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Pregnant girl Davis found dead, boyfriend charged....


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And you might want to see someone and learn why you're so bothered by someone else's view that differs from your own. It's called intolerance.. and you should try to move past that struggle.

True it used to bother me but like i said thats life and you are entitled to your own views. But my belief is that you have a few issues. :2cents:

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I'm not even going to dignify those assumptions with a point by point response... but I can tell by them that you yourself might suffer from a bit stereotyping and possible twinge of racism. Insulated rich white guy oblivious to the "struggle" eh?

...most likely because you're unable to do so. As usual, a demogogue retreats into anger and posturing when faced with facts. Great argument, you really carried the day with that one.:rolleyes: As for your comments about punching me in the mouth...well, that speaks for itself.

And FWIW I was wondering if that was you that I met at ASF's get together. Strangely enough, that meeting went into my NOT thinking of you as a racist. What made me draw the conclusions I did were your own hypocritical use of the race card while simultaneously criticising others for the same thing along with your myopic viewpoint on things.

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This guy probably shouldn't have been a police officer. Just my :2cents:


In 1998, Cutts was accused of breaking into Giavasis' home while she was inside with former NBA player Shawn Kemp of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Cutts pleaded no contest to a disorderly conduct charge and was sentenced to three years' probation.

Cutts married his wife, Kelly, in July 2001, two months after Breonna was born. They separated in 2003 while Cutts faced criminal charges after his police supervisors alleged he had given his gun to a drug-dealing cousin. Cutts was acquitted and an arbitrator ordered Canton to rehire him with back pay.

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Between this and Paris "I've found God" Hilton 's wall to wall news coverage ony leads creadance that the American newsmedia is dumbing down the population.Larry King will have sky-high ratings when see appears tommorrow while very few will tune in the Democratic debate the following night........at Howard University.:applause:

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Between this and Paris "I've found God" Hilton 's wall to wall news coverage ony leads creadance that the American newsmedia is dumbing down the population.Larry King will have sky-high ratings when see appears tommorrow while very few will tune in the Democratic debate the following night........at Howard University.:applause:

I'd watch the debate if they were having it at a white college. :)

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Every few weeks there is some nutcase white guy or gale who kills off the whole family. No one makes a big deal out of the fact that there were white people who did the killing, now its a black guy, and itz this big race issue. Dam that, Im not trying to here that crap. I dont give a good cot dam what color dude is, if you kill somebody, especially your family member (s), you need to be tortured and then shot, executioner style. Every issue regarding a minority should not be blown out of proportion into some big race issue. That s--t is stupid and its annoying.

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OK, I'll play. Where was your righteous indignation when the national news media turned a blind eye to missing persons who weren't "lucky" enough to be young white women?

I'm not going to tell you you are wrong because I also think minorities historically could have gotten a lot more coverage, BUT-


Stepha Henry. Front and center. I've also been hearing about her all day for ten days on MSNBC and CNN. She's a minority who's been missing as long or longer than Jessie Davis and she's getting TONS of press. (Thank God.)

I work for America's Most Wanted. I don't take your post as an insult, but I do want you to know that there are major organizations like us and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that search for and get the word out on ALL missing persons regardless of color or creed.

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Still not sure why this pos is still breathing. Please spare the tax payers the expense of his jail time, and put him to death. How much would a deer slug cost? Shoot this worthless scumbag, no wait. Put him to use. Set up a pay per view, put him in a cage versus a lion, or a croc, or a gorilla, see how tough he is. Put the money from the PPV towards paying for his MULTIPLE kids that he was a lousy dad to.

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Still not sure why this pos is still breathing. Please spare the tax payers the expense of his jail time, and put him to death. How much would a deer slug cost? Shoot this worthless scumbag, no wait. Put him to use. Set up a pay per view, put him in a cage versus a lion, or a croc, or a gorilla, see how tough he is. Put the money from the PPV towards paying for his MULTIPLE kids that he was a lousy dad to.

How about one on one against Kimbo Slice?

Actually jail is a death sentence for this tool.........A police officer in jail is a target of the inmates and add to that he killed a woman and his unborn child means this guy is goin to get his....Watch your back and stay in your cell and remember not to drop the soap in the shower.

