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A good example against the Death Penalty


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MSF -It amazes me, frankly, how stupid some of your comments are. How about your mom? Is that ok if she was wrongly covinceted?

I've already commented on that. If I would find it alright for myself, why would I have a problem with it happening to my mother?

More importantly -You preach all the time about the risk of the goverment becoming too powerfull, but you belive that same goverment should put more people to death faster. Do you really not see a issue with that?

I've always believed that there are certain things that the government SHOULD be involved in. Obviously the JUSTICE system is one of them. Now if we could just get back to a JUSTICE system and away from the LEGAL system we have currently in place, I feel we'd be a lot better off.

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I've already commented on that. If I would find it alright for myself, why would I have a problem with it happening to my mother?

I've always believed that there are certain things that the government SHOULD be involved in. Obviously the JUSTICE system is one of them. Now if we could just get back to a JUSTICE system and away from the LEGAL system we have currently in place, I feel we'd be a lot better off.

You're not arguing for justice. You're advocating, essentially, gov't sponsored mass murder.

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I Do think anyone on Death Row who wants DNA testing done now, if it was not availbile at the time of his trail, should get it. Automaticly. Many states forbid that unless there is NEW evidence.

Some have argued that this would bog down the proccess. I don't think so. I mean, if you are guilty, and you know your guilty, and you are appeling anyway, your not going to request a DNA test that you know will just remove all doubt.

I agree with this last bit. If they request it, why not. It can't hurt. If they know they are guilty, their lawyer will probably not persue it.

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Once again MSF - I'm reminded of a quote that is very true, and that you should really learn. My apoligies to JD Salanger for not getting it perfect.

"The sign of a immature man is he wants to die for a nobal cause. The sign of a mature man is he wants to LIVE for a nobal cause".

Saying it's ok to wrongly convict you mom, or family, to prove a point, doesn't add weight to your argument. It make you look ... well... how about not mature or smart....

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I'm sorry, but if you have such a bleak existance, why are you still here? You don't seem to care for anybody or anything.

That's a very good question Goliath. On a number of occassions, one of which some of the members of this board can speak to having personally read about I have come very close to doing exactly what you suggest. At times I really wonder why I haven't yet.

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How about your kids and your beagle' date=' Marty? Huh? What about them?

Sure, it's all fun and games until someone sticks Marty into the electric chair.[/quote']

:laugh: :laugh:

They actually use an electric dog bed. Oh the cruelty

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That's a very good question Goliath. On a number of occassions, one of which some of the members of this board can speak to having personally read about I have come very close to doing exactly what you suggest. At times I really wonder why I haven't yet.

I sincerely hope you don't mean that and if you do I am deeply, truly sorry for your situation. Honestly. :(

However, that post automatically makes you not of sound enough mind to be in this discussion.

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That's a very good question Goliath. On a number of occassions, one of which some of the members of this board can speak to having personally read about I have come very close to doing exactly what you suggest. At times I really wonder why I haven't yet.

Seriously, you should get some help. It really is not my intention that you should end your own life, but you just sound like a complete depressed individual. I don't think that it's healthy to have the mentality that no one, or nothing is of any value. I wish you luck... :(

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Why does everyone associate someone wanting to kill themselves as not being in the right mind. I'm very well in my right mind and there were times where I thought long and hard about my life and often wondered if it was best if I were out of here. I have a lot to live for now (wife, home, etc), but I wasn't crazy, delusional or out of my mind. Actually now that I think about it, I was very much in my right mind at the time.

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msf, you're argument is that Govt sponsored revenge is acceptable.

I just disagree.

That's fine. We can agree to disagree. We've done so before. My arguement is that we're actually making people accountable for their actions. If you consider that "revenge" so be it.

On a practical level, the arguments IN FAVOR of the death penalty are outweighed by those opposed.

That's your take on the issue. I respect that. I just disagree with it.

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Why does everyone associate someone wanting to kill themselves as not being in the right mind. I'm very well in my right mind and there were times where I thought long and hard about my life and often wondered if it was best if I were out of here. I have a lot to live for now (wife, home, etc), but I wasn't crazy, delusional or out of my mind. Actually now that I think about it, I was very much in my right mind at the time.

First of all, you might not have been crazy, but you WERE delusional.

