seasons out of 4??? forgetaboutit. But we do have a pretty sick team this year, and with Campbell feeling comfortable in our system, we should be one of the better teams in the NFC.

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Joe is about as involved with his NASCAR team as Snyder is in running the Redskins.

Snyder handles contract negotiations, is heavily involved in the draft, and attends every Skins home game. If Joe's that involved with NASCAR, he would have little time to run the team.

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Snyder handles contract negotiations, is heavily involved in the draft, and attends every Skins home game. If Joe's that involved with NASCAR, he would have little time to run the team.

Please, don't bring any common sense or rational thought into this. We have blind homers working in this thread.

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I hope I'm wrong, but I think this will be Gibbs' last season as head coach. He doesn't seem really happy right now and, while I did live through the glory years of his first tenure, I just have a feeling that we're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Maybe a good season will change things. But, right now, he really doesn't seem that happy.

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Joe is about as involved with his NASCAR team as Snyder is in running the Redskins.

Course, some here think Snyder is running things...


Sure thing Jason.....keep drinking the company propaganda kool-aid. Your throat sounds a little dry.

To deny that Gibbs has at least SOME involvement in the racing team he owns and funds, see article above where he was meeting with his top two drivers to quell a possible feud, one of two things must be true:

A. You are too dense, or have missed anyone of Joe's 15 plus appearances at Nascar events already this season. I find this unlikely, I know you aren't stupid. Or...

B. You continue to spew out the corporate line propaganda, even when facts showing otherwise are right in front of your face. Perhaps it is because you believe such actions will allow you to become a mod someday.

There is no disputing that Joe spends at least SOME of his time in the managing of his race car team. That cannot be disputed. The real question is how much if any, does this hurt the chances of the Washington Redskins.

This topic shouldn't upset the homers that were under the impression that Gibbs was really coaching this team like he did in his glory years. It has been obvious to everyone on earth that this wasn't the case.

In Gibbs 1, Gibbs actually called the plays. Or maybe you weren't a fan of the Redskins back then. See counter trey.

In Gibbs 1, Joe was famous for 60-80 hour work weeks....and he himself attributed his success to simply outworking the other coaches in the league. You get out what you put in. And Joe was putting in long work weeks.

These days, he is no longer doing the play calling. Saunders on offense, and Williams on defense. To even begin to argue that Gibbs has as much of a hands-on approach as he did back then is nothing short of ignorant.

However, I am sure someone will ignore facts, and will come in this thread claiming otherwise.

Gibbs is following in the footsteps of another one of the greatest coaches in the history of the sport--Bobby Bowden. The two have careers that are nearly identical. Same number of championships, same number of different qbs to get those championsips, and both are arguably the best ever at their job.

Bobby, like Joe, eventually relinquished play calling duties years ago. He now openly admits that "He coaches the coaches, and the coaches coach the players." Bobby now has very little to do with the day to day management of the players. Bobby no longer even holds regular meetings with his players....Ring a bell? It should.

Joe can call himself any title he likes. He is the greatest of all time and has earned it. But I don't know how many other "Head Coaches" are also splitting at least some time at Nascar. "Ambassador" might be a more appropriate job description at this time, and even more so in the future.

But cheer up, if the day ever does come where Joe returns back to racing--I don't think anyone predicts otherwise, his reason for leaving the Skins will tell the true story. If he says it is to devote more time to his true passion, nascar.....we will know that it isn't fair to compare Gibbs 1 vs. Gibbs 2, and that in fact when devoting 100%, he is still the greatest ever.


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DING! The quote from the ESPN story sounds like something Joe himself would probably say. Although a lot of factors come into play during the season, Gibbs probably has a standard in mind record-wise to determine whether he stays on for a 5th year. I'm thinking that standard right now is around 7-9. Sure, Gibbs (and many of us) are expecting playoffs, but getting to 7-9 with a QB in his second year of playing time would probably be enough to keep Joe here in 2008. Anything less, however, and I think Joe probably will step down. The schedule-makers have given us a great opportunity this year in the early going to get off to at least a nice start toward at least a .500 season, if not better.

In relation to the thread, check out Czabe's column today. If McD5 didn't live in Florida, I would swear.............


Wow, I usually disagree with 99% of the things that basher says. But he posted that article 12 hours after I posted mine......at least it appears he is getting smarter.

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Not sure I would read too much into it, but if nothing else, this is evidence to the contrary for anyone that was stupid enough to believe that Joe has no part in the racing operations.

His son may have the title....but when the drivers begin to fight with each other.....who gets called in, and flown down to try to resolve the differences--Joe does. When decisions have to be made regarding cars or drivers...who makes the decision? Joe does.

You have to wonder if his attention really isn't in Nascar more than it is with the Skins right now.

JD and to a lesser extent Jimmy Makar run the day to day operations. So yes it is expected that Joe Gibbs still be involved with his race teams at certain points during the year. You are missing the bus if you think Gibbs isn't doing everything he possibly can to win in his second tenure. To even imply or to blame Gibbs outside interests for last years failures is obsurd at best and if anything shows you don't watch or understand Redskins football.

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