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The problem I have with him going to jail is that its going to cost tax payers money to keep him alive. This was a haneous(sp) crime. I'm a big believer in the death penalty. To me there is no point to life sentences, or multiple life sentences. Its just a financial burden, that the government should not have to pay for. The families of the person's committing the crimes should bear some responsibility for their stay in prison. Regardless, put this guy to death. Draw him and quarter him. Sounds about right.

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The problem I have with him going to jail is that its going to cost tax payers money to keep him alive. This was a haneous(sp) crime. I'm a big believer in the death penalty. To me there is no point to life sentences, or multiple life sentences. Its just a financial burden, that the government should not have to pay for. The families of the person's committing the crimes should bear some responsibility for their stay in prison. Regardless, put this guy to death. Draw him and quarter him. Sounds about right.
Who says he's not going to get the death penalty? I think it's almost guaranteed that he will be charged with capital murder and the death penalty is certainly legal in Ohio.
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See thats the problem. The whole judicial system needs to be reworked. There should not be years and years that pass before you're put to death. I'm not saying to randomly start killing people, unless you're serving a life sentence, but in an iron clad case, where DNA evidence proves the person committed the crime, the person charged with the crime should go from the courtroom right to the gas chamber. No appeals, nothing like that. Punishment should fit the crime.

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See thats the problem. The whole judicial system needs to be reworked. There should not be years and years that pass before you're put to death. I'm not saying to randomly start killing people, unless you're serving a life sentence, but in an iron clad case, where DNA evidence proves the person committed the crime, the person charged with the crime should go from the courtroom right to the gas chamber. No appeals, nothing like that. Punishment should fit the crime.

But we're a nation of laws, hence appeals.

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Get rid of the appeals. Jesse Davis didn't get a chance to appeal, and neither did her baby. There should not be any such thing as prisoners rights. Sorry, once you violate another person's right to LIVE, you forfeit your right to appeal.

Straight to Mr. Sparky for you Cutts.

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I work for America's Most Wanted. I don't take your post as an insult, but I do want you to know that there are major organizations like us and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that search for and get the word out on ALL missing persons regardless of color or creed.

That's not going to matter to some here Chachie ... but many here know why some cases are covered and other aren't. Typically... it's the squeaky wheel getting the grease... the more organized the family and community effort ... the quicker the national media descends on the town to make it a national story. Believing the spotlight is placed based solely on race is .... well... misguided.

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That's not going to matter to some here Chachie ... but many here know why some cases are covered and other aren't. Typically... it's the squeaky wheel getting the grease... the more organized the family and community effort ... the quicker the national media descends on the town to make it a national story. Believing the spotlight is placed based solely on race is .... well... misguided.

Yeah, cause we all know non-whites aren't very organized right? That and they don't care about their families as much as whites do. Heck, everybody knows that. :doh:

Then how do you explain this?

When police in Spartanburg, S.C., began investigating the 24-year-old woman's disappearance, her loved ones swung into action. They distributed fliers, held news conferences and set up a Web site. Huston's story became a cause célèbre in the local media.

Rebkah Howard, Huston's aunt and a public relations professional in Miami, tried to get the national media interested in the case. "I spent three weeks calling the cable networks, calling newspapers — even yours," Howard said this week.

Not much happened.

Yeah, I guess a PR person probably didn't know how to get in touch with the media. Worse, it sounds like her family didn't do much to get any attention. Yep, you're right, it is all about the squeaky wheel. What was I thinking?

So then how do you explain this?

What is known about Shelton John Sanders must be reconstructed from police reports, interviews and articles in his hometown newspaper, The Sumter Item; no other newspaper has ever written about him, except for passing mentions and the occasional brief roundup note.

Dail Dinwiddie had already been missing for nine years (emphasis added) when Sanders disappeared in June 2001; her case was about as cold as cold cases get. But just since that day — never mind the previous nine years — at least six full-length articles examining her disappearance have appeared in South Carolina’s biggest newspapers, one of them 3,200 words long.(emphasis added)

Two bright, ambitious students at the main state university disappear in the same town, under similar circumstances. One of them becomes “an inescapable name and face,” in the words of The Greenville News. The other is largely forgotten. No one can say why with absolute certainty.

But there is one unavoidable difference between the two cases: Dail Dinwiddie is a white woman. Shelton Sanders is a black man.

Strangely enough, almost the only time the national media seems to sit up and take notice about missing non-whites is when Sharpton or Jackson shows up and start asking questions. So, even though they're opportunists perhaps they do serve some useful purpose.

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