My comment didn't express that suicidal persons are not of sound mind (although I personally don't think they are), but they certainly are not of sound ENOUGH mind to judge whether someone else's life should end or not. You can't see this?

MSF is CLEARLY not of sound mind. I pray he gets help.

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That's fine. We can agree to disagree. We've done so before. My arguement is that we're actually making people accountable for their actions. If you consider that "revenge" so be it.

The problem that I, and a few others, have here is that you're perfectly ok with making people accountable for actions that they are not responsible for.

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The problem that I, and a few others, have here is that you're perfectly ok with making people accountable for actions that they are not responsible for.

BRAVO. This thread is about an innocent man that served NINETEEN years on DEATH ROW for nothing. MSF sees no flaw in that and would let him die an innocent man for political reasons. I'm losing more sympathy for him with every post.

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You can't leave. No one else fits into your chainmail.

That's not true. Maille' date=' is not generally that customized. Anyone in my general size range would fit into it with only the most minimal tailoring.

I sincerely hope you don't mean that and if you do I am deeply, truly sorry for your situation. Honestly. :(

As those who were here in November may remember, I came within a hair's bredth of doing just that at that time. The only thing that stopped me was the appearance of my roommate who removed the firearm from my hand before I could complete the activity.

Seriously, you should get some help. It really is not my intention that you should end your own life, but you just sound like a complete depressed individual. I don't think that it's healthy to have the mentality that no one, or nothing is of any value. I wish you luck... :(
MSF is CLEARLY not of sound mind. I pray he gets help.

No thanks. Been down that road before and it was no help whatsoever. After a year of treatment the doctor's assertion was that until I saw some good reason to change my way of viewing life and the world nothing he could do was going to change me. Now, almost twenty years later I still haven't found any reason to change, nor do I believe I will any time in the near future.

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The problem that I, and a few others, have here is that you're perfectly ok with making people accountable for actions that they are not responsible for.

Hey, then maybe these people shouldn't be hanging out in places and with people who might get them associated with this sort of crime. Or maybe they should be competent enough to be able to prove where they were, who they were with, and what they were doing the vast majority of the time.

I'm losing more sympathy for him with every post.

Please keep your worthless emotions like sympathy to yourself.

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No thanks. Been down that road before and it was no help whatsoever. After a year of treatment the doctor's assertion was that until I saw some good reason to change my way of viewing life and the world nothing he could do was going to change me. Now, almost twenty years later I still haven't found any reason to change, nor do I believe I will any time in the near future.
1. There's a reason why you always get second opinions.

2. You were 12 years old

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1. There's a reason why you always get second opinions.

Sorry, Barnum and Bailey have the only clowns I'm interested in seeing at this point in my life.

2. You were 12 years old

Yep, and in the last 20 years I've gotten older, grouchier, and more stuck in my views and ways than ever. You might as well try to carve petrified wood with a pocket knife as change my ways at this point.

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that's terrible. it makes me sick to think of the number of men and women in prison for crimes they didn't commit. i can't imagine having to deal with hardened criminals and prison culture for years on end. you come out a different person, and to what? he probably will struggle finding a job and that measly 20k/year sounds nice but i'm sure they'll tax the hell out of it. God bless him and his family for not giving up.

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Hey, then maybe these people shouldn't be hanging out in places and with people who might get them associated with this sort of crime. Or maybe they should be competent enough to be able to prove where they were, who they were with, and what they were doing the vast majority of the time.

I guess you didn't read my prior post or click on the link that I provided. :whoknows: Some people are victims to circumstances that are completely out of their control. Juan Catalan was no where near the murder scene. He had an alibi, and the game tickets to prove where he was at the time the murder took place. But that didn't seem to stop prosecutors from going after him. Nor did the fact that he could prove where he was stop prosecutors from jailing the man for 5 1/2 months. It was only by chance that he was video taped during the game. He doesn't fit into your neat little package and he isn't the only one who doesn't. And even if some people aren't "competent enough" :rolleyes: to prove where they were, if they are innocent of wrong doing, they don't deserve to be on death row. I'm sorry that you just can't see that.

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I honestly have no idea what to say to a person who has no sympathy for anyone and gets no joy out of life. Just don't take anyone with you.....

Not my style to take anyone with me. If it does happen it will likely be in a quiet corner of my room while I'm totally alone. No need to give the roommates another opportunity to stop the act or to force them to see it immediately afterwards.

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